Effect of Ethylene and Propylene on Performance of Ziegler - Natta Catalyst in Stopped - Flow Polymerization
Hoza, Adam ; Kosek, Juraj (referee) ; Petrůj, Jaroslav (referee) ; Kratochvíla, Jan (advisor)
Výzkum v této práci byl zaměřen na přípravu a charakterizaci blokových kopolymerů typu polypropylen-blok-poly(propylenu-co-ethylenu) (dále jen PP-blok-EPR). Tyto materiály jsou považovány za účinné kompatibilizátory mezi semi-krystalickou polypropylenovou (PP) matricí a amorfními doménami statistického kopolymeru propylenu a etylenu (EPR) v rázuvzdorném sekvenčním kopolymeru (ICP) a proto byl výzkum zaměřen na zkoumání vlivu přídavku blokového kopolymeru PP-blok-EPR na vlastnosti komerčního ICP. Blokové kopolymery byly připraveny za použití techniky „stopped-flow“. Pro tento účel byla zkonstruována vysokotlaká polymerační „stopped-flow“ aparatura, která umožňuje syntézu kopolymerů PP-blok-EPR za podmínek blízkých podmínkám v průmyslových reaktorech pro výrobu komerčních ICP materiálů. Aparatura umožňuje vyrábět PP-blok-EPR polymer v množství dostačující na jeho charakterizaci a následnou přípravu směsí s komerčním ICP. Velmi krátké polymerační časy (obvykle kolem 0.2 s) kterých bylo dosaženo v kapilárním reaktoru aparatury „stopped-flow“ zajišťuje, že aktivní centra Ziglorova-Nattova katalyzátoru produkují polymer řetězce skládající se z bloku semikrystalického polypropylenu a bloku amorfního EPR kopolymeru. Takovéto molekuly jsou v literatuře popsány jako „skutečné blokové kopolymery PP-blok-EPR“. Kopolymery syntetizované v aparatuře „stopped-flow“ byly frakcionovány preparativní TREF (Temperature Rising Elution Fractionation) metodou a získané frakce byly následně analyzovány pomocí DSC, 13C-NMR a GPC/SEC. Tyto analýzy odhalily přítomnost amorfního EPR ve vysoce krystalické frakci (100-140 °C). Toto zjištění potvrdilo, že významná část polymerních řetězců, připravených v aparatuře „stopped-flow“ jsou blokové kopolymery skládající se z bloku semikrystalického PP homopolymeru a bloku amorfního EPR kopolymeru v jednom polymerním řetězci. Kopolymery získané metodou „stopped-flow" byly v tavenině smíchány s komerčním rázuvdorným kopolymerem ICP. U takto připravených směsí byly vyhodnoceny mechanické vlastnosti, DTMA a reologické vlastnosti a výsledky byly srovnány s vlastmi původního komerčního ICP kopolymeru. Dále byly studovány rozdíly v morfologii a umístění EPR domén v matrici PP prostřednictvím SEM. Zřetelný vliv kopolymeru PP-blok-EPR na vlastnosti ICP byl pozorován zejména v morfologických změnách EPR domén dispergovaných v PP matrici. Tyto změny mají pozitivní vliv na rovnováhu mezi modulem v ohybu a rázovou pevností ICP materiálu. Vliv kopolymeru PP-blok-EPR na reologické vlastnosti ICP byl nevýznamný. Podobně také v případě DTMA nebyl pozorován významný vliv kopolymeru PP-blok-EPR na vlastnosti ICP.
Computer simulations of conformational behavior of block copolymers in selective solvents
Šindelka, Karel ; Limpouchová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Kuldová, Jitka (referee)
The presented bachelor thesis deals with the study of the conformational be- haviour of diblock copolymers in the selective solvent. The polymer solution was modelled using a coarse-grained model and is simulated using dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). An original C-code for DPD simulations together with a new software package for processing of simulation data was developed. Functionality of the code and software were tested for two systems. The first system corre- sponded to a linear homopolymer in a solvent and the scaling laws for homopoly- mer in dilute solution were reproduced. The second system represented diblock copolymers in selective solvents and micellar behaviour simulated with the de- veloped code agreed with simulations by Sheng et al. Then, the self-assembly of long copolymer chains in selective solvents that mimics a block copolymer of poly(methacrylic acid) and poly(ethylene oxide) in aqueous solution at pH 1 was studied for different polymer concentrations. The simulation results provided valuable insight into the studied system and serve as a good starting point for DPD simulations of this system with added surfactants and at different values of pH, where the electrostatic interactions become important.
Comicellization of polystyrene-block-poly(acrylic acid) with low-molar-mass surfactants
Paloncýová, Markéta ; Štěpánek, Miroslav (advisor) ; Matějíček, Pavel (referee)
This B.Sc. thesis deals with the study of the effect of low-molar-mass ionic surfactants sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and hexydecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB) on association behavior of the block copolymer polystyrene-b-polyacrylic acid (PS-b-PAA) in alkaline aqueous solutions. Prepared polymeric nanoparticles were characterized by static and dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy and 1 H NMR spectroscopy. It was found that both surfactants interact only with PAA blocks and their presence in the system leads to worsening of the copolymer solubility which manifests itself in the formation of large micellar aggregates and in precipitation of the copolymer-surfactant complexes.
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Conformational behavior of dendritic branched polymers in aqueous solutions (Dissipative particle dynamics)
Suchá, Lucie ; Limpouchová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Posel, Zbyšek (referee)
Bakalářská práce se věnuje studiu konformačního chování polymerních den- drimer· ve vodných roztocích. Polymerní roztoky byly simulovány pomocí di- sipativní částicové dynamiky. Všechny simulace byly provedeny pomocí pro- gramu DL−MESO. Pro generování vstupních soubor· a zpracování výsledk· simulací byly napsány vlastní programy. Správná funkce programu a správné nastavení simulačních parametr· bylo ověřeno pomocí parametrické studie nekonečně zředěných roztok· homopolymerních dendrimer· v dobrém roz- pouštědle. 'kálovací exponent gyračního poloměru získaný pomocí simulací je v souladu s publikovanými daty. Dále bylo porovnáváno konformační chování homopolymerního a kopolymerního dendrimeru. Klíčová slova: Počítačové simulace, disipativní částicová dynamika, dendri- mer, konformační chování, vodné roztoky, větvený polymer
Multidimensional characterization of polyelectrolytes and interpolyelectrolyte complexes in aqueous solutions
Murmiliuk, Anastasiia ; Štěpánek, Miroslav (advisor) ; Šachl, Radek (referee) ; Hoffmann, Ingo (referee)
Multidimensional characterization of polyelectrolytes and interpolyelectrolyte complexes in aqueous solutions Abstract: This PhD thesis is dedicated to the study of polyelectrolytes and their self-assembly in aqueous solutions. The morphology and ionization state of individual polymer chains were investigated as well as their co-assembly with oppositely charged species. First, the charge regulation of short and long weak polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution was investigated to deeper understand their pH-responsive properties. The changes of ionization degree and charge of oligopeptides composed of 5 amino acids with acid side-chains and 5 with basic side chains were followed upon varying the pH in order to reveal the effect of interactions between the like-charged and oppositely charged groups. It was shown that intra-molecular electrostatic interactions and conformational flexibility caused the suppression of the total charge and enhancement of ionization of the peptides. To get an insight into the distribution of local H+ concentration in the proximity of a polyelectrolyte chain, a modified polyelectrolyte structure was used with a fluorescent pH- indicator, covalently attached at the end of the chain. Ionization of the pH-responsive fluorophore revealed its effective pK which was compared with the local...
The study of the self- and co-assembly of block copolymers and block polyelectrolytes
Raya, Rahul Kumar ; Procházka, Karel (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Petr (referee) ; Šachl, Radek (referee)
The Thesis describe my studies based on self-assembly and co-assembly of block copolymer micelles that I conducted at the Department of Physical and Macro- molecular Chemistry at the Charles University, Prague in the research group of my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Karel Procházka, DrSc. The Thesis based on my publications and consists of four parts. Here I studied the formation of polymeric nanoparticles in aqueous solutions formed by polyelectrolytes with hydrophobic backbones by a combination of several experimental methods. The achieved results enabled me to explain the structure and properties of studied self- and co-assembled nanoparticles and to outline the decisive trends of their behavior. The spontaneous formation, sol- ubility and stability of complex nanoparticles depend not only on the electrostatic attractive forces but also on the hydrophobic effects. As the enthalpy-to-entropy interplay is very complex, a number of external factors such as temperature, pH, salinity and concentration affect the assembling process and structure of formed nanoparticles. 1
Multidimensional characterization of polyelectrolytes and interpolyelectrolyte complexes in aqueous solutions
Murmiliuk, Anastasiia ; Štěpánek, Miroslav (advisor) ; Šachl, Radek (referee) ; Hoffmann, Ingo (referee)
Multidimensional characterization of polyelectrolytes and interpolyelectrolyte complexes in aqueous solutions Abstract: This PhD thesis is dedicated to the study of polyelectrolytes and their self-assembly in aqueous solutions. The morphology and ionization state of individual polymer chains were investigated as well as their co-assembly with oppositely charged species. First, the charge regulation of short and long weak polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution was investigated to deeper understand their pH-responsive properties. The changes of ionization degree and charge of oligopeptides composed of 5 amino acids with acid side-chains and 5 with basic side chains were followed upon varying the pH in order to reveal the effect of interactions between the like-charged and oppositely charged groups. It was shown that intra-molecular electrostatic interactions and conformational flexibility caused the suppression of the total charge and enhancement of ionization of the peptides. To get an insight into the distribution of local H+ concentration in the proximity of a polyelectrolyte chain, a modified polyelectrolyte structure was used with a fluorescent pH- indicator, covalently attached at the end of the chain. Ionization of the pH-responsive fluorophore revealed its effective pK which was compared with the local...
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Self assembly of polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution (dissipave particle dynamics)
Šindelka, Karel ; Limpouchová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Kolafa, Jiří (referee)
Title: Self-assembly of polyelectrolytes in aqueous solutions (dissipative particle dynamics) Author: Karel Šindelka Department: Faculty of science, Charles University in Prague Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Zuzana Limpouchová, CSc. Consultant: Doc. Ing. Martin Lísal, DSc. Abstract In the thesis, the coarse-grained dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is used for the study of self-assembly of equimolar mixtures of oppositely charged symmetric block PEs with one PE block (either strong polycation or strong polyanion) and one readily water-soluble neutral block in aqueous media. In the first part of the diploma thesis, the principles of DPD simulations are described and the correct implementation of electrostatic interactions in the DPD method is demonstrated on the example of counterion (Manning) condensation. In the second main part, the effect of the blocks solubility, incompatibility and the interplay of different forces on electrostatic assembly is investigated. The cor- responding neutral systems are also simulated for comparison. The study shows that the hydrophobicity of the PE backbone and the incompatibility of blocks sig- nificantly affects the electrsotatic co-assembly. The presence of opposite charges on different chains promotes the aggregation process and the aggregation number in- creases in comparison...