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Vývoj a faktory ovlivňující trh elektromobilů
Kovárník, Richard
This thesis deals with finding the important factors influencing the sale of battery electric vehicles in different European countries. The input data cover data for the last ten years and thus cover basically the complete history of the electric car market. Attention is paid not only to the European leader but also to countries with a lower share of electric cars. The results of this study show that a common factor can be found between countries with different developments in the battery electric car market. However, differences between countries are generally so significant that the factors identified vary from country to country.
Silniční doprava ve vztahu k životnímu prostředí
Rausová, Edita
The presented bachelor thesis on the topic of road transport in relation to the environment is focused on the environment, negative effects affecting the quality of the environment resulting from transport and alternative measures to reduce them. The first part of the work is focused on environmental legislation arising from the European Union, then the work is focused on the current quality of the environment, emissions from exhaust gases and alternative fuels. In the end, the current alternative solutions and the state of the environment are evaluated.
Dopady rozvoje elektromobility na výši daňového inkasa silniční a spotřební daně
Filla, Adam
Filla, A. Impacts of the development of electromobility on the amount of road and fuel tax collection. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2021. Road transport is associated with the production of greenhouse gases, which are identified as the cause of climate change. In an effort to mitigate climate change and reduce its effects, electromobility is gaining prominence as a way of reducing transport emissions. The aim of this diploma thesis is to identify whether the development of electric mobility has an effect on the amount of tax collection of road, fuel and registration taxes. The paper uses regression analysis to verify this effect in the case of Norway, in the period from 1998 to 2018. Identifying the effect of development of electromobility to the amount of tax collection of fuel tax is excluded from the regression analysis. In the final part of the diploma thesis, results are discussed and limitations that were identified during the research are aslo mentioned.
Dopady surovinových nároků rozvoje elektromobility ve světě
Kriváček, Adam
The bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of the impacts of the raw material requirements of the development of electromobility in the world. The aim of this thesis is to assess the possible environmental and other side effects of the development of electromobility. The thesis includes a literature search on the topic of electromobility and its underlying technical solutions. The methodology includes an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of electromobility as well as its resource intensity. DRC and South America are analysed in terms of environmental and other impacts.
Elektromobilita ve vztahu k životnímu prostředí
Opletalová, Kateřina
Bachelor thesis engages in electromobility. It starts with a relationship of electric cars and environment, continues with history, conception of electric cars, and a practical part, where concrete car models that are sold in the Czech republic, are evaluated. It includes technical parameters, and also features multi-criterion evaluation regarding electric car models. Thesis also presents common depen-dency of single parameters.
Ekonomická efektivnost záměru na elektromobilitu vozové flotily podniku působícího v odvětví rozvážkových služeb
Vozobule, František Jakub
Vozobule, F. J. Economic efficiency of the plan for electromobility of the vehicle fleet of a company operating in the distribution services sector. Bachelor Thesis. Brno, 2021. The goal of the bachelor thesis consists in defining the main factors influencing the economically efficient feasibility of the plan to switch from conventional cars to electric ones at a specific business entity operating in the distribution services sector. The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to a litera-ture review and the relevant methodology, which is a prerequisite for the crea-tion of the second part. It defines the obtained partial results in relation to the selected methods. At the end of the bachelor's thesis is an evaluation of the con-sidered investment and recommendations for the company.
Attitudes of the Czech Population Towards the Environment: Determinants of More Sustainable Traffic Behavior
Bémová, Alice ; Soukup, Petr (advisor) ; Urban, Jan (referee)
The thesis examines the relationship and attitudes of the citizens of the Czech Republic towards the environment and its protection. Specifically, it explores the willingness to reduce the use of automobiles and decision-making regarding the purchase of electric vehicles, as well as the factors influencing these choices. The introduction of the thesis reflects a shift in the perception of the environment from an anthropocentric to an ecocentric conception. The theoretical foundation for the analysis is the Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) theory, which examines the influence of values, beliefs, norms, and sociodemographic factors on environmental behavior, specifically in the context of reducing use of automobiles. The thesis employs a combined research design, including a quantitative survey conducted using the CAWI method followed by semi-structured interviews with selected respondents. The analysis reveals a growing trend of postmaterialism and an interest in supporting the sustainability of the environment in the Czech Republic. The regression analysis identifies key predictors of the willingness to reduce car use, including awareness of environmental issues, perception of the danger of automobiles to the air quality, willingness to pay for environmental protection, ecocentric attitudes, postmaterialist...
Design of autonomous sightseeing vehicle
Javorský, Samuel ; Surman, Martin (referee) ; John, David (advisor)
This Master thesis deals with the design proposal of an electric autonomous vehicle for six people to provide sightseeing tours in tourist areas. The resulting design is based on an extensive design and technical analysis, on safety and ergonomic requirements. The main goals of the work include an open bodywork for maximum visibility and contact with the outside environment while driving, shape directionality, partial protection from adverse weather and storage spaces for small luggage. An autonomous electric vehicle is a solution for a sustainable and efficient way of traveling.
Design of Communal Car
Dvořák, Michal ; Jelenčík, Branislav (referee) ; John, David (advisor)
The market for municipal carriers is showing potential with the advent of new technologies, especially in the way of propulsion. These changes may affect the design and concept of the carrier itself. The topic of this diploma thesis is the design of a communal carrier for implements. The aim of the text is to guide the reader through the course and result of the work. the work is the design of a utility carrier for the terrain, using an electric drive. The work deals with technical, ergonomic, shape, color and material solutions. The cabin of the carrier is designed in such a way that it allows a wide view when working, and the appearance of the carrier is, thanks to the minimalistic approach to design, a unique and distinctive character of electromobility.

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