Earth rough cast and topping coat at rammed-earth monolithic masonry
Novotný, Martin ; Všianský, Dalibor
The submitted historic preservation´s procedure offers an instruction for the production and application of earth rough cast and topping coat for rammed-earth monolithic masonry. After getting necessary skills, the submitted description of the building procedure is very effective within the hand-made production. Both connected layers of plaster are identical as to their material; the only difference consists in the ratio of admixtures added to the basic raw material. While making replicas of the buildings construction using the rammed-earth technique, the below-described procedure seems to be effective. The rough cast (commonly called as špric) is a connecting bridge between the masonry and the plaster. The rough earth plaster is to plane possible masonry unevenness that developed during the construction, and to make a ground for the fine final plaster.
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Earthen Plaster (cob) on Timber Framing of Traditional Buildings: preparation, application and maintenance
Novotný, Martin
The submitted methodology presents an instruction to produce and apply earthen plaster cob on log houses, or on walls made from woven lattices of wooden strips. After gaining necessary routine and skills, the submitted building technique is very effective for manual work. The submitted technique is intended for the application of two-layer anchored and not-anchored earthen plaster (cob). Anchored plaster is applied on an anchoring lattice made on wall structure, using small wooden pegs driven into log house´s beams. Not-anchored plaster is applied directly on the wall, without the anchoring lattice. The plaster is applied in two layers, whereby the first (rough) layer contains longer particles of organic origin (chaff, cut straw). When making replicas and copies of buildings which are constructed using the log technique and provided with earthen plaster, the below described procedure seems to be effective. Earthen plaster is a protective and decorative layer on the walls.
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Handmade unburnt bricks
Novotný, Martin ; Všianský, Dalibor
The submitted methodology offers an instruction for the simplest ever production of unburnt bricks. This production uses bottom-less moulds; the bricks are shaped on the ground and after the mould is removed, they are sun-dried in the place in which they were made. The aim is to make a clear instruction that allows to make high-quality building elements intended especially for replicas of historic buildings at open-air museums. After getting necessary skills, the submitted description of the building procedure is very effective within the hand-made production.
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