Systém nakládání s elektroodpadem ve Zlínském kraji
Hylák, Filip
The theme of this bachelor thesis is a treatment of e-waste and batteries in the Zlin region. The literature review describes the theoretical basis and the Czech legislation, which addresses the issue of e-waste and batteries. Consequently, there is mentioned the current system of e-waste collecting at the national level, the impact of e-waste on the environment, the material composition and the recovery of e-waste. The last theoretical section contains a collection efficiency of e-waste. Second part of the thesis describes and evaluates the system of e -waste and batteries collection in the Zlin region. Subsequently, there are mentioned collective systems, which provide the takeback of e-waste in the region. The final part of the thesis evaluates the competition of the manufacturing entities and the development of e-waste production in the area. Based on the controlled interview with the management of the company, which provides e-waste takeback and its processing, there will be defined proposals for more effective implementation of the collection.
Analýza technických parametrů hybridních a elektrických pohonů osobních automobilů
Žižková, Ružena
This bachelor thesis deals with selected types of alternative engines for cars. It is focuses on their function and description of current technologies. The first part focuses on the hybrid drive. It outlines the history of the hybrid, the basic functional elements and the categories of these types of vehicles. In conclusion, there is an evaluation of the hybrid engine and a look into the future. Next chapter describes an electric engine, where accumulators (energy sources) are further described. There is also mentioned the issue of charging stations and a final evaluation. The conclusion is intended for my own evaluation of the technical parameters from an overview of selected hybrid and electric vehicles, which are currently used in a regu-lar traffic.
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Alternativní pohony silničních vozidel
Švéda, Pavel
Bachelors thesis deals with alternative drives of road vehicles, their selected types and a description of the technologies used. The first part of the work deals with electric vehicles and cars with hybrid drive. There is described the history of the drive, the basic functional elements of the vehicles, the evaluation of the drive and the outline of the future of these cars. In the case of electric vehicles there is also described the issue of their charge. The next chapter is an overview of the current electric and hybrid vehicles, and their technical data, such as the engine parameters, battery or fuel consumption. The last part of the Bachelor's thesis is an evaluation of selected vehicles, gasoline, electric and hybrid cars. In this chapter, the technical-economic analysis of these vehicles is made. It includes the calculation of the cost of the operation and the technical parameters of the vehicles. The results of the analysis showed that the gasoline car is economically the most advantageous, primarily because of the cost, which compensates for the cost of service and operation.
Potential impacts of increasing Chinese dominance in the electric vehicle industry
Čejchan, Jakub ; Semerák, Vilém (advisor) ; Veruete Villegas, Iñaki Alberto (referee)
This thesis aims to measure the potential impacts of the Chinese electric vehicle expansion on the automotive industry of the European union. Firstly it intro- duces the industry of electric vehicles, its supply chain and the development on the global scene, specifically in China and Europe. The potential effects are further estimated using the Global extraction method as a modification of the original Hypothetical extraction method in the input-output framework. It simulates the scenario in which automotive industry, represented by the sec- tor Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, of all member countries of the European Union are to be replaced by the Chinese automotive industry. This method was applied on the OECD inter-country input-output tables (ICIO) in combination with FIGARO tables provided by Eurostat. The results are then presented in the total output measures and additional component representing the value spent on employees, estimating the most affected sectors and coun- tries in this area, connected with inter-sector linkages. Such estimations point out the industries and countries that could be endangered, in the case the transition to electric vehicles would result in Chinese dominance throughout the global automotive industry. Keywords Electric vehicles, motor vehicles,...
Li-ion battery recycling
Bělaška, Patrik Vojtěch ; Lisá, Hana (referee) ; Preisler, Lukáš (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis is focused on the recycling of li-ion batteries. In the first part primary and secondary battery cells are described together with their principle, composition, and materials. In the second part, lithium-ion cells, their principle, types of cathode and anode materials, electrolyte, separator, and casings are described in detail. The third part deals with battery pre-treatment and recycling technologies which include the most used hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy and less used direct recycling along with their individual types. The next part describes the mining options, the price of individual materials, largest producers, and weight comparisons before and after recycling of a selected battery. The last part focuses on the possibilities of battery recycling in the Czech Republic, the amount of waste batteries and current state of legislation.
Design of an experimental facility for battery analysis
Kvasnička, Karel ; Sedlák, Petr (referee) ; Majzner, Jiří (advisor)
Assignment of bachelor´s thesis is to create experimental workplace for analysis of batteries. To find out the condition and the capacity of a battery we have to discharge and charge the battery and measure the voltage and the current. Parameters of batteries are changing with aging and usage. There are many types of batteries that are divided into two main categories, primary batteries and secondary batteries. Their properties depend on used materials and production technique. An experimental workplace was built for battery testing equipped with a regulated power supply, a electronic load, a data acquisition unit and safety components. The workplace is able to test various types of batteries. Measurements are automated with computer program.
Possibilities of using a photovoltaic system in a family home
Herník, Martin ; Linda, Jakub (referee) ; Toman, Filip (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the design of a photovoltaic power plant that will meet the needs and conditions of a specific family house. The design includes photovoltaic options such as battery and non-battery system solutions. In this work, the selection of appropriate components was made, where the emphasis was on achieving optimum system performance and minimizing costs while maintaining given efficiency and reliability. Finally, the economic evaluation of the two solutions in terms of cost and paybacks is assessed. The final design is proposed in the light of the current energy price situation and the continuous forward movement of PV technology.
Design of a PV plant for a family house
Kalousek, Stanislav ; Vaněk, Jiří (referee) ; Jandová, Kristýna (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the design of a photovoltaic power plant in combination with a heat pump for a family house. The theoretical part of the thesis includes a detailed analysis and analysis of currently used photovoltaic and heat pump technologies with the use of possible government subsidy programs. Furthermore, the practical part describes the layout of the family house for which both systems are proposed. Based on the knowledge gained, the design of the heat pump and photovoltaic power plant is proposed, including a system for the storage of electrical energy or the sale of surplus to the distribution grid. In addition, a simulation of the operation of the PV power plant is performed in the professional design environment PV*Sol Premium, including a 3D model, module shading, economic and energy analysis of the PV power plant design. Finally, an evaluation of the combination of a PV plant with a heat pump and a comparison with a commercial design from a professional PV and HP installation company is made.
Cognitive Game Battery: Assessing and Identifying Deficits in Memory, Attention, Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making Skills
Češka, Ondřej ; Malik, Aamir Saeed (referee) ; Hussain, Yasir (advisor)
Cílem této práce je neinvazivní posouzení vybraných kognitivních domén (pozornost, paměť, rozhodování) pomocí nové mobilní aplikace vyvinuté za tímto účelem. Posuzování kognitivních nedostatků je důležité pro prevenci neurokognitivních poruch. Byly analyzovány existující posuzovací úlohy a na jejich základě byla navržena a úspěšně implementována kognitivní herní baterii sestávající ze 3 mobilních her. Aplikace je určena pro platformu Android a byla vyvinuta v Unity engine. Byl vytvořen systém pro sběr a uchovávání herních dat a jejich následné zhodnocení za pomoci cloudové dostupnosti. Jeho spolehlivost byla posouzena na základě vlastního sběru dat a poznatků existujících studií. Vyvinutá aplikace přináší jiný pohled na posuzování kognitivních nedostatků, porovnává uživatelem dosažené skóre s ostatními hráči a poskytuje mu detailní zpětnou vazbu.