National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The importance of clearings on plant communities in Podyjí National Park
Pusztaiová, Zuzana ; Münzbergová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Macek, Martin (referee)
In this thesis I deal with various aspects of influence of clearings on plant communities in NP Podyjí. Special space is dedicated to light-demanding, threatened and alien plant species, and their response to light improvement. The area of the Podyjí NP has been used by people continuously for a very long time. There is therefore a whole range of plant species, linked to a certain anthropogenic disturbance regime. I observed the development of plant communities using phytocenological relevés on six pairs of clearings (isolated and connected with open habitats), created in 2011 and 2012. At the same time, I also investigated the adjacent closed-canopy forests and open forests on the edge of the canyon. During the first year after cutting, there was a significant increase in diversity and species cover in the clearings. In the following years, significant changes took place on isolated clearings, as the zone of closed-canopy forest delayed low colonization by new individuals in first years. In the clearings, diversity and abundance of plants were significantly higher than in the closed-canopy forest and open forest. The number of endangered plant species was the highest in open forest. Several unique species of endangered plants have been recorded on clearings. These species have not been found in...
Vegetation succession at the clearings at the pine forest areas
Šmidrkalová, Monika ; Hadincová, Věroslava (advisor) ; Prach, Karel (referee)
Vegetation succession at the clearings at the pine forests areas was studied in the sandstone landscapes of the Czech Republic (Bohemian Paradise, Doksy region, Bohemian Switzerland). The aim of the study was to reveal the course of succession, the rate of changes, the factors influencing succession and the differences between the vegetation succession trajectory at the clearings and the burnt places. Space-for- time substitution method was used to record overall 249 phytocenological relevés (100 m2 ) at the clearings from 1 to 170 years, divided into 7 successional stages. The results showed the total number of species did not change significantly during the succession. There were differences in the species composition between successsional stages. The youngest successional stages (to 5 years) differed the most from the older stages by the occurence of shade-intolerant ruderal species. The eldest stages (over 40 years) were similar in the species composition. The type of planted tree and locality influenced the species composition the most within 10 years. The comparative study between the succession at the clearings and the burnt places showed significantly lower total number of species at the clearings. The development of the...
Vliv kůrovcové kalamity na společenstva epigeických Collembola (Insecta: Entognatha) klimaxových smrčin v Národním parku Šumava, Česká republika
Rusek, Josef ; Brůhová, Jindřiška
Soil surface activity of epigeic communities of Collembola were studied in undamaged climax spruce forests, in dead spruce forests after bark beetle attack and in clearings in the Šumava National Park, South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Five pitfall traps were exposed at each of the nine study sites. They were exposed for 12 months during summer, fall and winter periods from 1999 to 2000. More than 149 000 specimens of Collembola belonging to 54 species were trapped, determined and evaluated. The highest epigeic activity of Collembola was in the summer period in the undamaged spruce forests (624.2 ind./trap/30 days), lower in the dead forests (604.1 ind./trap/30 days) and lowest in the clearings (549.8 ind./trap/30 days). The undamaged spruce forests had 19, whereas dead forests only 14 and clearings 17 characteristic species with constancy C > 49 %.
Povrchová aktivita osmi běžných druhů chvostoskoků ve smrkových lesích a na pasekách po kůrovcové kalamitě v Národním parku Šumava, Česká republika
Brůhová, Jindřiška ; Rusek, Josef
Surface activity of eight common epigeic species of Collembola were studied in spruce forests, dead spruce forests and clearings in the Šumava National Park, South Bohemia, Czech Republic: .i.Lepidocyrtus lignorum, Leidocyrus cyaneus, Pogonognathellus longicornis, Tomocerus minutus, Tetracanthella stachi, Allacma fusca, Entomobrya nivalis, Dicyrtomina minuta./i.. Five pitfall traps were exposed at each of the 9 sites in the summer and autumn periods to study the impact of spruce forest die-off after bark beetle attack (dead forests) and on clearings. Material comprising 79435 specimens was evaluated in this study using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test for comparing Collembola activity between the sites and seasons. Complete linkage (Euclidean distances) cluster analysis was used for comparing the collembolan activity in all nine sites.

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