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Evaluation of Business Performance Through Financial Analysis Tools
Chudá, Tereza ; Maliha, Radek (referee) ; Hornungová, Jana (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the evaluation of the economic performance of the Narex Ždánice company for the years 2017-2021 by using financial analysis tools. In the theoretical part there are described various methods of financial analysis and indicators which are applied later in the work. In the practical part, previously described indicators are used to perform a financial analysis of the company. The final part focuses on proposals that could prove beneficial for the company’s current situation.
Evaluation of Business Performance by means of Financial Analysis Tools
Bessmertnykh, Anna ; Janíčková, Nikola (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
This bachelor s thesis is focused on the evaluation of the financial situation of Mechel Service Stahlhandel Czech Republic s.r.o. during the period between the years 2012–2018. Thesis is divided into three parts. The theoretical part of this work provides an overview about principles of financial analysis. The practical part contains the basic information about chosen company and applied theory. In the final part are made suggestions for future improvements.
Evaluation of Business Performance by means of Financial Analysis Tools
Gorošová, Dagmar ; Plottová, Sylvia (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the evaluation of the economic performance of the OPTIKAB company for the years 2015-2019 by using financial analysis tools. In the theoretical part there are described various methods of financial analysis and indicators which are applied later in the work. In the practical part, previously described indicators are used to perform a financial analysis of the company. The final part focuses on proposals that could prove beneficial for the company’s current situation.
Evaluation of Business Performance Through Financial Analysis Tools
Jelínková, Soňa ; Janíčková, Nikola (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the evaluation of the efficiency of ZD Výčapy, družstvo for the period 2014-2018 using financial analysis tools. The theoretical part explains the various methods of financial analysis and indicators that are used in this work. In the practical part, selected indicators are applied and with their help, a financial analysis is made. The last part of the thesis focuses on suggestions that could help the collective farm to improve its current situation.
Evaluation of the financial situation in the company and proposals to its improvement
Komínková, Denisa ; Mičák, Peter (referee) ; Hornungová, Jana (advisor)
Bachelor thesis is focused on the evaluation of the financial situation of the production company XY s.r.o. in the years 2016-2020. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part includes theoretical knowledge which is the basis to perform the following part. The second part describes analyzed company and its financial analysis. In the last part contains proposals of how to improve the financial situation of the company XY s.r.o.
Evaluation of Business Performance Through Financial Analysis Tools
Chudá, Tereza ; Maliha, Radek (referee) ; Hornungová, Jana (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the evaluation of the economic performance of the Narex Ždánice company for the years 2017-2021 by using financial analysis tools. In the theoretical part there are described various methods of financial analysis and indicators which are applied later in the work. In the practical part, previously described indicators are used to perform a financial analysis of the company. The final part focuses on proposals that could prove beneficial for the company’s current situation.
Evaluation of the financial situation in the company and proposals to its improvement
Komínková, Denisa ; Mičák, Peter (referee) ; Hornungová, Jana (advisor)
Bachelor thesis is focused on the evaluation of the financial situation of the production company XY s.r.o. in the years 2016-2020. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part includes theoretical knowledge which is the basis to perform the following part. The second part describes analyzed company and its financial analysis. In the last part contains proposals of how to improve the financial situation of the company XY s.r.o.
Evaluation of Business Performance by means of Financial Analysis Tools
Gorošová, Dagmar ; Plottová, Sylvia (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the evaluation of the economic performance of the OPTIKAB company for the years 2015-2019 by using financial analysis tools. In the theoretical part there are described various methods of financial analysis and indicators which are applied later in the work. In the practical part, previously described indicators are used to perform a financial analysis of the company. The final part focuses on proposals that could prove beneficial for the company’s current situation.
Evaluation of Business Performance by means of Financial Analysis Tools
Bessmertnykh, Anna ; Janíčková, Nikola (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
This bachelor s thesis is focused on the evaluation of the financial situation of Mechel Service Stahlhandel Czech Republic s.r.o. during the period between the years 2012–2018. Thesis is divided into three parts. The theoretical part of this work provides an overview about principles of financial analysis. The practical part contains the basic information about chosen company and applied theory. In the final part are made suggestions for future improvements.
Evaluation of Business Performance Through Financial Analysis Tools
Jelínková, Soňa ; Janíčková, Nikola (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the evaluation of the efficiency of ZD Výčapy, družstvo for the period 2014-2018 using financial analysis tools. The theoretical part explains the various methods of financial analysis and indicators that are used in this work. In the practical part, selected indicators are applied and with their help, a financial analysis is made. The last part of the thesis focuses on suggestions that could help the collective farm to improve its current situation.

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