National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Influence of improvements to the price of an apartment building
Tučková, Věra ; Chovancová, Jitka (referee) ; Marková, Leonora (advisor)
The aim of Diploma thesis was to suggest method of determine technical improvement building and determine effect technical improvement for the price of flat. The work is listed legal standards of technical improvement, modernization, reconstruction and repairs. These definitions are used on a practical example and base on these calculated prices of flats in a area.
Influence of improvements to the price of an apartment building
Tučková, Věra ; Chovancová, Jitka (referee) ; Marková, Leonora (advisor)
The aim of Diploma thesis was to suggest method of determine technical improvement building and determine effect technical improvement for the price of flat. The work is listed legal standards of technical improvement, modernization, reconstruction and repairs. These definitions are used on a practical example and base on these calculated prices of flats in a area.

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