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Zhodnocení finanční situace vybraného podniku
Kudová, Nikola
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the financial situation of the chosen company and to make propose suggestions, which will lead to an improvement of the current situation. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The first part of the thesis is focused on interpretation of basic terms and theory related to financial analysis, its users, sources of information and basic methods. In the practical part, the knowledge is applied on the chosen subject KZK tiskárna Ltd. and in the end, there are recommended to improve current state.
Zhodnocení ekonomické situace společnosti ELMART s.r.o.
Lhotský, Roman
LHOTSKÝ, R. The evaluation of economy situation of the company ELMART s.r.o., Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2014. The main aim of this bachelor's thesis is to measures to improve financial situation of the company ELMART s.r.o. on provided accounting statements for the accounting period 2008-2012 by using selected methods of financial analysis. To assess the future indicators of are used including absolute, differential and ratio. To predict future developments bankruptcy and credibility models will be implemented. The thesis is divided in multiple parts including a theoretical part and practi-cal part. The theoretical part reports interpretation about financial analysis and the practical part makes calculations of used indicators including suggestions and recommendations. Conclusions are suggested measures to improve financial situation and conclusion explained.
Projekt financování zemědělské techniky s využitím cizího kapitálu
Kukumbergová, Iveta
The bachelor thesis focuses on available variants of financing agricultural machinery using outside capital in the branch of agriculture. The theoretical part defines basic concepts arising out of the topic, such as investment credit, leasing, subsidy. The second part concentrates on finding a suitable form of financing the company of AGRA Řisuty s.r.o.. The result is grounded on basic evaluation of financial and economic situation in the company and incorporates available market options, including the subsidy instruments.

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