Česko-argentinské vztahy po roce 2000
Filipová, Eliška
This thesis deals with Czech-Argentine relations after the year 2000 to the present. The aim is to analyse the political, trade and cultural relations between the Czech Republic and Argentina in the chosen period of time. The thesis is primarily based on the analysis of foreign policy reports published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The introductory part is divided into two chapters, the first of which is devoted to a brief development of relations between Czechoslovakia and Latin American countries, the second to Czech-Argentine relations during the 20th century. Next part is devoted to political and economic development in Argentina in the first two decades of the 21st century. The main chapter of the thesis analyses the development of relations between the Czech Republic and Argentina after the year 2000 to the present, with the time period divided into two sections 2000-2010 and 2011-2021. In the conclusion, the trends observed are described and the two stages are compared.
Diplomatické vztahy mezi komunistickým Československem, KLDR a Kubánskou republikou od 50. let 20. století a jejich komparace
This thesis provides a general insight into the development of diplomatic relations at the highest level between communist Czechoslovakia, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the Republic of Cuba from the 1950s to the period of transition to the Czech Republic in the 1990s. The central part of the thesis is divided into four units. The first two parts deal with relations between Czechoslovakia, the DPRK, Czechoslovakia, and the Republic of Cuba. They briefly describe the political systems of the DPRK and Cuba. The following is a general outline of the interrelationships through my selected aspects to answer the central question of the whole thesis. The third part of the thesis compares relations between Czechoslovakia and the DPRK and Czechoslovakia and Cuba. In this part, I answer the critical question of the thesis: "With which country did Czechoslovakia have more intensive and deeper relations?" The last chapter is devoted to the didactic aspect. I outline the possibilities of using the given issue in teaching civic education. An appendix with tables and photographs supplements the end of the thesis.
The Turbulent Development of Czechoslovak Middle Eastern Policy in the Years 1948-1955
Taterová, Eva
This chapter aims to introduce and interpret the development of Czechoslovak foreign policy to the Middle East in 1948-1955 in the context of the ongoing Cold War using the case studies of Czechoslovak bilateral relations with Israel and Egypt. After the communist coup in February 1948, Czechoslovak foreign policy encountered essential changes that also influenced Czechoslovak attitudes towards the Middle East. While in the late 1940s there was an effort to maintain the existing local partnerships (e.g. the continuing support to the emerging State of Israel), the early 1950s brought a significant shift of Czechoslovak Middle Eastern policy due to the international and internal political factors. As result, Czechoslovakia started to focus on the development of close mutual relations with some Arab countries. In this sense, the year 1955 is considered a milestone regarding the Egyptian-Czechoslovak arms deal which set an important precedent for\nsimilar contracts of military cooperation between Czechoslovakia with the other regional actors.
Vztahy ČR s Argentinou, Chile a Uruguayí po roce 2000 - komparativní analýza
Kobzová, Tereza
This diploma thesis deals with the relations of the Czech Republic with Argentina, Chile and Uruguay after 2000. The aim is to perform a comparative analysis of the dynamics of foreign trade with an emphasis on the influence of political developments in the monitored countries in the period 2000–2020. The thesis is prepared in the form of a literature search and is primarily based on the analysis of published documents, especially from the official websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The work first deals with the countries individually, their political development and mutual relations with the Czech Republic, with an emphasis on foreign trade and political cooperation, especially focusing on important visits by political representatives of both countries and the signing of bilateral agreements. In conclusion, these three Latin American countries are compared and evaluated.
The Turbulent Development of Czechoslovak Middle Eastern Policy in the Years 1948-1955
Taterová, Eva
This chapter aims to introduce and interpret the development of Czechoslovak foreign policy to the Middle East in 1948-1955 in the\ncontext of the ongoing Cold War using the case studies of Czechoslovak bilateral relations with Israel and Egypt. After the communist coup in\nFebruary 1948, Czechoslovak foreign policy encountered essential changes that also influenced Czechoslovak attitudes towards the Middle\nEast. While in the late 1940s there was an effort to maintain the existing local partnerships (e.g. the continuing support to the\nemerging State of Israel), the early 1950s brought a significant shift of Czechoslovak Middle Eastern policy due to the international and\ninternal political factors. As result, Czechoslovakia started to focus on the development of close mutual relations with some Arab countries.\nIn this sense, the year 1955 is considered a milestone regarding the Egyptian-Czechoslovak arms deal which set an important precedent for\nsimilar contracts of military cooperation between Czechoslovakia with the other regional actors.
Czechia between 'the East' and 'the West': Critical geopolitics of international relations and economic flows
Fiřtíková, Eva ; Lepič, Martin (advisor) ; Jelen, Libor (referee)
In this thesis, I deal with the context of international relations and economic flows of the Czechia towards the USA and China in the period 2002-2022. Using individual indicators in the field of trade, direct foreign investment, and in research and development, I examine the dependence of economic flows on foreign connections. Foreign bilateral meetings play a significant role in the subsequent reaction of the state's economy. I examine how foreign connections affect different types of economic flows, as well as their development and variability. The course of economic flows is often greatly influenced by events (such as the global financial crisis or Covid-19), which can affect the state in a number of negative consequences. However, thanks to the efforts of government representatives, diplomatic representatives and important businessman, the subsequent development of the political- economic sphere of states can lead to successful growth, using conclusions and agreements from foreign meetings or proven procedures in mutual cooperation.
Aristocracy in diplomatic services of Czechoslovakia demonstrated by the example of František Schwarzenberg and Jindřich Kolowrat-Krakowský
Šnoblová, Karolína ; Koura, Petr (advisor) ; Parkan, František (referee)
This diploma thesis, which is called Aristocracy in diplomatic services demonstrated by the example of František Schwarzenberg and Jindřich Kolowrat-Krakowský, sets as its goal to describe the position of the nobility in Czechoslovak society after the establishment of the republic and clarify involvement of Czech nobles in diplomatic services. Specifically, the work will be devoted to František Schwarzenberg and Jindřich Kolowrat-Krakowský, who both served as the Czechoslovak ambassador. Then I I will also focus on the history of the families from which the men were descended, as well as their lives outside of diplomacy. KEYWORDS aristocracy, diplomacy, legation, Czechoslovakia, republic
From Neo-Ottomanism to Pragmatism? Turkey's Foreign Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2009
Makovac, Mirna ; Brisku, Adrian (advisor) ; Žíla, Ondřej (referee)
Bibliographic note MAKOVAC, Mirna. "From Neo-Ottomanism to Pragmatism? Turkey's Foreign Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2009." Master's Thesis, Charles University, 2023. Abstract The thesis aims to analyze the development of Turkey's foreign policy towards Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2009, with a focus on the reciprocity between neo-Ottomanism and pragmatism. This will be presented following the political, cultural, and economic role of Turkey in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main argument of the thesis is that there has been a shift from a values-based approach towards a more pragmatic orientation in Turkey's relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The thesis aims to answer the research question of to what extent has this shift had any impact on its relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2009. The findings indicate that Turkey's foreign policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina can be seen as a blend of both neo- Ottoman and pragmatic elements, depending on Turkey's activity in the country, but in recent years pragmatism prevails. In spite of that, pragmatism didn't negatively affect the positive and close relations between Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina but it further strengthened the ties between these countries. Keywords Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, foreign policy, diplomacy, neo-Ottomanism,...
The Habsburgs and the Rurikids in the early modern period: diplomacy and mutual perception (1558-1598)
PANOV, Vladimir Genadjevič
This thesis explores the exchange of diplomatic missions between the Holy Roman Empire and the Muscovite tsardom in the second half of the 16th century, along with their fecial ceremonial, in the light of mutual perceptions of the two state entities' ambassadorial circles. The author studied both archival and published diplomatic sources of Austrian and Russian origin together with literary sources and ego-documents of the time using up-to-date historical and interdisciplinary methods of study including linguistics and anthropology. A concise but comprehensive review of diplomatic missions of 1558-1598 was presented as a factual background, after which light was shed on four aspects of fecial ceremonial that reflected the mutual perceptions of imperial and Muscovite emissaries in the fullest way possible, namely the welcoming ceremonies and audiences, the gifts, the feasts and the mutual salutatuons of the monarchs. The author came to conclusion that the tsars' emissaries almost totally shyed away from "nonservice" accounts, leaving no space for their personal traits and opinions in documents, whereas their imperial counterparts left some rich descriptions of Muscovite daily life and mores, accounts that are nevertheless rarely studied. Having analysed the said desctiptions, the author tried to grasp when and why the imperial diplomats were motivated by stereotypes or biased discourses that were sometimes established by no less than Siegmund Herberstein, and when they expressed a fresh and unbiased outlook on their opponents. In the end, having matched the results of the ambassadorial missions and the mutual perceptions of the diplomats, the author concluded that the last Rurikids saw their relations with the Austrian Habsburgs not only as a field of foreign policy achievements, but as a paragon and a tool of self-representation and of promoting their political status both at home and abroad.
The International Drug Control Regime: A Case for Regime Theory and Issue Salience
Padilla Pineda, Eugenia Isabel ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Aliyev, Huseyn (referee) ; Dowd, Caitriona (referee)
Utilizing regime theory and the concept of issue salience, this study aims to show how the resilience of an agenda item can contribute to a change in an international security regime. The International Drug Control Regime's (IDCR) conventions and principles, rules and norms have been continuously contested over the past years. Several countries (Canada, Uruguay and some U.S. states) have moved forward with the legalisation of the recreational and medicinal use of cannabis, one of the drugs the regime has classified as 'highly dangerous', citing security, human rights and their citizen's preferences to explain their unilateral decision at the expense of the IDCR. The cannabis debate has become a salient issue in the IDCR, demonstrating patterns of change like internal contradictions, underlying structures of power and exogenous forces. This study will rely on a theoretical approach supported by a within-case historical analysis of the IDCR between 2009-2020, as well as discourse and documentary methods to assess how the salience of the cannabis debate to the regime's member-states can contribute to the possibility of a regime shift or change.