Determination of lead in lung and brain samples of experimental mice after the inhalation of nanoparticles
Demydenko, Yana ; Zlámalová Gargošová, Helena (referee) ; Vašinová Galiová, Michaela (advisor)
Lead is a heavy toxic metal whose nanoparticles are present in the air due to combustion processes. Data on the safe concentration of lead nanoparticles for human health have not been sufficiently investigated. Previous studies in experimental mice have shown that inhalation of lead nanoparticles first damages lungs and kidneys, then liver, spleen and brain. With prolonged exposure, lead accumulates in the teeth and bones. This bachelor thesis is focused on monitoring of the lead content in lung and brain samples of experimental mice after different periods of nanoparticle inhalation. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to develop an analytical method for the determination of lead in biological samples using atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization (ET-AAS). In this work, a decomposition method for mineralization of the biological matrix in a microwave mineralizer was proposed, and a procedure for the determination of lead using ET-AAS was further developed. The determination of lead at 217 nm using the NH4H2PO4/Mg(NO3)2 matrix modifier was verified by analysis of certified reference materials. Analysis of organ samples from experimental mice confirmed the detoxification mechanism in exposed individuals with a dependence on the time since the end of inhalation of lead nanoparticles.
Interaction between a patient and a nurse during a transfer of human biological material.
Abstract: This bachelor thesis is devoted to communication between a patient and a nurse during the collection of biological material. Aims of the thesis: To explore communication barriers from the nurses' side during biological material collection. To learn about the patients' experience with communication techniques used by nurses during the selected biological material collections. To find out which communication techniques are used by nurses during the collection of biological material. Methodology and research population: For the fulfillment of set goals, a qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interviews aided with observation was implemented. The interview-based data were then analysed using open coding and Pen-and-Paper method (PAPI). The research population consisted of 11 nurses and 6 patients from hospitals in the South Bohemian Region and Vysočina Region. The research was carried out from February to March 2023. The criteria for the selection of nurses for our research was the execution of collecting biological material as part of their work at the selected workplace. The minimal experience of the nurses was 5 years for interviews and 2 years for observations. The patients were to undergo a selected biological material collection. Three categories and six sub-categories were found during the data analysis. Results: The research through observation showed us that many nurses communicate with patients professionally and adequately but some nurses omit or unsuitably use certain elements of verbal and non-verbal communication. Those include inappropriate addressing, violation of hygienic guidelines, lack of patient identification or failure to divert attention during procedures. Of course, no communication with the patient throughout the material collection is easy and comes with many barriers, be it language, space, misunderstanding, patient's unwellness or staff shortage at the workplace. Patients' experience with positive and negative attitude of the nurses varies in each facility. The results of the interviews revealed that smiling, eye to eye contact, empathy, attention diversion or verbal communication during material collection are essential for the patients. Recommendations for practice: The results of this work can be used as study material or guidance for nurses already working in the healthcare sector, but also for non-medical students. This will enable nurses to develop patient-centred communication skills that are essential for the provision of quality nursing care.
Biological terrorism in the context of the current global situation
TRSKOVÁ, Veronika
The diploma thesis deals with bioterrorism and current Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the work is to analyse information and knowledge concerning bioterrorism and to analyse the level of concerns of civilians over transmission of Covid-19 in the South Bohemian Region. The work is divided into two parts. In the first theoretical part the history of biological weapons in wars and for terrorist purposes is described there. Furthermore, I am going to introduce different forms of biological weapons, for example terms such as biological warfare or biological crime. I am then going to divide b-agents, introduce bacteria, virus, fungi and their types. The general division of b-agents is followed by the description of transmission of biological agents and of the way they enter the body. Finally, we are going to focus on decontamination, combat order and model action activity of IRS units during joint intervention. The second and theoretical part defines methods and goals of the research and the results that are graphically depicted to be well arranged. The results are then described in the discussion. The main aim of the work was to analyse information and knowledge concerning bioterrorism and to analyse the level of corners of civilians from transmission of Covid-19 in the South Bohemian Region. To confirm or to disprove a given hypothesis was another part of the goal. The hypothesis reads as follows: University graduates will have statistically much higher knowledge concerning given issues than people who have not completed higher education. A questionnaire construction was used to gain the data. 212 respondents took part in the questionnaire construction. The research confirmed the hypothesis that university graduates would have statistically much higher knowledge concerning given issues than people who have not completed higher education. A measure that could deepen the knowledge in this area was offered at the end of the thesis.
Determination of lead in lung and brain samples of experimental mice after the inhalation of nanoparticles
Demydenko, Yana ; Zlámalová Gargošová, Helena (referee) ; Vašinová Galiová, Michaela (advisor)
Lead is a heavy toxic metal whose nanoparticles are present in the air due to combustion processes. Data on the safe concentration of lead nanoparticles for human health have not been sufficiently investigated. Previous studies in experimental mice have shown that inhalation of lead nanoparticles first damages lungs and kidneys, then liver, spleen and brain. With prolonged exposure, lead accumulates in the teeth and bones. This bachelor thesis is focused on monitoring of the lead content in lung and brain samples of experimental mice after different periods of nanoparticle inhalation. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to develop an analytical method for the determination of lead in biological samples using atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization (ET-AAS). In this work, a decomposition method for mineralization of the biological matrix in a microwave mineralizer was proposed, and a procedure for the determination of lead using ET-AAS was further developed. The determination of lead at 217 nm using the NH4H2PO4/Mg(NO3)2 matrix modifier was verified by analysis of certified reference materials. Analysis of organ samples from experimental mice confirmed the detoxification mechanism in exposed individuals with a dependence on the time since the end of inhalation of lead nanoparticles.
Nursing care of client's HIV-positive.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome has become the whole world pandemic in a short time. It is a virus that is transmitted primarily by blood, breast milk and body fluids, but by means of normal contact with an infected a transfer will not occur if the person does not behave dangerously. The clinical picture of this virus has a very large range of expressions, it depends on what stage is the infected in. In the first few weeks the infected may suffer of temperature, nausea, joint pain. After that infection passes into the asymptomatic period. In the third period of the infection there comes persistent generalized lymphadenopathy, which gradually passes into the fourth stage, which leads to the development of opportunistic infections, malignancies and neurological disorders.To become familiar with the current state of knowledge, which is described on the following pages, it was necessary to study a large number of bibliographic publications by leading Czech and foreign experts in the field of HIV infection. In the Czech scientific environment is this topic, among others, covered by MD. Džamila Stehlíková, from whose scholarly articles and books we have drawn. Another important resource for the bachelor thesis were also journals from abroad, ICAP Columbia University, Czech Health Statistics Yearbook and the magazine of UNAIDS company. From the Czech magazine sources, I would like to mention Florence, Závislosti a my, Lékařské listy and Sestra magazine. The bachelor thesis also includes Internet resources from abroad and the Czech Republic, which deal with such problems, that is www.unaids.org, www.aids-pomoc.cz. Information was also obtained from the World Health Organization, WHO, Czech National Institute of Health and the Czech Ministry of Health. The purpose of the detailed retrieve of a large amount of data was to give relevant statement on researched facts. The knowledge acquired is treated in detail in sections, divided on the basis of the current state of knowledge about HIV infection and AIDS. After studying many studies that have been published, it is clear that HIV infection is increasing, unfortunately, even in the Czech Republic. Recent studies carried out in our country confirm that nowadays people behave very risky and transmission of HIV infection is not decreasing. We have no choice but wait and hope that in this issue there will be found new opportunities and a positive development will occur.
Sampling of biological material in outpatient health care facilities viewed by a nurse.
SRBOVÁ, Kateřina
Sampling of biological material is one of the most frequent duties of nurses working in outpatient health care facilities. The nurse takes biological samples daily and has to respond to possible problems. Sampling of biological material is an important component of the patient´s examination and therefore it must be carried out correctly and properly. The quality of the procedure is affected by the nurse´s experience, skills and knowledge. It is important for a nurse working in an outpatient health care facility to master the sampling technique so that patients were satisfied and the samples did not get devaluated. The objective of my research was to give an account of the most frequent problems occuring when samples of biological material are taken in outpatient health care facilities, and to find out if nurses give patients enough information before the procedure. I set three hypotheses: the H I - nurse do not use protective aids while taking samples of biological material, the H II {--} nurse do not follow the recommended standards, the H III {--} nurse do not inform patients about preparations before taking samples of biological material. To achieve the objective and to verify the hypotheses the questionnaire method was used. Questionnaires were addressed both to patients and nurses. The research sample included 103 outpatients and 73 nurses from outpatient health care facilities in the South Bohemian and the Central Bohemian regions. The obtained data analysis showed that the H I {--} nurse do not use protective aids while taking samples of biological material {--} was not confirmed. H II {--} nurse do no follow the recommended standards {--} was not confirmed. The H III {--} nurse do not inform patients about preparations before taking samples of biological material {--} was not confirmed either. The results of my research reflect the fact that the most common problem is communication between a nurse and the patient. But there is more to be improved - patients education, the fixed placement of aids and the early transportation of samples to laboratories. I would like to make use of these conclusions and pass them over not only to nurses who took part in the research but also to the hospital managements. I intend to give a presentation on my research conclusions to nurses working in outpatient health care facilities.
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