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Využití e-aukcí z pohledu veřejného zadavatele
Šustrová, Romana
ŠUSTROVÁ, R. Use of e-auctions from the perspective of the public contracting authority. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2015. This bachelor's thesis deals with the use of electronic auction as a method for selection of the best offer from the perspective of the public contracting authority. The main object of this thesis is based on the fact define positives and negatives of the e-auction and formulate suggestions for the public contracting authority. In the first part of this thesis are explained key terms about e-auction, particularly in relation to public contract. In the next part is an analysis of e-auction realized of the town Tišnov. The other part deals with towns which do not use the e-auction. Following the established facts the SWOT analysis is drew up. Outputs from the analysis are supplement by comments and recommendations
Analýza a návrh dražebního portálu
Hrbotický, Jan
Hrbotický, J. Analysis and design of online action application. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University on Brno, 2021.}{This diploma thesis is focused on auctions with closer focus on online auctions. The result of this document is design and implementation of online web application that has possibility of show, search, insert and edit deals. So as possibility to bid in real time. The whole service is implemented as modern single page Angular application communicating with Java Spring API using REST and websocket interface. For storing data, the PostgreSQL is used.
Výběr dodavatelů dopravních služeb a dynamika obchodních vztahů
Hálová, Naďa
Hálová, Naďa. The selection of suppliers of transport services and the dynamics of trade relations. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2015. This work is focuses on a multi-criteria problem of outsourced transporters's selection. The goal of the submitted thesis was to discover a suitable economic model that clarities this situation. Data was received from an international company operating in area of automotive industry. Based on this data I stated several models. The main result of this work is the fact that for companies, which behave rationally and minimize their costs of outsourcing, is desirable to move on according to several models.
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Investment Environment in the Virtual Real Cash Economy
Lehnert, Filip ; Hlavinka, Roman (referee) ; Budík, Jan (advisor)
The subject of this thesis is to introduce the reader to the issue of possible financial investment in the virtual economy with real funds and design strategies to maximize the initial capital appreciation. The introduction describes the analysis of virtual PED currency, the economy and the system of publicly traded shares. The main part is focused on presenting the results of practical traded investment based on fundamental analysis, speculation about the intrinsic value of the shares and evaluating applied strategies, including the benefits of work.
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Auction Portal with Non-banking Loans in The Czech Republic
Hadač, Marek ; Pochyla, Martin (referee) ; Heralecký, Tomáš (advisor)
This thesis delas with the business plan of the internet auction portal with non banking loans. The main aim of the thesis is on the base of financial plan and financial alalysis design functional system which would be realizable in practise. In theoretical part I deal with internet auctions and also legislation of consumers contracts and loans. In practical part comparing the loan market and proposal of business solution.