Vývoj podílu OZE na výrobě elektrické energie v krajích ČR
Grán, Marek
The aim of the diploma thesis is to interpret the data of the use of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity at the national and interregional level in the selected time interval. The first part describes the historical development and an important period in the development of the use of renewable energy sources at the global, European, Czech and regional levels. The second part deals with the identification of the potential of electricity production from renewable sources and its fulfillment at the level of the Czech Republic and individual regions. Although energy is a frequently discussed topic, the emphasis is more on national results, on the contrary, this work deals with interregional evaluation. All comparisons and results were made with the help of data from the Energy Regulatory Office. Following these results, two map diagrams were created with a graphical representation of energy data. The first map shows the consumption and production of electricity, where the regions that are self-sufficient in electricity production were evaluated. The second map diagram graphically shows the share of individual renewable sources in electricity production in individual regions. The result of the work was the evaluation of the regions with the highest share of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity, which were the South Moravian and Liberec regions. From the analysis of the used potential of renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic, solar energy, biomass and wind energy appeared to be the most promising renewable sources. On the contrary, less and less use can be seen in hydropower.
Energetický audit stávající budovy
Plachá, Martina
The output of this diploma thesis is an energy audit of the existing wooden building of the Kindergarten Za Lávkami in Dačice. The text part of the thesis focuses on current topics in the energy sector in the Czech Republic, energy performance of buildings and documents describing it, the content of the energy audit and the possibilities of proposing opportunities to reduce the energy performance of buildings. The practical part of the thesis continues with the evaluation of the process of the preparation of the energy audit of the kindergarten and the proposed measures. The energy audit of the kindergarten and the pricing of the cooling system by an external company are presented as an annex to this thesis.
Energetický potenciál kalů z čistíren odpadních vod
Pleskačová, Klára
The topic of the thesis is The energy potential of sewage sludge. The research part deals with the legal requirements of sewage sludge management and methods of its processing with a focus on thermal methods. The current sludge management methods in the Czech Republic are described. The main topic is dewatered sludge drying as an intermediate step for thermal treatment of sewage sludge. Sludge drying experiments were performed on samples of different shapes and sizes collected from three different waste-water treatment plants at 60˚C and 105˚C. The results were monitored using drying curves and drying rate curves, and the data were statistically evaluated.
Azerbaijan's foreign policy towards the EU: the energy policy
Khalilov, Ergin
Azerbaijan is an energy partner and strategic for the EU, with supplies reaching 4.3% of all the oil imports in the EU. Through the Southern Gas Corridor, it has been possible for gas to move from the Caspian Sea towards the European markets, and a vital tool that ensures energy security in the European region. After the Trans Adriatic Pipeline was accomplished, the first delivery of gas was achieved, and this was the last part of the Southern Gas Corridor. Similarly, the region provides a different alternative route for transportation to avoid the overly excessive reliance on Russia more so when dealing with energy importation. The development of Azerbaijan’s economic and political relations immediately after independence was in the EU. However, initially, after independence, there was increasing instability in the region, hence the need to have the needed relationship with the EU. Specifically, the two have had to develop through varied programs like ECHO, INOGATE, TRACECA and TASIC. The most crucial part for the development of the relations between the EU and Azerbaijan is in the area of energy resources which are in Azerbaijan. This helped the EU to have minimal dependence on Russia for purposes of maximizing on energy security. Therefore, the EU fully understands the need for Azerbaijan for purposes of ensuring security in the energy sector. The current study illustrates the vital nature of Azerbaijan and its energy potential, while trying to find out the effect of the actor on the energy security of the EU. The thesis also demonstrates Azerbaijan and EU relationship and the role the former plays in ensuring energy security of the EU. The research question of this thesis is “What are the implications of Azerbaijan's energy security for the EU?”. The thesis makes use of secondary data through thematic analysis and concludes that energy security is crucial and Azerbaijan plays a major role in this area towards the EU energy security and sustainability.
Výživa chovných zvířat masného skotu
Záboj, Dominik
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to conduct a literary review of the principles of nutrition of breeding individuals of beef cattle, with a focus on a particular breed. The literary search includes specifics and recommendations for the nutrition of all categories of beef cattle bred in our conditions. In this theses there are listed the needs of energy, nitrogenous substances and other nutrients, which have a place in the field of nutritional requirements of cattle. The next point is focused on assessing the physical condition of cattle using the body condition scoring (BCS) method and other methods, such as animal live weight records and linear description of breeding cows and bulls. In the practical part, observation of the physical condition (BCS) of the selected herd is recorded over a period of more than one year. Furthermore, the practical part is devoted to the evaluation of the increase of calves from birth to the age of 210 days. Changes in BCS values and daily calf gains are compared to the recommended standards.
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Geopolitics of the Caspian Sea Region in the context of the legal regime for the exploitation of its resources
Černý, Jakub ; Aslan, Emil (advisor) ; Karásek, Tomáš (referee) ; Gebhart, Jiří (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Jakub Černý GEOPOLITIKA REGIONU KASPICKÉHO MOŘE V KONTEXTU PRÁVNÍHO REŽIMU VYUŽÍVÁNÍ JEHO ZDROJŮ Rigorózní práce Praha 2011 Rigorózní práce 3 Autor práce: Mgr. et. Mgr. Jakub Černý Konzultant: PhDr. Emil. Souleimanov Ph.D. Rigorózní práce 4 Resumé: Práce se zabývá otázkou určení právního statusu a rozdělení Kaspického moře v širších geopolitických souvislostech. Problematika je nahlížena z pohledu mezinárodního práva v kontextu mezinárodních vztahů mezi relevantními aktéry, na úrovni lokální, regionální a globální. Teoretická analýza aplikace odlišných právních výkladů je zasazena do celkového kontextu vztahů relevantních regionálních a globálních aktérů s cílem dokázat, jak politika a zájmy jednotlivých států determinují jejich výklad mezinárodního práva. Ukáže se, že spíše než pobřežní státy, kterých se určení právního režimu - pravidel rozdělění a využívání prostoru a jeho zdrojů - fakticky týká, ovlivňují proces aktivity globálních hráčů sledujících region geostrategickou perspektivou (nejen) v souvislosti s kontrolou jeho významných energetických zdrojů. Summary: Subject of the thesis is the definition of the Caspian Sea legal status in wider geopolitical perspective. The Caspian case is analyzed from the perspective of the international law in the...
Simulator of IEC 60870 communication
Calábek, Tomáš ; Bohačík, Antonín
The power industry’s evolution hinges on efficient and reliable transmission, distribution, and control of electricity, increasingly facilitated by remote monitoring and control systems. Among these, SCADA technologies stand out, enabling centralized supervision and management of energy infrastructure. Central to these systems are communication protocols such as protocols from IEC 60870 standard, facilitating data exchange within power networks. This paper introduces a communication simulator based on IEC 60870-5-101/103/104 protocols. Our simulator for IEC 60870 is capable of simulating all three mentioned protocols on the client-server principle. It can simulate both balanced and unbalanced transmissions, adjust transmitted data, set quality bits, and much more. Our simulator was tested in a virtual environment.
Price Elasticity of Electricity Revisited: A Meta-Analysis
Šikl, Vojtěch ; Havránková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Petit, Mathieu (referee)
Despite a plethora of empirical research on electricity demand, results regard- ing estimated price elasticities persist to be inconclusive. Our meta-analysis synthesizes 4521 estimates from 413 studies to explore the presence of publi- cation and endogeneity bias. We code for over 100 variables to quantify the response of electricity consumers to price shifts. The price elasticity of electric- ity is inelastic and the short-run elasticity sample average of -0.231 is double (in magnitude) the short-run elasticity corrected for publication bias, which is -0.116. The long-run elasticity adjusted for publication bias is -0.303. We conclude that experimental studies, while also su ering from publication bias, report unbiased elasticities of -0.07. Our thesis also confirms a significant occur- rence of p-hacking across multiple specifications. By employing Bayesian model averaging, we explore the heterogeneity among reported elasticities, finding that factors such as decreasing tari s, demographics and fuel usage controls, daylight hours and number of citations critically influence the variability in findings. The average and marginal price of electricity and time of use tari s play a negligible role in explaining the di erences in estimated elasticities. JEL Classification D01, Q40, Q49, C11 Keywords...
Securing an International Role Through Energy: The Case of UAE
Kováčová, Marína ; Kalhousová, Irena (advisor) ; Buriánek, Petr (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to elucidate the energy policy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and to explain its motivation through the neorealist theory of international relations. The UAE possesses one of the largest global hydrocarbon capitals. Recent years have shown that despite its oil and gas wealth, the country is intensifying its investments in renewable transition and enhancing sustainable energy policies. This thesis attributes the motivation for such change in direction to the interest in anchoring economic and political security on the international stage. The thesis is systematically divided into two main parts, the first of which outlines the theoretical grounding of the topic in the context of international relations, while the second offers empirical examples of specific policies implemented by the country. I concurrently link the identified policies with neorealism and highlight their importance in the country's foreign policy. Keywords United Aram Emirates, Energy, Renewable Energy, National Interest, COP28, Neorealism, Political pragmatism