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Wayusa as a tool for local and community development in Ecuador
Hrušovský, Tadeáš
This diploma thesis is dealing with the topic of Ilex guayusa (wayusa) plant as a tool for the sustainable development of regions and communities in Ecuador. Goal is to determine whether wayusa, as an agricultural commodity, can be used for the communities in researched area of Ecuador for sustainable development and what role does commercialization and certification play in it. Literature review presents basic terminology of sustainable development of the communities in similar regions across the world in connection mainly to the agricultural commodities to understand how they can affect specific communities. Also, topics of cash-crops, novel food, certification, and commercialization are given and their role in the process of sustainable development. Research consists of the data analysis from the researched area of Gualaquiza, Macas and Tena, based on the semi-structured interviews to show perception of the wayusa in the local communities, its importance, in what state of the commercialization and certification is this commodity and impact of international companies and tourism. Results are that wayusa is mostly not perceived by local as a commodity with enough economic impact to the communities, but based on the findings, demand from developed markets is high and can secure income if the community is focusing on the external market (export). Certification is used only in limited amount mostly in more developed areas (Tena) as it is expensive to cover from only local market resources. Potential for improvement lays at the cooperation with developed markets, more commercialization, usage of voluntary certification and involvement of the tourists in agro-tourism.
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Zhodnocení přínosu Moravských vinařských stezek
Klapalová, Edita
The bachelor thesis is focused on the evaluation of the contribution of the Moravian Wine Trails terms of facilities that provide services to tourism. The aim is to determine through a questionnaire survey, in what establishments see the benefits of Trails and if the opportunity to do establishments due to its favourable paths. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. Theories based on the findings of scientific literature mainly dealing in the marketing mix of tourism services, certification of tourism and sustainable tourism, especially cycling. In the practical part is to analyse the situation of Wine Trails in selected countries of Central Europe and the development of certified devices using the Moravian Wine Trails. Questionnaire survey was discovered by entre-preneurs on the benefits of the Moravian Wine Trails for their devices. After the evaluation was designed marketing mix, which is applicable to several types of devices. The results were summarized at the end and evaluated.
Behaviorální kompetence v projektovém managementu
Jurásek, Jan
This diploma thesis investigates the level of behavioral competencies upon selected sample of project managers from various fields of project management. The thesis was divided into two parts. The first part consists of literature research that contains selected theoretical information from the field of project management. In the opening of the first part, basic concepts and their definitions are mentioned. Furthermore, this part focuses mainly on behavioral competencies history, their description, division, and related topics among which are for example methodology and standards of project management and elements of behavioral competences according to IMPA. The second part of the thesis comprises of original research that was carried out using questionaries upon selected sample of project managers. The research is focused on determining the level of behavioral competences in practice.
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Využití flotační hlušiny ve stavebnictví
Chobot, Marian
This Thesis, entitled Utilization of Flotation tailings in the Construction Business, has been formulated and developed in the Darkov and ČSM Coal Mines. All the findings acquired in the abovementioned mines will be used as basic information for the future utilization of this fine-grained waste, which is a by-product of black coal processing. While developing and writing this Thesis, I was allowed to observe the processing at both the Darkov and ČSM Coal Mines. The theoretical part of this Thesis is dedicated to the description of processing of black coal, from the moment of extraction to the point of expedition or storage appropriate storage areas. Flotation tailings are composed of fine-grained waste created during flotation processing of black coal. The flotation tailings are deposited (floated) into an assigned depository area - the Pilňok tailings pond. The theoretical part of the Thesis also deals with the consequences of coal extraction, which impact the natural environment, and with reparatory actions undertaken to alleviate such consequences. Finally, a chapter within the theoretical part is also dedicated to the possibilities of utilization of flotation tailings, followed by the legislative framework that governs the processing of flotation tailings and an associated certification process. The practical part of the Thesis lists the results of flotation tailings sample examination, which is essential for product certification. The Conclusion evaluates the examination results and the requirements of the Cihelna Polom s.r.o. (Polom Brick Factory, ltd.) with regard to the future long-term utilization of flotation tailings in the production of brick products.
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