National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Cycloaddition of 3-(deoxyribos-1-yl)propynoate with alkynes
Kulhavá, Lucie ; Kotora, Martin (advisor) ; Machara, Aleš (referee)
The object of this work is development of method for a syntesis of Dewar benzenes bearing the deoxyriboside group. The synthesis was based on ethynylation of halogenose resulting in the formation of a mixture of anomeric ethynyldeoxiriboses, which was followed by silylation and separation of individiual anomers. After removal of the silyl group the isomerically pure ethynyldeoxyriboses were transformed into corresponding propynoates that were the key substance for the formation od Dewar benzenes. The reaction of the propynoates with the tetramethylcyclobutadiene-aluminium trichloride complex provided the desired Dewar benzenes bearing the deoxyribose group. Finally, rearrangement of the formed Dewar benzenes to 1-aryldeoxyriboses was studied under thermal and photochemical conditions. Keywords: cycloaddition, arenes, Dewar benzene
Cycloaddition of 3-(deoxyribos-1-yl)propynoate with alkynes
Kulhavá, Lucie ; Kotora, Martin (advisor) ; Machara, Aleš (referee)
The object of this work is development of method for a syntesis of Dewar benzenes bearing the deoxyriboside group. The synthesis was based on ethynylation of halogenose resulting in the formation of a mixture of anomeric ethynyldeoxiriboses, which was followed by silylation and separation of individiual anomers. After removal of the silyl group the isomerically pure ethynyldeoxyriboses were transformed into corresponding propynoates that were the key substance for the formation od Dewar benzenes. The reaction of the propynoates with the tetramethylcyclobutadiene-aluminium trichloride complex provided the desired Dewar benzenes bearing the deoxyribose group. Finally, rearrangement of the formed Dewar benzenes to 1-aryldeoxyriboses was studied under thermal and photochemical conditions. Keywords: cycloaddition, arenes, Dewar benzene

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