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Návrh interiérového produktu z udržateľných materiálov
Príbulová, Lenka
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design and create an interior product made of sustainable materials. The final result of the diploma thesis will be a functional model of an interior product serving as a seating and storage element made of recycled and recyclable materials suitable for placement in the interior. The literary part of the work is devoted to the issue of sustainability and its aspects, as well as related areas such as recycling or circular economy. Within the typology of furniture, this part is devoted to seating furniture and its characteristics. As a standard material not used in furniture design was chosen for this project, it was subjected to selected tests in order to determine its physical and mechanical properties as well as tests on the surface resistance of the material. The project part of the work is focused on approaching the complex process of development and production of interior products.
Nakládání s odpady, komparace Česká republika a Švédsko
Šubová, Pavlína
The focus of this diploma thesis is waste management in Czech Republic and Sweden. The theoretical part covers basic terminology and concepts that are important for understanding the problem from different perspectives. The theoretical part further defines key concepts and compares various models. This thesis also describes waste disposal in each country and summarizes programs and strategies which help Czech Republic and Sweden with the implementation of circular system into their economy. The analytical part first deals with common indicators assessment and subsequently focuses on analysis of waste management indicators. The final part is dedicated to correlation analysis which determines the strength of the relationship between chosen variables.
Využitie biorozložiteľných plastov v potravinárskom priemysle
Štefánek, Ján
The final thesis is focused on the topic of biologically degradable plastics, which are being introduced into many areas of human activities. In this document I will aim at the food industry, first and foremost, that consumes an enormous amount of plastic material each and every day, creating waste with still a very low value. The text focuses on one of the options how to mitigate this worldwide issue – using biologically degradable plastic packaging instead of the conventional, not degradable ones.
Využití biologicky rozložitelných odpadů v souladu s principy cirkulární ekonomiky
Štafová, Eva
This thesis focuses on a comprehensive characterization of the development, management and use of biodegradable waste in selected European Union (EU) countries with an emphasis on the principles of circular economy. The thesis examines the legislative frameworks related to biodegradable waste in selected EU countries. The focus is on their consistency and ability to support circular principles, which are key to sustainable development. At the same time, technological innovations and practices that influence the efficiency of biodegradable waste recovery in the circular economy are identified The research analyses and compares country practices to identify successful models and challenges. Furthermore, the paper describes key trends in biodegradable waste management and suggests strategies for future development that could enhance the implementation of circular principles. Examples of best practices and successful implementations of biodegradable waste recovery in selected countries are examined.
Cirkulární ekonomika podniku ve vztahu k jeho finanční situaci
Abaffyová, Štěpánka
This master thesis deals with circular economy and financial analysis. In the theoretical part of the thesis, a review on life cycle assessment (LCA method) and methods for calculating financial analysis indicators is developed. Furthermore, this part defines terms associated with investment evaluation methods. The practical part results were the life cycle of non-woven textiles and the preparation of a financial analysis of the assessment of the company PFNonwovens Czech, s.r.o. in the period 2017-2022. The financial analysis did not reveal any major problems and the company is considered stable. This was followed by a proposal for a solution to mitigate the impact on the environment and improve the financial situation.
Eco materials made from recycled plastics and other waste material
Mastráková, Barbora
The work deals with the use of waste in design. It is divided into two main parts. In the first part, the work consists of a theoretical analysis of the process, which is the primary source of eco design ideas. It follows development of ecological design, its fundamental ideas and explains negative impacts of the furniture industry on the environment. The second part presents an analysis of selected companies that produce innovative materials from waste. These are mainly materials that can be used in the production of furniture or as interior elements. Based on the analysis, a new waste material combination is presented.
Uplatnění konceptu cirkulární ekonomiky ve vybraném zemědělském podniku
Heřmánková, Barbora
This diploma thesis is about theme circular economy in agriculture of the Czech republic. Diploma thesis is focused on the application of circular economy principles in practise. The main part is based on the description and analysis of the application of the circular economy concept in selected agricultural enterprise. The material inputs and outputs of the company are ascertained within the analysis. Inputs and outputs are divided into internal and external in order to assess the degree of application of the circular economy concept. From the analysis of individual activities, a number of measures were proposed that would help improve the level of circular economy in the company. The characteristics of the measures used by the farm can serve as an example of good practice from which farms can take inspiration.
Trendy v bezobalovém prodeji
Herzánová, Adéla
Herzánová, A. Trend in non-packaging store. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2022. The diploma thesis deals with packaging-free stores with an emphasis on consumers. The main goal of the thesis is to propose marketing recommendations for packaging-free stores in the food and drugstore sector. The thesis focused on consumers awareness of packaging-free stores and their experience to buy there. To achieve the goal, 16 in-depth interviews were used with customers of packaging-free stores, and also with people who do not yet visit these stores. This was followed by its own questionnaire survey, which was attended by 429 respondents. The results of which showed that respondents shopping in packaging-free stores also want packaging-free sections in traditional grocery stores or drugstores. In the end, first general recommendations for packaging-free stores were formulated, then specific recommendations for the selected store.
Porovnání technologií kompostování biologicky rozložitelných odpadů z hlediska zralosti kompostu metodou blízké infračervené spektroskopie
Křížová, Olga
The main aim of this diploma thesis is Comparing of composting technologies of biodegra-dable waste from the point of view of compost maturity by using the Near-infrared spectroskopy (next only NIRS), evaluating the compost maturity produced by different technologies of composting and the possibility of using the compost in different phases of its maturity on agricultural soils. In the opening part is summarised the literature and the available information, which is connected with the given topic, where is generally desribed the basic principle of composting process and in a more detailed way the stage of compost maturity, the possibility of its usage and releasing of nutrients in different stages of its ma-turity with the connection with its application onto agricultural soils. The chapter Material and methodology focuses on producing of calibration model of compost maturity for ana-lyzer NIRS. Here are stated conrecetly the methods of semi-operational attempts to process biowaste by using composting technologies on open windrow with turning and guided ven-tilation, which are used on composting plant Fertia Ltd. in Náměšť nad Oslavou. In the final part are consequently stated the results of measuring of compost maturity produced by these technologies focusing on comparing not only the intensity of composting but also various material composition, e.g. using the sludge from the cleaning plant of communal waste water. In connection with this problem is stated a possility of using compost in cho-sen stages of its maturity on agricultural soils.
Cirkulární ekonomika ve vinařství se zaměřením na odpad
Klíčníková, Klára
Klíčníková, K. Circular economy in the wine industry with a focus on waste. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2022. This bachelor thesis introduces the concept of circular economy and through several principles falling under this concept, it gradually targets the area of waste. The area of waste has been investigated in the field of winemaking. The aim was to identify and assess the use of waste in the practice of a specific company, in line with the concept of circular economy. The evaluation was carried out using both theoretical and empirical procedures. Semi-structured interview and questionnaire survey techniques were used. An overview of the possibilities and contexts of the different waste recovery options was achieved. The thesis shows that the use of vineyard waste appears to be a promising alternative source of thermal energy, while the use of waste generated from the processing of grapes is mainly concerned with compliance with shared values of the company.

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