The Issues of Exceptional Punishment
Frantíková, Daniela ; Tlapák Navrátilová, Jana (advisor) ; Vokoun, Rudolf (referee)
THE ISSUES OF EXCEPTIONAL PUNISHMENT Abstract This diploma thesis deals with comprehensive assessment of the issues of exceptional punishment. The introductory part focuses on the historical development of the form of exceptional punishment in the Czech Republic, from the death penalty, which was for a long time a universal punishment, through its transformation into an exceptional punishment, to its abolition and replacement by life imprisonment. The thesis follows the definition of the concept and purpose of punishment with a detailed description and evaluation of the current legal regulation of exceptional punishment, including the conditions for imposing both forms of this sentence, which are imprisonment for over 20 to 30 years and life imprisonment. The case-law of the Supreme Court, which has explained further the conditions for imposing it, is discussed. Also related criminal law institutions, such as parole or appeals, are explained and how they specifically relate to life sentence. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the execution of exceptional sentence. Statistics on convicted prisoners, the legal regulation of the execution of exceptional punishment and trestment programmes in prisons are presented. The thesis puts emphasis on the psychological and social effects that imprisonment has on...
As is reflected in the total institution life
Babková, Johana ; Šmídová, Olga (advisor) ; Kurucová, Ľubica (referee)
The subject of this thesis is a description and analysis of life imprisonment prisoners' daily life. The thesis deals with wider integration of daily life in jail. The jail as an institution and its impact on prisoners' life is described in theory. Problems of life imprisonment, key words connected with daily reality of total institutions and jail as a formal organization are also analysed. This work points out the lost of life imprisonment prisoner's identity and the importance of process adaptation in it. That means that life in jail is connected to identity lost during his collision with total institution. This process of identity lost is obvious particularly in of life imprisonment prisoners. In theoretical part of this thesis I derive from references of sociologists who work with topics of total institutions, stigmatization, moral career, technique of power and other sociological concepts. I try to show the impact of punishment on one's identity, what strategies of dealing with stress prisoners use and the whole picture of prisoner's personality impacted by the isolation from outer world to the end of the life. I would like to summarize the daily routine of life imprisonment prisoner. I suppose that this thesis doesn't give unambiguous conclusions but I would like to expound this sphere and...
The Issues of Exceptional Punishment
Krajňáková, Viera ; Tlapák Navrátilová, Jana (advisor) ; Galovcová, Ingrid (referee)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Law Ing. Viera Krajňáková THE ISSUES OF EXCEPTIONAL PUNISHMENT Diploma thesis Abstract The Supervisor of Diploma thesis: doc. JUDr. Jana Tlapák Navrátilová, Ph.D. Department of Criminal Law Date of elaboration of Diploma thesis (closing the manuscript): 6. 9. 2021 THE ISSUES OF EXCEPTIONAL PUNISHMENT ABSTRACT The diploma thesis is focused on the description and evaluation of the basic forms of exceptional punishment, as they are known by the Czech legal system and legal systems of selected European states. The introductory part deals with the meaning and purpose of the institution of punishment as such and the basic streams of thought dealing with the justification of punishment as an intentional harm caused to the offender for the committed crime. The second part of the thesis analyzes the historical development of the types of punishments in relation to the development of its function, from various physical punishments through the death penalty to the modern imprisonment of a limited duration or for life. In the following sections, I tried to describe and evaluate the death penalty itself from the point of view of its conformity with the basic human rights, from the point of view of arguments presented by retentionists and abolitionists, its current use in various...
Sentence od Life Imprisonment
Life imprisonment presents the most severe penalty that can be imposed according to the Czech legislation. It belongs to the system of capital punishments and the extreme severity of its imposition is subject to the legislator himself. In the Czech Republic, the imposition of life imprisonment is a unique phenomenon. A meticulous attention should be thereby paid to its legislation, which is exceptionally complex in the Czech Republic. It is equally important to provide persons who are serving the term of life imprisonment with social services, aid and a social worker, who plays one of the most important roles in the life of the convicted. The social worker enables the convicted to communicate with the social environment outside the penitentiary, to communicate with public administration bodies and, in addition, he provides the convicted with follow-up social services after his/her release or while serving the term. These services aim at the quality improvement of the life of the convicted. This bachelor thesis presents a document that may serve future social workers in the prison service as a supplementary material to their studies and work. It includes the overview of important information that the specific social worker should know and subsequently develop. This thesis encompasses the legislation of both - life imprisonment and social work and associated rights and duties. Moreover, this thesis defines specific terms that the social worker should know and understand - the treatment of prisoners and treatment programmes in particular. The thesis followed the method of document analysis, the analysis of laws, judicature, scholarly journals and books. It synthetises pieces of information that are necessary for a social worker to know and understand. The legislation of life imprisonment is carefully drafted in the Czech Republic, which tremendously helped me with dealing with related laws and regulations. 7 On the other hand, what surprised me was a lack of documents related to the legislation governing the social work in the prison service. In my opinion, this lack of documents in the designated area needs to be completed.
Death penalty
Jenerálová, Nela ; Tlapák Navrátilová, Jana (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
This thesis deals with the insitute of death penalty, from the point of view of international, european and national law. Thesis is focused on a few main areas, it describes the concept and function of punishment in general, the historical developement of capital punishment, especially in czech lands, the current legislation related to the issues, regulation of the death penalty in selected states of the world, the issues of an exceptional punishment including legal requirements for its storage, methods of capital punishment which were used in the past including present methods, public opinion on death penalty and especially the arguments for and against the death penalty from the perspective of author. The issues of an exceptional punishment is described more in detail in thesis, because author considers this issues an adequate alternative for capital punishment.
As is reflected in the total institution life
Babková, Johana ; Šmídová, Olga (advisor) ; Kurucová, Ľubica (referee)
The subject of this thesis is a description and analysis of life imprisonment prisoners' daily life. The thesis deals with wider integration of daily life in jail. The jail as an institution and its impact on prisoners' life is described in theory. Problems of life imprisonment, key words connected with daily reality of total institutions and jail as a formal organization are also analysed. This work points out the lost of life imprisonment prisoner's identity and the importance of process adaptation in it. That means that life in jail is connected to identity lost during his collision with total institution. This process of identity lost is obvious particularly in of life imprisonment prisoners. In theoretical part of this thesis I derive from references of sociologists who work with topics of total institutions, stigmatization, moral career, technique of power and other sociological concepts. I try to show the impact of punishment on one's identity, what strategies of dealing with stress prisoners use and the whole picture of prisoner's personality impacted by the isolation from outer world to the end of the life. I would like to summarize the daily routine of life imprisonment prisoner. I suppose that this thesis doesn't give unambiguous conclusions but I would like to expound this sphere and...
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