The relationship between the lawyer and his client under the contract of mandate
Čabanová, Lucie ; Patěk, Daniel (advisor) ; Horáček, Vít (referee)
The relation between the attorney at law and the client based on the mandate contract Lucie Čabanová The purpose of this thesis was to describe the relation established between the attorney at law and his client under the mandate contract regulated by the Commercial Code. However certain rights and obligation arise also from the Advocacy act and from professional regulations and these rules are special, so they have priority over the mandate contract. There are also other circumstances under which the relation between the attorney at law and his client may occur, i.e. the attorney at law may be appointed by the decision of a court or assigned by the Czech bar association. In this thesis I concentrate mostly on the mandate contract, rights and obligations arising from it but I also mention some rules relating to the other ways of creating the legal relation between the attorney at law and the client. The relation, which comes into being, has very specific nature and although it may seem at first glance as purely economic it is also characterized by number of social, ethical and personal ties. This thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter one is introductory and explains some crucial notions such as attorney at law, european attorney at law, client and the legal frame within which the attorney at...
The relationship between the lawyer and his client under the contract of mandate
Čabanová, Lucie ; Patěk, Daniel (advisor) ; Horáček, Vít (referee)
The relation between the attorney at law and the client based on the mandate contract Lucie Čabanová The purpose of this thesis was to describe the relation established between the attorney at law and his client under the mandate contract regulated by the Commercial Code. However certain rights and obligation arise also from the Advocacy act and from professional regulations and these rules are special, so they have priority over the mandate contract. There are also other circumstances under which the relation between the attorney at law and his client may occur, i.e. the attorney at law may be appointed by the decision of a court or assigned by the Czech bar association. In this thesis I concentrate mostly on the mandate contract, rights and obligations arising from it but I also mention some rules relating to the other ways of creating the legal relation between the attorney at law and the client. The relation, which comes into being, has very specific nature and although it may seem at first glance as purely economic it is also characterized by number of social, ethical and personal ties. This thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter one is introductory and explains some crucial notions such as attorney at law, european attorney at law, client and the legal frame within which the attorney at...
Professional liability insurance
Hřeben, Tomáš ; Křížek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Zetek, Pavel (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with issues of professional liability insurance in Czech Republic with a deeper focus on attorneys at law and private doctors -- providers of non-state health care facilities. The thesis concentrates on the actual possibilities of negotiation of professional liability insurance on the czech insurance market, it compares the differences between individual offers of professional liability insurance and the collective contracts negotiated by the professional chambers. After a brief basic characteristics of the general liability insurance comes a chapter devoted to the general introduction of the matter of liability and damages legislation. Next chapters closely deal with the particular specifics of professional liability - first generally then with a focus on the insurance product designated to attorneys at law and eventually with focus on professional liability insurance optimalized for the needs of the private doctors.