Finanční situace lidí v důchodovém věku
Chabinioková, Anežka
The bachelor thesis deals with the financial situation of people of retirement age. The first part of the thesis defines the basic concepts, which are then put in connection with the theme of the thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on a research problem that further develops research questions. The research is based on the method of semi-structured interview. Based on the results of the in-terviews, the work includes recommendations for people of retirement age and for employers.
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The role of competition and interest rate on over-indebtedness in the microfinance Industry
Binney, Othniel
The main aim of the paper is to determine the role of competition and high interest rate on customer over-indebtedness. Over-indebtedness here defined, from a customer-protection perspective, as continuously struggling with debt repayment and experiencing unacceptable sacrifices related to the debt. To achieve this, a total of ten microfinance firms were selected from the study area, as well as 85 microfinance customers using a random and cross-sectional collection of data. Analysis of the data showed that even though there is a high level of competition among the microfinance firms, this has not exerted any downward pull on interest rates charged to benefit customers. Secondly, clients are more concern about repayment regimes and prevailing macroeconomic conditions than the interest charged on loans. Customer characteristics such as employment status and financial literacy were found to be directly related to possibility of over-indebtedness. Finally the study noted that interest rates of microfinance firms in Ghana have been steadily declining, even the though county has one of the highest microfinance interest rates in the world.
Řešení nedostatku finančních prostředků v různých typech domácností v ČR
Pavézková, Lenka
The diploma thesis deals with the identification of forms solution for the absence of financial funds in different types of households in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part focuses on the consumer behaviour of households and the factors influencing the consumption. The practical part is based on qualitative research which analyse the structure of income and spending of households and their consumer preferences. It recognizes the main reasons leading households to saving, lending and using of financial products. A significant part of the diploma thesis is focused on the issue of financial literacy. Research sample was consisted of 18 households, for one month households had to recorded income and spending into the diaries. Diary survey was supplemented with in-depth interviews (n = 18). Gained information allowed to deduce conclusions and to formulate recommendations for institutions acting in the financial markets.
Studie úrovně finanční gramotnosti v České republice
Hrabovská, Marie
HRABOVSKÁ, M. Study of the level of financial literacy in the Czech Republic. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2014 This bachelor thesis aims at providing an analysis of projects and activities promoting financial literacy in the Czech Republic. As a first approach, this paper deals with a general introduction to the topic of financial education and the characteristics of organizations which are involved in this field. It is based on criteria which help making comparison between the activities developed in the Czech Republic and the Kingdom of Belgium in favour of financial literacy. As for a conclusion, the last part of this document evaluates the level of awareness of financial education in both studied countries and is followed by recommendations.
Oddlužení jako způsob řešení úpadku dlužníka
Šenkyřík, Jan
Šenkyřík, J. Discharge of debts as one of the possible solutions to bankruptcy. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2016. The theme of this bachelor thesis is insolvency in Czech Republic with emphasis on the mechanisms of personal bankruptcy and its economic aspects. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to theoretical background of debts and to description of legal regulations regarding insolvency in Czech Republic, Act No. 182/2006 Coll., on Bankruptcy and Its Resolution (Insolvency Act). The second part of this thesis then gives an overview in relation to extent of usage of this mechanism, reviews the aspects of related legislation and last but not least analyses the process of said mechanism with the use of real examples in practice.
Finanční gramotnost dospívajících
Vítek, Pavel
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of financial literacy among the Czech Republic population and the financial education. The thesis compares different financial literacy surveys carried out by third subjects and identifies the means of financing its support. As a practical part of this thesis, the survey of financial literacy among high school third and fourth year students and expert interviews with qualified teachers have been conducted. On the basis of the obtained research results, recommendations on increasing target group's financial literacy are suggested.
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Finanční gramotnost jako nástroj pro snižování zadluženosti domácností
Čiklová, Veronika
This bachelor thesis deals with the indebtedness of Czech households and the level of financial literacy of the Czech population. The theoretical part describes the de-velopment, structure, negative impacts of the indebtedness and, in particular, the main economic factors affecting loans to households. Further work identified rela-tionship between indebtedness and financial literacy and described steps taken to increase financial literacy through financial education. The core of the work is the analysis of the impact of selected factors on household indebtedness. Based on re-sults is predicted future development of the indebtedness of Czech households and also are designed recommendations to increase the financial literacy of Czech households.