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The Continuity Indicators Calculation of E-ON ČR Distribution Network Segment
Girga, Eduard ; Černý, Pavel (referee) ; Paar, Martin (advisor)
The aim of this master’s thesis is calculation and analysis of reliability indicators of the company E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o. distribution network in the south Moravia territory (area of former Jihomoravská energetika) for the period of one year, from 1st November 2008 to 31st October 2009. We consider events incurred on overhead or underground lines of level of high voltage or directly connected with these lines. Events originated from extensive disaster interruption of electric energy supply caused by particularly unfavourable external effects are not considered, because network components can not be efficiently dimensioned on those influences. Known aspects of the events are time of origin, time duration, place and cause of failure inception. Analysis of reliability indicators is accomplished according to different point of view. The first aspect is the hours of day, during which the event lasted. The second aspect is the hours of day, during which the event incurred. The third one focuses component pointed as reliable for the origin of the event. The last standpoint is percentage load of the line outlet, on which the event occurred. We can ordain this load as the proportion of current flowing through the line outlet in the time of event inception and of the value of maximum current set up on the protection of the line outlet. Indications mentioned in the last sentence were searched in the dispatcher centre thanks to graphical interface of application RIS JME Brno. In the theoretical part of the work there is described the structure of distribution network and its fundamental influence on the continuity of electric energy supply, the ways of evaluation and increasing of electric energy supply reliability, regulation of continuity of electric energy supply with emphasis on regulation in the Czech Republic valid until 26th February 2010 and since 27th February 2010. The last theoretical part focuses on definition of failure and differentiation of failures according to various aspects.
Weak Points Analysis of Distribution Network in Municipality with High Numbers of Photovoltaic Sources
Sedlák, Petr ; Lunga, Jiří (referee) ; Paar, Martin (advisor)
The master‘s thesis deals with the issue of weak points of the distribution network in a municipality with high numbers of photovoltaic sources. Photovoltaic power plants are gradually being added to the current state of the electric power distribution network of a specific municipality, while changes in the network are being monitored. Due to the output of the highest possible power from the sources into the distribution system in compliance with the established rules, the thesis also describes network modifications. These established rules of connection and operation of resources in the distribution network and effects of injecting disturbances in the low voltage network are discussed in the theoretical part of the thesis.
Design of a 22 kV network in the Lipno area after the integration of the new 110/22 kV transformer station
Žižlavský, Jakub ; Koudelka, Jan (referee) ; Ptáček, Michal (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a new 110/22 kV substation in Horní Planá. The substation design addresses, for example, the issue of reducing the load of surrounding power lines from 110/22 kV substations, reducing the size of short-circuit ratios in the surrounding system, reliability and continuity of supply, etc. Furthermore, loads of individual outgoing feeders from the surrounding substations are analyzed, in case they will be connected to a new substation. Following this, the work also addresses the related new decay points of the lines, which are determined by calculation and simulation in the Grizzly program. The simulation results could be used to compare the current load status of individual lines and contribute to the assessment of the possible benefits of both the new substation and the implementation of other modern technologies for faster and more efficient measurement and handling during operating and fault conditions.
Power line grid model
Csiba, Patrik ; Sláčik, Ján (referee) ; Mlýnek, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis analyzes the PLC communications in various scenarios. The first part of the thesis describes the principle of narrowband and broadband communication and the analysis of electrical lines. The next part describes the NS-3 framework, simulation scenarios for establishment the effect of branches and other parameters on the baud rate. The last part determines the minimum number of repeaters and their location on the extended topology.
The quality of electric energy in a low voltage public supply networks
Macoszek, Pavel ; Šlezingr, Jan (referee) ; Bok, Jaromír (advisor)
This thesis contains four main chapters, which describe qualitative parameters of supply voltage and measurement and analysis received information. The theoretical part consists of three chapters. Characteristics of low voltage are described in the first chapter. Next chapter describes disturbing events, which have influence on quality supply voltage, reasons for their occurrence spreading in network, eventually arrangement leading to the disappearance of disturbing events on other electric appliances in network. Last theoretical chapter describes measuring instruments of supply voltage. The purpose of these theoretical parts is to introduce the reader into supply voltage quality issues and can be used for preparation of measurement and evaluation of acquired data under norm ČSN EN 50160 (Voltage characteristic of electricity supplied by public distribution systems). An analysis of real network is the last part of this thesis. There is applied acquired knowledge with the aim of analysis of real states of qualitative parameters of supply voltage in network.
Load flow analyses of reactive power in distribution system
Krátký, Michal ; Kašpírek,, Martn (referee) ; Topolánek, David (advisor)
This thesis is focused on issues with transmission of reactive power though the distribution line of E.ON area. The goal is to find out where and in what rate are overflows of reactive power and to project the correctional steps to minimize this overflow. In this solution, there were used data of dispatcher measurement, which were processed by created source code in Matlab. The processing was analyzed for final conclusion. There were discovered shortages in overflow of reactive power in transfer between distribution and transmission line and in unsuitably regulated capacity power factor in Planá power plant and wrong automatic regulation of turns in 440/110kV substation Dasný. The action to minimize overflows of reactive power was projected by decompensation reactor placed in T101 and T102 transformers in substation Tábor.
Island operation of the waste to energy facility
Doležal, Václav ; Paar, Martin (referee) ; Ptáček, Michal (advisor)
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is mainly a technological explanation of, be it present-day or potentionally future, possibilities of waste-to-energy facilities technology in Czech Republic and explanation of technological devices used in SAKO Brno institution for successful transition to island mode operation. A significant part is a research on the role of the discussed waste-to-energy facilities during power recovery in distribution network, while taking into consideration the ability to transition to the island mode operation, thanks to which it can hold an important position during the process and the analysis of a possible scenario of black-out, that the waste-to-energy facilities of SAKO Brno company couldn’t cross over to island mode operation, based on the results of the black system event that took place in the year 2013.
The analysis of parallel operation variants of supply areas 110 kV Čebín and Sokolnice
Reiter, Martin ; Vaculík, Petr (referee) ; Toman, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of parallel operation of Čebín and Sokolnice substations. Different variants of parallel operation are researched. A calculation of steady state by the iterative method is described in the theoretical part. The next part briefly mentions a short-circuit and dimensioning of conductors. The possibility of overloading of lines and transformers is discussed in the last chapter of the theoretical part. The current state of the situation is described in the practical part. Main goal of the practical part of the diploma thesis is to design a configuration capable to parallel operation. Also another configuration of supply of this area is designed. There must be no direct connection between Čebín and Sokolnice substations on 110kV level in this configuration. This configuration should eliminate a transit flow of power. Each configuration has to fulfill the requirements on the steady state and on short-circuit current capability. One of the last chapters is focused on the steps, that should by undertaken to prevent transit flow of power.
Steady state and short-circuit conditions within E.ON 110 kV power network at parallel operation of nodal areas of Otrokovice substation and Sokolnice substation
Mikulinec, René ; Janda, Petr (referee) ; Blažek, Vladimír (advisor)
This thesis deals with the steady operation and short-circuit conditions in the 110 kV network E.ON in a separate and parallel operation of nodal areas of Otrokovice substation and Sokolnice substation. The theoretical part is devoted to the calculation of steady state high-voltage systems using Newton's iterative method, transient phenomena that may occur in the power system short-circuit calculations and theories. The practical part deals with the actual calculations of steady state and short-circuit conditions in a separate and parallel operation of nodal areas Sokolnice-Otrokovice, which were calculated using the dispatching program. These calculations are then evaluated for possible use of involvement in actual operation. At the end there are suggestions on operational measures in the network 110 kV.