Locating and counting people using radio networks
Varanai, Lukáš ; Zamazal, Michal (referee) ; Valach, Soběslav (advisor)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is the design and implementation of an application for locating people in indoor spaces. The thesis provides an overview of the available technologies, methods, user device hardware options and programming languages for the purpose of creating a mobile phone application. Subsequently, the design and implementation of an application for person localization and test measurements is discussed. The thesis concludes with a summary of the functionality of the implemented application and suggestions for future improvements.
Utilizing wearable devices for digitizing the 3D motion of an athlete during strength training
Vitková, Emma ; Holcman, Vladimír (referee) ; Tofel, Pavel (advisor)
In the field of wearable devices aimed at monitoring physical activity and health, technological advances have provided new opportunities for the analysis of sport and physical training. With the help of Movella DOT inertial sensors, it was possible to obtain the position from the acceleration and then digitize the movement of the athlete performing the selected exercises of shoulder press, squat and deadlift. The obtained positionof the selected sensor on the wrist was compared with the position of the reference system from the company Qualisys with the help of a marker placed on the given sensor. After calculating the absolute distance of the maximum and minimum distance for both devices, it was found that after applying the statistical test, there are no significant statistical differences between the calculated distances for both devices. Next, the obtained displacement was applied to the model, which demonstrated digitized movement in 3D space. However, it is obvious that the number of five used sensors for digitizing the whole body is not sufficient, which led to slight differences between digital and real movement.
Application for Demonstrating Principles of Hybrid Sound Synthesis
Prokop, Šimon ; Indrák, Michal (referee) ; Schimmel, Jiří (advisor)
The master thesis deals with the description and application of the main principles of sound signal generators contained in hybrid synthesizers. The individual methods and ways of generating audio signals were first studied and based on the theory, scripts were then created in Matlab to demonstrate the principle functions of the individual generators. Based on the logic of these scripts, a polyphonic hybrid synthesizer was created in VST3 format in the C++ language with the JUCE framework. The synthesizer allows the user to choose between basic readout methods Wavecycle and Wavetable, audio signal filtering or oversampling of the overall signal process.
Very Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding Based on Neural Networks
Jochman, Stanislav ; Malenovský, Vladimír (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Vrámci tejto práce sme skúmali možnosti zlepšenia kvality zvuku produkovaným pomocou neurónovej siete LPCNet. Analyzovali sme vplyv použitia dátových setov zameraných na cieľový jazyk a ich vplyv na kvalitu výsledného zvuku. Pre meranie kvality kódovania reči sme využili hodnotiaci systém WARP-Q. Cieľom našej práce bolo navrhnúť vylepšenie trénovacieho dátového setu a použitie postfilterov pre zlepšenie kvality zvuku. Naše výsledky ukazujú merateľné zlepšenia s využitím malého slovenského dátového setu. Rovnako sme zaznamenali, že využitie dolnopriepustného filteru a filtra zlepšujúceho formanty zlepšilo kvalitu výsledného zvuku.
Distributed Tool for Extraction of Information from Network Flows
Sedlák, Michal ; Grégr, Matěj (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
This work deals with the extraction of information from flow records that are the result of network monitoring by the IPFIX system. The goal of the work is to design a tool that allows querying stored network flows created by the open-source collector IPFIXcol2. Querying is performed with the highest possible efficiency and performance in mind, which is achieved by using appropriate data structures and thread-level parallelization, as well as by using multiple machines.
QRS complex detector in ECG signals
Kosíř, Kamil ; Vítek, Martin (referee) ; Smital, Lukáš (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to introduce issues and basic principles of QRS complex detection in ECG signals. This work is separated into several parts. The first part deals with anatomy and functions of the heart, for example the emergence and spread of potentials. The next part includes distribution ECG leads and explanation of ECG signal. Afterwards are described some detectors of QRS complex. The main part of this work is realization of two algorithms implemented in Matlab program. The first detector is based on squaring algorithm and the the second is based on a spreading of the signal into several frequency bands. The effectivness of both detectors is tested on signals from CSE library at the end of the work.
Application for Recognition of Human Eye Retina
Drozd, Radek ; Hájek, Josef (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
The blood vessels layout in a human eye retina is unique for every person in the world, so it is one of important biometric characteristics. Processing of colour retina image may be a part of an intended biometric system. There is an algorithm for automatic blood vessels detection, optic disc and macula localisation, finding of bifurcation points and saving those as a biometric template presented in this bachelor's thesis. C++ programming language and OpenCV library were used for implementation. The application was tested on a set of colour retina images, taken by fundus camera. The final application is supposed to run on a digital signal processor, developed by Texas Instruments. The thesis gives the introduction into biometrics, signal processing and human eye anatomy.
GUI to FFmpeg for Building a Filter Graph
Klimaj, Daniel ; Klíma, Ondřej (referee) ; Bařina, David (advisor)
This work deals with implementation of applications with a graphical user interface for creating filter graph in FFmpeg. The work includes a design of a solution which contains a design of a graphical user interface and object model representation of the filter graph, as well as a description of the implementation zhotovenje on the basis of these designs. Part of this work is a comparison of the achieved result with existing solutions.
Implementation of Waveshaper Audio Effect
Leitgeb, David ; Miklánek, Štěpán (referee) ; Schimmel, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is the implementation of a non-linear audio effect called waveshaper. This type of distortion effect contains the following building blocks: user defined transfer function, several types of filters and an oversampling processor with multiple stages of oversampling. The first prototype of this audio effect was implemented using Matlab and its Audio Toolbox extension. Due to certain limitations of this prototype, the whole audio effect was later completely rewritten in C++. This new implementation uses the JUCE framework which is mainly used for audio application development. The transition to this framework allowed real time editing of the transfer function and a VST3 build of the effect. In addition to a brief introduction of the used system types, motivation for oversampling and the description of the implementation for both prototypes, this thesis also includes graphical examples demonstrating their correct functionality. Audio files related to these examples are included in the electronic attachment.
IP Flow Filter
Štoffa, Imrich ; Krobot, Pavel (referee) ; Wrona, Jan (advisor)
This thesis is focused on unification of filtering languages used by IP flow collecting program and library for their analysis. At the moment these implementations use different filtering modules and file formats. Because of this, inconsistencies in results arise and as a response to this, creation of one filtering module was proposed as part of effort to better integrate collection and analysis of IP flows using these programs. The one filtering module aims to provide one implementation and support for popular filtering language for use in the programs. Thesis contains theoretical introduction to flow monitoring in networks, describes algorithms useful for evaluation of conditions on flow records and packets. The core of authors work is design and implementation of the filtering module and its wrappers for the collector and analysis library. Results of performance tests and evaluation of features can be found in the thesis's conclusion.