National Repository of Grey Literature 15 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Design and implementation of a laboratory energy management task using the Power Monitoring Expert system
Preisler, Matěj ; Ostruška, Jan (referee) ; Bátora, Branislav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on creating a laboratory task for students to provide hands-on experience in energy management using Schneider Electric's Power Monitoring Expert (PME) system. The thesis begins with a research of current trends in energy management, a definition of ISO 50001 and a description of the PME system. Subsequently a laboratory task is designed and the function of the different instruments used in the task is described. In the next section, the procedures that led to the creation of this task are described in detail. The output of the bachelor thesis is two constructed laboratory tasks, accompanied by detailed instructions that guide the student through the laboratory task.
Use of Virtual Reality Technology for Monitoring and Visualization of Selected Operational Charakteristics of Machines and Their Analysis
Augste, Jan ; Mostýn, Vladimír (referee) ; Szabó, István (referee) ; Knoflíček, Radek (advisor)
This dissertation deals with the study of the use of virtual technologies for an analysis of operating characteristics of a machine. Operating characteristics of a machine are parameters that determine the usability of the machine to accomplish a certain task in addition to the specified time and under the certain conditions. These include parameters that can be changed based on customer requirements, for example, the table size and the highest spindle speed to the parameters influenced from the start of the machine design such as positioning accuracy, acceleration value in the axes or consumption. The first part sets out general requirements for visualization of information and these are subsequently verified experimentally in the chapter devoted to the time visualization protocol. This thesis presents the original experiments to determine the basic requirements for visualization of a measured quantity, in this case the feed rate. By verifying usability when displaying these properties on the underlying data showing machine position change, the four basic requirements for visual data processing using immerse virtual reality are validated. A deeper insight into the work with data will enable to analyse more complicated relations within a longer period, greater transparency and clearer outputs of analysis.
Collecting and Interpreting Information on Digital Currency Exchanges
Uhlíř, Václav ; Tomeček, Aleš (referee) ; Budík, Jan (advisor)
This student paper discusses principals of data collecting and subsequent analysis of data on digital currency exchanges followed by proposition and full implementation of research oriented system capable of solving all relevant tasks and presenting a way for implementing solutions for broad spectrum of related problems.
Marketing Strategy for Company Chaudry&Goraya s.r.o.
Sedláková, Jitka ; Bárta, Martin (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
Diploma thesis is focused on the range of problems relating to marketing strategy. Theoretical part is dedicated ensuring termination and methods of marketing and marketing strategy. In the next part of the thesis is analyze current status of company Chaudry&Goraya s. r. o. Diploma thesis also deals with proposal of marketing strategy. Thesis contains suggestions for the improvement current situation.
Honey-Pot: System for Attack Detection
Michlovský, Zbyněk ; Malinka, Kamil (referee) ; Cvrček, Daniel (advisor)
This thesis deals with the area of honeypots and honeynets. It defines their classification and contains detailed descriptions of their properties and features. It further elaborates on several freely available systems. The main focus is given to honeypot Nepethes that was being run for one month on an unfiltered Internet connection. A detailed analysis of the collected data is then given.
The Proposal of Customer Satisfaction Improvement of Sportclub Restaurant
Hojačová, Blanka ; Rivola, Petr (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
The dissertation deals with the realization and subsequent evaluation of the analysis of the satisfaction of customers of the restaurant Sportclub on the basis of a questionnaire. It contains the analysis of the outcomes, leading to the detection of strong and weak points of the restaurant Sportclub from the point of view of the customer. One part also deals with suggestions and recommendations that will help to increase the customers´satisfaction and so they will contribute to a better competitor´s fight and to the stabilization of the position of the restaurant in the market.
Marketing Research of Customer Satisfaction for Cukrárna Piccolo
Sedláková, Jitka ; Bárta, Martin (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
Bachelor´s thesis is focused on the range of problems relating to marketing research of customer satisfaction. Theoretical part is dedicated ensuring termination and methods of marketing and marketing research of customer satisfaction. In the next part of the is analyze current status of Cukrárna Piccolo. Bachelor´s thesis also deals with realization and evaluation of marketing research of custumer satisfaction for Cukrárna Piccolo. Thesis contains suggestions for the increase customer satisfaction.
Case studies for statistical data analysis
Chroboček, Michal ; Hégr, Ondřej (referee) ; Novotný, Radovan (advisor)
This thesis deals with questions which are related to the creation of case studies for statistical data analysis using applied computer technology. The main aim is focused on showing the solution of statistical case studies in the field of electrical engineering. Solved case studies include task, exemplary solution and conclusion. Clarity of explained theory and the results understanding and interpretation is accentuated. This thesis can be used for practical education of applied statistical methods, it’s also supplemented with commented outputs from Minitab. Trial version of Minitab has been used for solution of case studies.
Use of Virtual Reality Technology for Monitoring and Visualization of Selected Operational Charakteristics of Machines and Their Analysis
Augste, Jan ; Mostýn, Vladimír (referee) ; Szabó, István (referee) ; Knoflíček, Radek (advisor)
This dissertation deals with the study of the use of virtual technologies for an analysis of operating characteristics of a machine. Operating characteristics of a machine are parameters that determine the usability of the machine to accomplish a certain task in addition to the specified time and under the certain conditions. These include parameters that can be changed based on customer requirements, for example, the table size and the highest spindle speed to the parameters influenced from the start of the machine design such as positioning accuracy, acceleration value in the axes or consumption. The first part sets out general requirements for visualization of information and these are subsequently verified experimentally in the chapter devoted to the time visualization protocol. This thesis presents the original experiments to determine the basic requirements for visualization of a measured quantity, in this case the feed rate. By verifying usability when displaying these properties on the underlying data showing machine position change, the four basic requirements for visual data processing using immerse virtual reality are validated. A deeper insight into the work with data will enable to analyse more complicated relations within a longer period, greater transparency and clearer outputs of analysis.
Marketing Research of Customer Satisfaction for Cukrárna Piccolo
Sedláková, Jitka ; Bárta, Martin (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
Bachelor´s thesis is focused on the range of problems relating to marketing research of customer satisfaction. Theoretical part is dedicated ensuring termination and methods of marketing and marketing research of customer satisfaction. In the next part of the is analyze current status of Cukrárna Piccolo. Bachelor´s thesis also deals with realization and evaluation of marketing research of custumer satisfaction for Cukrárna Piccolo. Thesis contains suggestions for the increase customer satisfaction.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 15 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
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