Breathing techniques, pranayama and their effect on human health
In its first theoretical part, the bachelor's thesis deals with the topics of health, breathing, Patanjali's eight degrees of yoga and an explanation of the essence of pranayama as a breathing exercise and one of the eight degrees of yoga. Breath is explained in terms of its meaning, anatomy, mechanics and physiology. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to create an overview of the effects of pranayama on the human organism based on literature research. The basis for fulfilling the set goal is the study of professional Czech and foreign literature focused on the issue of yoga exercises, Patanjali's eight degrees of yoga, breathing exercises, preparatory pranayama and pranayama. In order to fulfill the set goal, it was necessary in the practical part to carry out analyzes of selected studies and professional articles that deal with the topic of the influence of pranayama on human health and whether its practice can improve the quality of human life, improve certain diseases or even help cure them completely. Based on the analysis of selected studies and professional articles, a conclusion could be made about the effect of pranayama on human health.
Preoperative physiotherapy in patients with planned cardiac surgery
The bachelor thesis investigates preoperative physiotherapy options for patients with upcoming cardiac surgery. The thesis examines physiotherapeutic options before the cardiac surgery, which aim to be beneficial in the postoperative phase. The first goal is to map physiotherapeutic methods available for patients with upcoming cardiac surgery. The second goal is to compile educational material for patients who are planning to undergo a cardiac operation. I formulate two following research questions to achieve these goals: 1. Which physiotherapeutic methods are available for patients with upcoming cardiac surgery? 2. What effect has the educational material for patients with upcoming cardiac surgery? The theoretical part focuses on the following areas: anatomy of thorax and heart, physiology of bloodstream and heart, and on respiratory system. The next topic is a description of basic concepts of cardiac surgery and physiotherapeutic methods, which we can use in cardiac rehabilitation. The practical part of the work is based on qualitative research - case studies of four probands with planned cardiac surgery. Before the surgery, the input examination was performed to set starting values. The output examination took place right before the patient's release to home care for final evaluation. Probands were found thanks to the department of cardiac and chest surgery in České Budějovice hospital. The research was held during proband's hospitalization, and the whole therapy process was monitored. Based on kinesiological analysis input and output, I evaluated the effect of preoperative physiotherapy as positive for three out of four probands. Proband 1 had a significant extension of maximal respiratory mouth pressures; her thorax increased its volume and duration of inhaling and exhale. Despite lowered expectations, Proband 2 improved her maximal inspiratory and expiratory mouth pressures. Chest volume of Proband 3 increased during measurements. Due to the health condition of Proband 4, I could not perform her output examination.
The analysis of aplication yoga on the mental state for a people with multiple sclerosis
The Bachelor thesis is focused on the effect of application yoga's exercises for the man with the multiple sclerosis. The effect of yoga's exercises to improve the mental state of man with multiple sclerosis. The theoretical part is aimed at multiple sclerosis, yoga, breathing techniques, physical activity and their affect to human body. Small group of volunteers with multiple sclerosis were chosen to do a yoga's exercise. The practical part is focused on yoga's exercises, the Profile of Mood states, done before and after workout. The data were put in MS Excel and the results are described in the graphs and tabs, where are compared with others thesis on the same theme. The results of this thesis approved that yoga's exercises have positive effect on a mental state of members with multiple sclerosis.
The impact of intervention breathing programme on breathing economy during increasing load
POUL, Daniel
Breathing is essential part of our life. Breathing exercise can help acquirement of proper breathing. Thanks to this process, sports performance can be improved. The aim of our work is to determine differences in values and compare results of spiroergometric parameters from testing on a bicycle ergometer in the laboratory of functional load diagnostics. We obtained the results by an entrance test and a final test tested after eight weeks. Between testing, selected individuals performed a respiratory intervention program. Nine performance university athletes, especially focused on football, got involved in our research. Data at the rest position and load were crucial. We focused on dynamic ventilation parameters such as tidal volume, respiratory rate, minute ventilation or oxygen consumption. In the output test, we also recorded changes in values in the respiratory segments, abdominal, thoracic and subclavian areas. We verified the results from the point of view of material and statistical significances. Both of these significances were evaluated in this thesis. The materially and statistically significant differences in the results of measurement were improved in the oxygen consumption by our probands. The studied probands were able to improve in various phases of load, for example, the material significance was detected at the respiratory rate during the load of three watts per kilogram. Ascertained results were not improved in all monitored parameters. The most significant changes were discovered in the three-watt load during the respiratory rate from 32,8 +- 7,2 to 30,9 +- 5,1 breaths per minute. Probands reduced oxygen consumption by 14.8 percent.
The application of relaxation techniques at elementary school
EŠNEROVÁ, Kateřina
This diploma thesis focuses on the employment of relaxation techniques in primary school teaching and the particular relaxation techniques. The aim of the thesis is to find out what relaxation techniques are used by teachers in primary schools teaching and which defferences can be found in the use of relaxation techniques according to specific type of school. Semi-structured interview, participant observation and data analysis are used for the reset of the research.
Tibetan Curing System of Kum Nye and the Possibilities of its Application
Soumarová, Jana ; Parry Martínková, Irena (advisor) ; Peliš, Michal (referee)
Title: Tibetan curing system of Kum Nye and the possibilities of its application Objectives: The aim of this work is to present a comprehensive view of the Tibetan healing system called Kum Nye. The first part introduces Buddhism as the general basis of Kum Nye, some other basic spiritual principles, the historical background of Kum Nye, and the relationships between these three bases of Kum Nye. The aim of the second part is to explain the therapeutic effect of the system and to present ways of its practice, which are specially modified for the mentality and the way of life of Western society by the Tibetan lama Targhang Tulku. This part is enriched by the author's personal experience from a course of Kum Nye. The concluding part of the work sums up the salient aspects of Kum Nye, presents possibilities for its use, critically evaluates the therapeutic effects and limitations of the system, and makes suggestions for further research. Keywords: Buddhism, breathing exercises, emotions, Kum Nye, stress
Case report of patient after surgery of the lumbar spine
Marková, Zuzana ; Vomáčková, Helena (advisor) ; Biskup, Šimon (referee)
Author: Zuzana Marková Title of bachelor's thesis: Physiotherapy Case Study of a Patient after Lumbar Spine Surgery Objectives: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to summarize theoretical knowledge of diagnosis of spondylosis with radiculopathy. Further, this knowledge will be practically used while working with my patient, whose case study was elaborated in the practical part of my thesis. Methods: To compose the theoretical part of the thesis, a literar research was done. The practical work with my patient consisted of taking medical history, kinesiological examination and therapy based on the results of the examination. The metods chosen for the therapy are: The Vojta Method, the sensorimotor stimulation by Janda and Vávrová, breathing exercises, basic fitness exercises and gait training. The therapy was finished by control kinesiological examination. Result: After the series of therapy, the patient's condition was better. His stability of gait improved and he was able to walk for a longer distance continually, from 50 metres at the beggining to 200 metres at the end of the therapies. Also, the differences in circuits of the lower extremities were smaller, the range of movement was higher and the muscles were stronger in some areas. Conclusion: I had the opportunity to perform all the...
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Working with the breath in classical dance technique
Pokorná, Kristýna ; KŘENKOVÁ, Mahulena (advisor) ; PUCHOWSKA, Sara Maria (referee)
This bachelor’s thesis discusses the possibilities of working with breath in classical dance technique. My research is based primarily on my personal perceptions obtained while observing the effects of breath on the body. My main aim is to make use of stimuli that occur in the body from the anatomical, physiological and psychological point of view while inhaling and exhaling in order to support the correct execution of the steps of the classical dance technique, in cooperation with countermoves in the body. This research section is preceded by a general overview of the respiratory system and the introduction of a different concept of breath.
The effect of the intervention program, breathing exercises on the selected value, and the wind spirometry stereotype
This thesis deals with functioning of breathing system, concretely by breathing stereotype and lung's capacities. The aim was to find out if an intervention program of breathing exercises has a positive influence on breathing stereotype and increase of vital capacity and strenuous exhale VC. For stereotype checkup was used muscular dynametr, capacities were measured by spirometry. 34 probands take part in the study, 18 of them were control sample and 16 probands were participated in intervention. They were athlets in the age 15,94 +/- 1,95 years, runner to medium and long distance. Probands undertook an entrance checkup, the intervention program, and when the intervetion was finished, there was an output measurment.