Laser jako inovativní metoda v boji proti nežádoucímu výskytu ptactva
Červenka, Josef
The subject of the diploma thesis is Laser as an innovative method in the fight against the unwanted occurrence of birds. This method was chosen on the basis of efficiency, care for birds and the environment. This work follows up on my bachelor's thesis, which analysed the collisions of birds with aircraft based on the colour coding of aircraft and the perception of the colour spectrum of birds based on a number of scientific studies and experiments mentioned here. Data collection took place in the 2021 at nineteen vineyards in the south Moravia. An Avix Autonomic laser with a green beam was installed in the vineyards (Troskotov-ice, Velké Bílovice). The data contained information quantifying harvest losses before and after laser use.
Vliv okusu na přirozenou obnovu a dynamiku lesa na LS Dvůr Králové nad Labem, revír Markoušovice
Richter, Marek
The focus of my work was to research game´s bud browsing on natural forest regeneration and its influence on the dynamics of forest stands. The study took place in six different locations in the forest district of Markoušovice which belongs under the management of Forest administration of Dvůr Králové nad Labem. Sample plots were situated in the natural regeneration under the stands and also in the stands without the cover of the mother trees. The measurements in the forest district of Markoušovice showed that the most damaged local tree species are a rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia L.) with 76,9 % and the European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) with damages on 41,7 % of all measured trees. This is probably due to the deficit of these trees in the stand. The Norway spruce (Picea abies L.), which occurs as the main farm tree in this area, was not disproportionately damaged, except for the one local forest stand bounded on one side with the railway line, where browsing induced damages were nearly 40 % and with significant appearance of biting also on the sides.
Zhodnocení používání potěžebních zbytků pro snížení škod bobrem evropským na hospodářských porostech
Zugar, Ondřej
This diploma thesis deals with the potential of submitting forest mining residues as a possible way to protect commercial forests immediately endangeres by Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Interest area of the study was the floodplain forest in southern Moravia under the administration of the Tvrdonice forest district, which is part of the forest facility Židlochovice, Forests of the Czech Republic. Three territories with active beaver feeding activities were determined in this area, where the sampling of submitted willow, poplar and ash residues was monitored from mid-September 2020 to February 2021, as well as the extent of damage to surrounding commercial forest. The intensity of sampling of the submitted branches and the extent of damage were evaluated and subsequently the localities with and without feeding were compared. Furthermore, the influence of branch drying location of branches from beaver burrows and frequency of beaver occurence in localities on beaver biomass consumption was monitored. The amount of biomass provided by the main tree species was also compared. The samping of forest mining residues during the winter was recorded at all localities, and on the basis of comparisons with the localities without additional feeding, it was found that the submitted forest mining residues contribute to the reduction of damage to commercial trees. The drying of the branches and the distance from the burrow did not affect the sampling of the submitted branches. Based on the analysis of preferred tree species, it was found tha the most biomass is provided by oak, but the most energy efficient for beaver are soft trees (willow and poplar).
Hlodavci jako škůdci na zemědělské produkci
Vargová, Michaela
The thesis critically evaluates the existing knowledge on the importance of rodents as an important pests of agricultural crops. The main part of this thesis, i.e. the literature review, focuses on a brief description of the damage caused by rodents in the global context, and subsequently in the Czech Republic. The thesis focuses on the possible causes of this damage. Furthermore, the thesis mentions rodent species and their distribution according to food consumption, followed by a description of economic and sanitary damage. The thesis also mentions preventive measures against rodents, monitoring, methods of damage control and their economic impact. The thesis concludes by mentioning possible gaps in knowledge of the impact of annual crops on damage levels and potential alternative options for rodent damage control.
Protection of the Injured Party in Criminal Proceedings
Mandíková, Eliška ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Heranová, Simona (referee)
Protection of the Injured Party in Criminal Proceedings Abstract This thesis is focused on the injured party, the subject of criminal proceedings. The aim of the thesis is to identify the most pressing shortcomings of the current legislation through a comprehensive analysis of selected topics. The thesis is divided into eight main parts. Chapter one focuses on the very definition of the term injured party and the basic division into injured person entitled to compensation for damage, non-pecuniary damage or unjust enrichment with specific rights in adhesion proceedings and injured person without this right. This is followed by an overview of the position of the injured person in criminal proceedings with an emphasis on his or her representation and the issue of a joint agent. The central concept of the third chapter is the victim of a crime, the definition and differentiation from the concept of injured person. This part discusses selected institutes of the Act on Victims of Crime and the basic principles governing it. Chapter four deals with the development of legislation. It describes the legal regulation of the position of the injured party in historical criminal procedure codes and significant amendments to the current Criminal Procedure Code that affected the rights of the injured party. The subsequent...
Calculating damages in copyright infringement claims
Prokop, Jan ; Žikovská, Petra (advisor) ; Holcová, Irena (referee)
Calculating damages in copyright infringement claims The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of calculating damages in copyright infringement claims. In the work, the author summarizes the basic aspects of copyright and subsequently focuses on the analysis of the current legislation on the calculation of the amount of damages in copyright infringement claims. The thesis is written with an emphasis on current trends in copyright law, which are mainly the use of author's works on the Internet, the use of file hosting repositories, framing, embedded links, and BitTorrent. The diploma thesis is divided into five chapters, among which the Introduction and Conclusion are not included. In the first chapter, the author describes the basic principles of copyright important for its functioning, provides definitions of important terms institutions, describes current developments and trends in the field of copyright and, in the end, addresses the issue of cybercrime. In the second chapter, the author discusses some ways of copyright infringement, considering current problems. The connection of copyright with some of the modern technologies mentioned above is also discussed in the second chapter. The chapter is supplemented by the most important jurisprudence in this area. The third chapter is dedicated to...
Civil liability of expert witnesses
Lukášová, Karolína ; Šustek, Petr (advisor) ; Hendrychová, Michaela (referee)
Civil liability of expert witnesses Abstract This diploma thesis aims to point out the risks related to expert assessments as well as describe the kinds of harm that the violation of expert's duties can cause. Furthermore, the thesis also presents the options for seeking redress in such cases. The new legislation which came into force in the beginning of 2021 brought many important changes. The main objective of the new act in the expert witness area is to set precise and detailed rules for the expert assessments and to raise the standard of expert reports. One of the instruments used to achieve this objective is the strengthening of the liability of experts, including the implementation of the civil liability of experts for damage caused by the professional services offered. Even though the concept of liability of expert witnesses for damage is not completely unknown in the Czech Republic, legal literature has neglected this topic so far. In contrast, articles related to the public liability of experts can be found regularly. Due to the different purpose of criminal and administrative proceedings, an individual has no guaranteed subjective right to claim for redress and compensation in these proceedings. That is why such rights must exist within private law. The diploma thesis presents a detailed analysis...
The institution of pre-contract liability in theory and practice
Kraus, Radek ; Elischer, David (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jan (referee)
Diese Arbeit behandelt das Thema "Rechtsinstitut der vorvertraglichen Haftung in Theorie und Praxis". Die ganze Arbeit ist in drei Teile gegliedert und zwar "Der Begriff der Vorvertraglichen Haftung", "Die Komparative Analyse der ausländischen Rechtsordnungen" und "Das tschechische Konzept der vorvertraglichen Haftung". Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist, die praktischen Aspekte der vorvertraglichen Haftung zu beschreiben, was aber ohne ausreichende theoretische Grundlagen unmöglich ist. Die Doktrin culpa in contrahendo (Verschulden beim Vertragsabschluss) wird Rudolph von Jhering zugeschrieben, denn er hat im Jahre 1861 als erstes die charakteristischen Züge der vorvertraglichen Obligationen beschrieben. Der Autor ordnet in dem ersten Teil dieser Arbeit noch die vorvertragliche Haftung in das Rechtssystem ein. Die zum Teil von dem Autor entworfene Definition dient dann in dem zweiten und dritten Teil zu dem einfacheren Vergleich der Konzepte von vorvertraglicher Haftung in verschiedenen Rechtsordnungen. In dem zweiten Teil wird zuerst das deutsche Konzept der culpa in contrahendo beschrieben, wie es sich von R. von Jhering über die Schuldrechtsmodernisierung bis zum heutigen Tag entwickelt hat. Die Entwicklung der deutschen Auffassung der vorvertraglichen Haftung von der materiellen zur formalen...
Liability for damage under Insolvency Act
Kovacs, Stanislav ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
The aim of the thesis is, based on analysis of the institute of liability for damages in the Insolvency Act and related legislation, to characterize the institute of liability for damage in insolvency law and to define its position within the system of sanctions, to identify links to private and public (including criminal) legal norms, to present concrete examples from existing case law to address some unclear areas of existing arrangements and to identify and to describe changes resulting from the new regulation of the institute of liability for damages in the new Civil Code. The thesis is divided into two parts, the general (conceptual) and specific (critical). The general part is divided into four chapters. Chapter one summarizes the theoretical background of the institute of liability for damages. Chapter two provides an overview of the general private law liability for damages and fundamental differences on liability for damages in the old and the new Civil Code. The third chapter is devoted to a specific rules on liability for damages in the Insolvency Act. Chapter four discusses the different possibilities of a claim for damages or other harm. The special part is devoted to analysis of the facts of liability for damage governed by the Insolvency Act. Individual facts of case are systematically broken...
Damages in investment disputes
Jurák, Michal ; Balaš, Vladimír (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
Resumé: This thesis titled "Damages in Investment Disputes" deals with analysis of various types of damages in investment arbitrations. To approximate this theme author tries to use the case study methot for various terms of international investment law. The aim of this thesis was to try to summarize theoretical definition of damages, using its various types and reasons of their origin. Described is contractual basis, from which damages arise in causal nexus, but also particular instrumets of investment arbitration and its jurisdictional practice. Thesis is divided (without counting the introduction and conclusion) into three chapters, which are further divided into sub-chapters, possibly into additional parts. First chapter is an excursion into common theory of international investment law with focus on damages. It encloses though theoretical basis, but also individual contractual recourse. The theory basics is suplemented with evaluation of basic terms, like investment and damages in international investment arbitration. Its component is also definition of investment from jurisdictional practice (Salini test). Second chapter is focused on definition of damages and its various types. Starting point to this is also definition of mostly used methods to determine amount of damages. As basics is used fair and...