National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Management of intellectual capital using modern metod
Klusák, Aleš ; Bačík, Petr (referee) ; Němeček, Petr (advisor)
Dissertation thesis deals with the management of intellectual capital in a company, its level and the current state of the environment of our companies, with the help of modern methods of management and especially management skills. It is a very current topic. The current development of the society and its transformation into the information society can be characterized as a transition from the era of competitive advantage based on information to the era of competitive advantage based on the creation, storage and use of knowledge. Knowledge is today becoming a critical strategic resource for business activities and other economic development of organizations. The aim of this dissertation thesis is to access the level of awareness of knowledge management in the environment of companies operating in the Czech Republic and try to propose a set of recommendations, on which companies will be able to proceed with implementation, respectively improving the level of knowledge management in their practice. Dissertation thesis is based on the theoretical background obtained during the secondary research, focuses on the general concept of knowledge management, its most important parts such as definition of data, information and knowledge, knowledge worker, the internal culture of organization and implementation options. It also focuses on current situation and obstacles, that hinder the implementation of knowledge management into our societies. Another part is devoted to primary research, whereby are set conclusions and recommendations to address issues, leading into the last part with its own set of proposals. The last part is also devoted to its own contributions to science, practice and educational process.
FEM for fast machining simulation
Šeda, Pavel ; Madaj, Martin (referee) ; Zouhar, Jan (advisor)
The work will be focused on FEM for fast machining simulation. Introduction described the theoretical basis of FEM. The various methods (implicit, explicit) and the individual programs (ANSYS Ls-Dyna, Abaqus, Deform, AdvantEdge). At the end of the model calculation will be made for orthogonal cutting, which will be created in Ansys Worbench, counted in a computer program LS-DYNA and the results displayed in the LS-PrePost.
Management of intellectual capital using modern metod
Klusák, Aleš ; Bačík, Petr (referee) ; Němeček, Petr (advisor)
Dissertation thesis deals with the management of intellectual capital in a company, its level and the current state of the environment of our companies, with the help of modern methods of management and especially management skills. It is a very current topic. The current development of the society and its transformation into the information society can be characterized as a transition from the era of competitive advantage based on information to the era of competitive advantage based on the creation, storage and use of knowledge. Knowledge is today becoming a critical strategic resource for business activities and other economic development of organizations. The aim of this dissertation thesis is to access the level of awareness of knowledge management in the environment of companies operating in the Czech Republic and try to propose a set of recommendations, on which companies will be able to proceed with implementation, respectively improving the level of knowledge management in their practice. Dissertation thesis is based on the theoretical background obtained during the secondary research, focuses on the general concept of knowledge management, its most important parts such as definition of data, information and knowledge, knowledge worker, the internal culture of organization and implementation options. It also focuses on current situation and obstacles, that hinder the implementation of knowledge management into our societies. Another part is devoted to primary research, whereby are set conclusions and recommendations to address issues, leading into the last part with its own set of proposals. The last part is also devoted to its own contributions to science, practice and educational process.
FEM for fast machining simulation
Šeda, Pavel ; Madaj, Martin (referee) ; Zouhar, Jan (advisor)
The work will be focused on FEM for fast machining simulation. Introduction described the theoretical basis of FEM. The various methods (implicit, explicit) and the individual programs (ANSYS Ls-Dyna, Abaqus, Deform, AdvantEdge). At the end of the model calculation will be made for orthogonal cutting, which will be created in Ansys Worbench, counted in a computer program LS-DYNA and the results displayed in the LS-PrePost.

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