National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Venkov a kulturní dědictví na příkladě Zlínského kraje
Svitko, Matěj
This thesis aims to the material and ethereal culture in the Zlín region with the emphasis on the countryside. The culture includes wide variety of terms, which are subject to the theoretical part of this thesis. In the other parts is adduced common characteristic, cultural and historical context and future developments of Zlín region. The emphasis is placed on the definition of cultural phenomenon in theoretical and practical level. Furthermore, I dealt with financial capacity in cultural department. In the summary of this thesis I sum up the findings, which I find out during the field work.
The term of Palimpsest and Intertextuality in the Antropological-ethnological analysis of urban space
Ondrák, Vít ; Marcelli, Miroslav (advisor) ; Švantner, Martin (referee)
The thesis called The term of Palimpsest and Intertextuality in the Antropological- ethnological analysis of urban space focuses on examination of urban space from the point of view of the metaphorical conception of the term text, intertext and palimpsest. By extending the meaning of the term text from the original concept in literary science to broader layers of reality, it is possible to apply it to urban space, and then read it as an urban text. Due to the fact that the urban environment consists of many layers, it becomes an interesting solution for its complex grasp to use the term palimpsest and intertext. The first theoretical part aims to explain these concepts. The second theoretical part deals with anthropological and ethnological approaches to urban space, while the perspective of the individual who walks through the city and lets it affect becomes essential for this walker. The content of the third, applied part is then the specific space of the Nuselské údolí (Nusle valley) and its immediate surroundings, within which the individual becomes a player in the game between space and his perception. The individual layers of the environment are examined from the perspective of concepts and anthropological-ethnological approaches, which, however, do not provide a complete and exhaustive...
Earthen Threshing Floor Construction
Novotný, Martin
Earthen threshing floors were a traditional floor construction placed in working sections of barns. They were based on cob. Cob is thoroughly homogenized mud mixed with chopped straw, chaff, and tow. According to regional customs, one could also use other admixtures, such as beef blood and animal hair. The earthen threshing floor was an example of an extremely stressed floor which had to carry high load during manual threshing with flails, when grains were separated from their husks (chaff). A flexible and tough floor was required, which could not peel off to reach the highest effectiveness of this activity and to avoid grain losses during the threshing process. The submitted methodology deals with two techniques for a double-layer construction of earthen threshing floor with a coated surface. Both cases include the production of mud dough and the double-layer construction of earthen threshing floor on an adapted subbase, which consists of round pebbles or coarse gravel set in moistened subbase. Then a layer of manually compacted homogenized mud dough is spread over the rammed round pebbles / gravel. Both layers are of the same height.
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Earthen Plaster (cob) on Timber Framing of Traditional Buildings: preparation, application and maintenance
Novotný, Martin
The submitted methodology presents an instruction to produce and apply earthen plaster cob on log houses, or on walls made from woven lattices of wooden strips. After gaining necessary routine and skills, the submitted building technique is very effective for manual work. The submitted technique is intended for the application of two-layer anchored and not-anchored earthen plaster (cob). Anchored plaster is applied on an anchoring lattice made on wall structure, using small wooden pegs driven into log house´s beams. Not-anchored plaster is applied directly on the wall, without the anchoring lattice. The plaster is applied in two layers, whereby the first (rough) layer contains longer particles of organic origin (chaff, cut straw). When making replicas and copies of buildings which are constructed using the log technique and provided with earthen plaster, the below described procedure seems to be effective. Earthen plaster is a protective and decorative layer on the walls.
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Identity of present-day Lusatian Sorbs illustrated by the example of the traditional Easter rides.
Hoření, Vendula ; Uherek, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Lupták Burzová, Petra (referee)
This work takes interest in the present-day indigenous minority of Sorbs and their life in a mainly German-speaking environment. All of the field research was done in 2014 and 2016 during the important festival and celebration The Easter ride of Crusaders in the Catholic part of Upper Lusatia, which is a sign of the community and religious communal strength. The Sorbs are the rural population, which has never demanded it's rights in a violent way. On the contrary, their traditional weapons throughout history were their conservative mentality, passiveness and isolation. The Sorbs have a double identity, they are bilingual and they can change the language they are speaking in an instant. The church was historically the only place where Sorbian was strictly the only language used. In fact, outside of the family German was the dominant language at all other institutions. The main differences that the Sorbs noticed between themselves and their German neighbors was a different language, being Catholic instead of Protestant, maintaining their own traditions, which the Sorbs believe can be a source of fear in the majority of the unknown. In the interviews, all of the problems that the Sorbs had with the majority Germanic people were mentioned in past tense. Compared to the post war generation, they now do not have...
The Comparison of the Traditional Material Transport in the Mountain Economy of the Krkonoše and Šumava Mountains
Smrčka, Aleš ; Pargač, Jan (advisor) ; Dědovský, Daniel (referee)
This thesis The Comparison of the Traditional Material Transport in the Mountain Economy of the Krkonoše and Šumava Mountains introduces the traditional forms of material and goods transport in the Krkonoše Mountains (the Giant Mountains) and the Šumava Mountains (the Bohemian Forest). The way of life in the highland area of Giant Mountains was significantly affected by the Alpine colonization in the second half of the 16th century. The Alpine colonists brought knowledge of logging, mountain economy and transport equipment into the mountains. Inhabitants of the Giant Mountains used water power, skids, later sledge called "rohacky" for bundles of wood. They also used backpacks, textile "loktuse", baskets, wheeled means of transportation and animal skid for the transport of other goods and materials. The comparison shows that the Bohemian Forest unlike the Giant Mountains was populated by gradual colonization of woodmen from the surrounding regions. Various forms of traditional vehicles were applied in this area. Unlike the Giant Mountains there was increasingly developed timber transport on the canals and rivers. The thesis maps the traditional modes of material transport in both regions, highlightes their differences and records their transformation in the present. Powered by TCPDF (
Ethnographic and Folcloric Aspects in the Work of František Ladislav Sál
Tomášová, Jana ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Tomandl, Miloš (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the Eastern Bohemia figure of a regional significance - František Ladislav Sál (1867-1941). The aim of the thesis is to depict him as a representative of the generation of educated teachers - patriotic activists who had the amateur interest in ethnology and folklore studies. The opening section of the thesis introduces both his personal life and career. The reconstruction of these is based on the study of his archive heritage. Subsequent chapter deals with wider cultural-historical context with the emphasis on the history of pedagogy and ethnology. The principle focus of the thesis is the survey of Sál's educational and pedagogical papers in which he plentifully dealt with ethnographical material (such as fairy-tales, legends and children's folklore) by means of which he taught homeland study at primary schools.
Certified Methodology for Documentation of Men´s Garments as Parts of Trousers, Coat and Shirt Dress
Šimša, Martin
The goal of the methodology is to create a system of documentation that enables an adequate, accurate and mainly unified description of garments, based on which it will be possible to compare the garments and to distinguish their possible variants. The methodology is based on the identification of unique properties of particular groups of folk clothing which were found out through an analysis of cut constructions of garments in collections of Czech and Moravian museums. For each group, a set of identification elements is suggested which features a list of constructional variants thanks to which each garment can be described and assigned to a corresponding type of garments. The methodology of research, documentation and identification of men´s folk garments is intended especially for curators of museum collections, researchers and all those interested in folk dress.
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