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Zelená infraštruktúra, benefity a ekosystémové služby mestskej zelene
Ľubová, Mariana
Abstract Green infrastructure is the network of natural/semi-natural areas, features and/or green spaces in rural and urban, terrestrial and coastal areas, which together enhance ecosystem health and resilience, contribute to biodiversity conservation and benefit human populations through the enhancement/maintenance of ecosystem services. Green infrastructure can be defined, enhanced and conserved through strategic and co-ordinated initiatives that focus on the creation of new areas/features or recognize the value of and/or connect existing areas/features (Green Infrastructure Expert Workshop, 2011).
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Příspěvky zaměstnavatele na finanční produkty vs. navýšení hrubé mzdy
Trinček, Michal
The thesis is focused on the issue of a choice of a exceptional financial reward in a form of either a increase of a gross wage or a contribution to a supplementary pension savings, additional pension insurance or investment-linked life insurance, or a combination of both variants. I´ve found out the preferences of employees via an online questionnaire, which was done in a unnamed company. While respecting the conditions of said company and after comparison of the aforementioned variants and also a quantification of a particular values such as employees net income or employers expense for this reward, I have come to a conclusion that the most favorable form of this exceptional reward is to provide a contribution for selected financial product up to an amount allowed by law and the rest provide in a form of a increase of the gross wage.
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