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Causes and effects of ethnic conflicts on the development of Bawku in the upper east region of Ghana
Owusu-Ansah, Adelaide
Background: Conflict is an expression of disagreements and vexation in a violent way which often times arise from unmet needs. These conflicts are often times believed to be rooted in political, ethnic and religious bigotry. Conflicts come at a cost to communities and nations as a whole and make them unable to function properly. Ethnic conflicts discourage investment in the cities and retards development and day-to-day activities such as school attendance, farming and all other commercial activities. Objective: The study objective is to examine the causes and effects of ethnic conflicts on the development of Bawku Municipal area in Northern Ghana. Method: The study used an analytic cross-sectional study design among 214 participants in the Bawku Municipality. A primary data collection method using the questionnaire Micro-level Surveys for Measuring Violent Conflict as tools. Results: The study shows 84.11% of respondents believed the root cause of ethnic conflict to be chieftaincy issues, 63.55% chose land disputes with political interference being 44.36%, marginalization of minor ethnic groups by 28.50%, and hatred 1.87%. Also, 92.99% of respondents have experienced ethnic conflicts. Persons from Kusasi, Mamprusi, and Moshie were more likely to be involved in ethnic conflicts than the other ethnic groups. Regarding effects of ethnic conflicts, 79.91% of respondents asserted to disruption in schooling, and 10.75% lost their houses, another 10.28% lost their farms, 20.46% had their family business destroyed, 22.43% lost their income, while 30.47% had their business shut down. Conclusion: It can be deduced that, violent ethnic conflict retards development, averts investments, loss of jobs and businesses and impacts on domestic economic growth of communities in Northern Ghana
Vliv mezinárodního obchodu na hospodářský vývoj Irska
Vyšatová, Simona
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to find out how foreign trade is affected by economic development in Ireland. The analysis examines data from 1971 to 2018, which were collected on the websites of the Irish Statistical Office, the Of-fice for Economic Cooperation and The World Bank Data.
International trade and economic development in Singapore
Hay, Saar
The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the influence of international trade on economic development in Singapore. An OLS regression was performed in order to determine this effect. The measure for economic performance used was GDP per capita growth (GDPPC), as the dependent variable. The following indicators of economic openness were used as explanatory variables: Trade as a percentage of GDP, FDI inflows and outflows, as well as exports and imports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP. The control variables, or in other words the other possible factors of economic growth in Singapore were inflation, gross fixed capital formation as a percentage of GDP, Population growth (annual %), Total Factor Productivity, Index of Human Capital per Person, Tax revenue (% of GDP), Electoral Democracy Index. The data sets ran over the years 1972 to 2018. This brings us to the results of the OLS regression. Exports and imports are shown to have a highly positive effect on growth. The benefit of an increase of one percent in exports is more than double the growth of GDPPC. Even when it comes to its imports, an increase in that is shown to have a positive effect on GPPDC where usually it should have a negative effect, which is important to note due to Singapore being a re-exporting country. This shows that the nation is still very heavily relying on trade as a contributor to its growth. However, foreign investments are shown to have a lower effect on growth. Moreover, there are other factors that helped Singapore develop into what it is today: an emphasis on productivity, human capital, and the development of infrastructure, as well as lower taxes for both companies and individuals.
Economic development in middle income countries: evidence from Vietnam
Pham Hong, Trang
Pham Hong, T. Economic Development in Middle Income Countries: Evidence from Vietnam. Bachelor thesis. Mendel University in Brno, 2020. This bachelor thesis study focuses on economic development in middle-income countries with evidence from Vietnam. This thesis aims to identify the factors which will allow the transition of Vietnam from lower-middle-income country to upper-middle-income country. From the provided structure and background of the Vietnam economy, the methodology using the time-series data in the period be-tween 1995 till 2018 was employed. The chosen method for the study is ordinary least square (OLS) and Gretl (2020a) as the tool to analysis the numerical data from The World bank, World Development Indicators database. The data analysis performed for Vietnam was then compares with partial analysis of three other countries in Asia: Thailand, China and Malaysia, which underwent the transition from lower-middle-income to upper-middle-income in the last thirty years. The results from the research presented two crucial factors that contribute positively to economic development in Vietnam. These crucial factors include government consumption expenditure and technological progress. From there an open discussion on the topic of possibilities for Vietnam to prevent falling into the middle-income trap followed.
The role of infrastructure on the economic development of Nigeria
Omoruan, Emmanuel Ekpen
This study analyzes the role of infrastructure in the economic development of Nigeria. The data for the research was acquired from the World Bank annual database and Enerdata. The study uses an annual time series data from 1993 to 2018, unit root, Johansen cointegration technique and ordinary least square (OLS) to estimate the multivariate regression model. The dependent variable for the research work is Economic Growth (EG), measured in Gross Domestic Product. The independent variables are Energy Infrastructure (EID) which is measured in electric power production, and Communication Infrastructure (CID), which is measured in telephone density per 100 people. The findings of this research show that energy infrastructure (EID) and communication Infrastructure (CID) play a positive and significant role in Nigerian economic development (EG).
Human development in Ghana within last decade
Agyeman, Nana Prempeh
ABSTRACT The human development index (HDI) is basically used to measure the level of country’s achievements taking into consideration the three main components of human development, long and healthy life, knowledge and standard of living. The purpose of the study is to assess human development index within the last decade in Ghana using life expectancy, adult literacy rate and GDP per capita. The study used a quantitative method analysis and a secondary source of data. SPSS version 32 was used to conduct the data analysis. The study revealed the relationship between human development and economic growth and discovered that human development positively influences economic growth particularly in the educational and health sector. The study also identified that education plays a significant role in human development since it enables the individual to improve capabilities and abilities as well as enhancing knowledge and skills on certain events and activities. For example, the study found that in Ghana education has contributed significantly to the economic growth. Moreover, the study revealed that mortality was one significant factor that negatively affects economic growth and development of a country. Thereby it is noted that an increase in healthcare expenditures would positively influence the economic growth of the nation since the working population would have a healthy living as a result of their access to quality healthcare services. Moreover, unemployment was found to be one of the factors that affect the growth and development of a country’s economy. Mostly, unemployment rates in developing countries come as a result of poor infrastructures and lack of job vacancies which go on to hinder the success and growth of a country’s economy. Generally, economic growth has a direct impact on human development, however, in order to achieve a strong economy, there is the need for the government to implement policies that would help promote and improve the capabilities and abilities of the people to participate effectively in all national economic activities to help improve the general economy. Finally, the study recommends that further studies be conducted using different methodological approaches. Again, a comparative study is encouraged since it has the tendency to compare two or more countries simultaneously.
Porovnání ekonomického vývoje zemí Střední Asie
Petřík, Robin
This bachelor thesis analysis the countries of Central Asia and compare their eco-nomic development. The goal is to evaluate and find possible causes of differences in development trends. These countries are compared on the basis of selected macroeconomic indicators. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the institutional and business environment and their impact on individual countries in the region. The role of Central Asia is very important for international trade, due to the reserves of natural resources, which has. However, natural resources are not the main cause of differences between countries.
Význam medzinárodného obchodu v rámci ekonomického rozvoja Kambodže po roku 2004
Hoštaková, Martina
The bachelor thesis focuses on Cambodia's international trade after 2004 and its importance in its economic development. In the introduction, the basic knowledge of the theory of international trade and its connection with the liberalization of world trade is presented. The following section sets out the definition of current socio-economic trends in Cambodia. In connection with this chapter, the theses focuses on the analysis of these trends and evaluates the relative importance of individual factors of economic development in Cambodia, taking into account the international trade. At the closure of this paper are recommendations related to the economic direction of Cambodia and answering research questions.
Vývoj ekonomiky a životní úrovně na území České republiky v období 1989-2020
Floder, Jiří
The diploma thesis deals with the explanation of the causes and context of the development of indicators of living standards in the Czech Republic after the Velvet Revolution in comparison with neighbouring states. Based on the results of the GDP analysis, it was found that the transformation process in the Czech Republic has been successful, but is still below the level of Germany and Austria in terms of economic performance. The economy, social conditions and the environment have been identified as key areas of living standards. The quality of life in the Czech Republic has demonstrably improved in the period 1989-2020. The fall of communism, the possibility of free enterprise and the possibility of travel were assessed as the most important factors for the development of quality of life on Czech territory. At the same time, aspects have been identified that could boost people's quality of life in the Czech Republic in the future. These recommendations include improving the vitality of the Czech population, streamlining bureaucracy, supporting domestic businesses, and improving the state of the environment.
The economic and cultural development of the township of Lhenice in the 19th century
Kopejtko, Martin ; Štemberk, Jan (advisor) ; Šalanda, Bohuslav (referee)
The diploma thesis "The Economic and Cultural Development of the Township of Lhenice in the 19th Century" examines the transformation of life in the township of Lhenice during the so-called long 19th century, a period marked by the beginning of modernity, the industrial revolution, urbanization, the rise of nation states, nationalism and the struggle for national identity, and the ongoing National Revival in the Czech lands. The analysis focuses on key aspects of economic changes, such as changes in agriculture, the development of crafts and industry, and the decline of the market system, as well as on cultural changes, such as the emergence of organised social life or the background to public festivals or other celebrations. The study reveals how the local economy responded to economic development and its challenges and technological advances, how the local community dealt with the gradual institutionalization of poverty and the poverty question in general, and how the whole society was affected by the broader socio-political changes in the Austrian monarchy and the Czech lands. The research also includes a sociological analysis of how the structure of society has changed, particularly in relation to the development of education and educational opportunities. Finally, the thesis highlights the...

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