Proposal of measures in the low voltage network for the implementation of renewable sources and electromobility according to scenarios NAP SG
Vojtěch, Jan ; Kučera, Michal (referee) ; Ptáček, Michal (advisor)
The thesis analyzes legislative and strategic documents of the European Union and the Czech Republic which set targets in environment and energy area in 2030, alternatively in 2040. The individual chapter is dedicated to national action plans, where the most important is National Action Plan for Smart Grids setting specific requirements for future development of smart grids. The thesis contains analysis of distribution network in the municipality of Následovice and simplifying assumptions for the implementation of calculation. There are also introduced scenarios which have been used for the calculation of the distribution network with its results. Potential defects of the distribution network are commented with suggested solutions. The calculations were repeated to verify the solutions. Results are recapitulated in an individual chapter. Graphical outputs of the calculations can be found in the attachement.
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Mrázek, Petr ; Harabiš, Vratislav (referee) ; Chmelař, Milan (advisor)
The thesis deals with Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and associated problems of backup power in case of unexpected outages of electricity. Start of work is dedicated to limitation of the electricity supplies, as well as their causes and consequences. Furthermore, brief history of UPS and subsequently distinguish between UPS’s architectures. There is also a description of the energy sources such as batteries, flywheels or fuel cells. Part of thesis describes security of electricity supply in health care facilities, including requirements for emergency power. The own design of UPS is described in the end.
Assessment of connectivity of the new source to the 110 kV network
Kopečný, David ; Fojtík, Martin (referee) ; Orságová, Jaroslava (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the connectivity problems of the new sources to the electrical network. The first part of the thesis deals with the description of the new source and the method of its connection to the electrical network. Furthermore, in work, there are elaborated the blocking conditions for substation TR Neratovice expanded distribution point. A distribution network operator must receive an attachment application for connecting before the actual connection. The attachments consist of study cases of conjunction that values the inverse influence on the distributional network and informs the operator about the required measures for the reliable service with the new source. PSS Sincal computer software was used to survey the inverse influences on the distributional network. Based on processed data, the evaluation of conjunction of the synchronous generator to the grid at TR Neratovice substation was reconsidered.
Study of connectivity for PV power station
Krejčí, Tomáš ; Bartošík, Tomáš (referee) ; Mastný, Petr (advisor)
Bachelor‘s thesis focused on studying connectivity of PV plant into the distribution system.. The first parts are processed by the conditions of connection of new resources into the distribution system with a focus on photovoltaics. Individual points are taken from the rules of the road grid, which gives the Energy Regulatory Authority. In the second part is given FVS problem. There is a brief history of photovoltaics. More details are described photovoltaic element, its principles, and different types of PV article composition PV panel. There are presented methods of operation FVS. The last section is designed to PVP via PC software.
Autonomous and dispatching control of distributed power generating plants operated in the HV distribution system
Dvořáček, Jiří ; Jurík, Michal (referee) ; Drápela, Jiří (advisor)
Theses focuses on the evaluation of the possible means of active and reactive power control of generating units connected to medium voltage. First part summarizes analysis of Czech Republic medium voltage distribution grid. It summarizes means of autonomous and dispatcher control of generating units with respect to European Comission directive RfG, standard ČSN EN 50549-2 and national implementation PPDS. Following parts provide description of generating unit and distribution grid models used for simulation in PSCAD. Last part focuses on evaluation of results obtained via simulating steady-state scenarios as well as continuous simulation.
Proposal of design and configuration of 22 kV network after installation of 110/22 kV transformation in Brno-Sever switching substation
Mišinger, Ondřej ; Beneš, Jan (referee) ; Blažek, Vladimír (advisor)
The theoretical part of this thesis deals with distribution networks in terms of distribution according to different criteria, describes the main elements of electric distribution networks and their qualities. The following describes the methods of calculating the steady state of electrical networks. These methods are nowadays used as basics for computer programs. In the penultimate chapter of the theoretical part are summarized the principles for the development of present networks and construction of new electrical networks. The aim of practical part of the thesis is to assess the current condition of the network 22 kV in the city of Brno and assess the condition after installation of 110/22 kV transformation in Brno-Sever switching substation. After evaluating the results of steady state electrical network and identifying certain problems is the following aim a proposal of solving problems that emerged in the network. The result should be operational, functional and reliable electric distribution network. This thesis used to calculate the steady state electrical networks by software PAS DAISY Off-Line Bizon V4.
Optimization of the 110 kV distribution system in the Přeštice nodal region
Nagy, Pavel ; Křesálek, Petr (referee) ; Topolánek, David (advisor)
This work describes an actual condition of a specific part of a distribution power grid. It is a research of problems based on the computer model in case some power line is in failure or shut down. Simulations are calculated for both currently used load and load expected in future usage. There are partial solutions depicted for each issue found during the simulation. Some of those are used for a final design of a distribution power grid. In the last section, there is a comparison of different types of power lines and their possible usage in the design.
Influence of RES to power system in Czech Republic
Vánišová, Michaela ; Bartošík, Tomáš (referee) ; Mastný, Petr (advisor)
This text deals with renewable energy sources in terms of working on the electricity network of the Czech Republic. There is the definition of renewable energy sources in the work. Next there are discussed the basic information about connecting to the distribution network. In two parts, there is mentioned and discussed the issue of operation of renewable energy resources and their effects in terms of the electricity network. The last chapter is focused on the possibility of further utilization of renewable energy sources because of their natural energy.
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Mrázek, Petr ; Harabiš, Vratislav (referee) ; Sekora, Jiří (advisor)
The thesis deals with Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and associated problems of backup power in case of unexpected outages of electricity. Start of work is dedicated to limitation of the electricity supplies, as well as their causes and consequences. Furthermore, brief history of UPS and subsequently distinguish between UPS’s architectures. There is also a description of the energy sources such as batteries, flywheels or fuel cells. Part of thesis describes security of electricity supply in health care facilities, including requirements for emergency power. The own design of UPS is described in the end.
Influence of Distributed Generation on Given Area of 22 kV Distribution Network
Samuel, Tomáš ; Bráblík, Libor (referee) ; Orságová, Jaroslava (advisor)
The Thesis deals with the current problem related to the connection of dispersive sources to the distribution network. The advantageous legislative support, however, gives a rapid rise to the sources of this kind. Current pricing philosophy favours in particular the growth of photovoltaic power plants. The introduction is aimed at the dispersive sources locating so as to give a comprehensive solution and better understanding of this issue. The equipments of this kind are located in accordance with legislation in force; however, it is necessary to formulate the possibilities of placing them from the view of rational use of the area with the aim of the public weal accordance of both public and private interests. Talking about connection of the new dispersive sources to the distribution network, it is important to mention the legislation, legal directives and regulations delimitating this kind of trade. This theme is the subject of another chapter of the work. Particular attention is paid to the regulation on conditions of connection to the distribution network. When connecting the sources to the distribution network the biggest technical problem from the view of electrical engineering is undesirable influence on the quality parameters (voltage) in this network. This is in particular the voltage change after connection, then, depending on the type of source, the emission of the current harmonic, sharp voltage change, etc. Considering current rise of the dispersive sources connected to the distribution network, more and more influence will appear in quantity parameters. For this reason there will be a lot of search for the methods of preventing from the negative influence on the network. From all of the above said reasons, the work is aimed at the operation analysis of the part of the distribution network, calculation of the network qualitative parameters and searching for the methods of negative influence rectification owing to switching processes of the distribution system. So as to determine the quantitative parameters we used the E-influence programme. Final paragraphs are devoted to the changes to come not only in legislation but, in general, in the approach of the distribution system operators not only to the ways of another connection of such sources but even the regulation of the dispersive sources already connected.