National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Role auxinu a cytokininů v regulaci vyrůstání pupenů hrachu
Hýsková, Anna
This diploma thesis outlines the interactions of two key plant hormones in the process of activation and outgrowth of axillary buds in the model plant Pisum sativum – auxin and cytokinins. In the literature review, current knowledge and theories about apical dominance, polar auxin transport and the establishment of canalized auxin flow into the axillary, which would subsequently enable their outgrowth, were processed. Following the theoretical part of this thesis, the experiments involving the application of lanolin paste with an admixture of IAA, BA and zeatin, were planned. An interaction between cytokinins and their inhibitor PI-55 was also studied in hydroponic culture. The evaluation of the obtained data was then supported with an immunoanalysis of PIN1 proteins in tissues, where the combination of growth regulators was applied, whose abundance and polarization patterns are related to the establishment of the polar auxin flow. The results obtained support the already published findings on how essential the presence of cytokinins in the competitive canalisation between the axillary buds during the introduction of own polar transport of auxin to the main stem is.
Studium faktorů ovlivňujících mikropropagaci oskeruše (Sorbus domestica L.)
Mášlová, Tamara
This diploma thesis was elaborated on the theme "The study of factors influencing service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) micropropagation". The experiments were carried out in in vitro laboratory of the Mendeleum - Institute of Genetics and Plant Breeding of the Faculty of Horticulture in Lednice. The aim of this work was to acquire and improve the knowledge of in vitro cultivation of serviceberry and the genus Sorbus L. in general. The trees growing in experimental land of the Faculty of Horticulture MZLU in Lednice were selected as experimental material. The composition of cultivation medium was verified for plant growth and multiplication purposes. The influence of two different cytokinins BA (benzyl-adenine) and zeatin was evaluated. The shoot number and shoot length were measured. The highest multiplication rate evaluated by the origin of new formed shoots was accomplished on media supplemented with BA (0.1 mg.l-1). Nevertheless the shortest height of shoots was measured on this media. It was valid for both cytokinins that number of shoots was increasing with increasing cytokinin concentration whilst the shoot height was decreasing.

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