Marketing Utilization in Service Sector
Jedličková, Lucie ; Čermák, Lubomír (referee) ; Chalupský, Vladimír (advisor)
This diploma work deals with marketing utilization in service sektor, concrete in legal profession. The objective was to make analysis of marketing assertion in legal office. On the basis of suitable methods was followed and evaluated actual posture of marketing literacy in legal office. Result of practical analyses was definition of barriers, handicaps, reserves and opportunities at marketing utilization in legal office. Theoretical part features information about marketing in service sektor, shows in legal profession domain and gets acquainted with used methods. Practical part analyses contemporary state in legal office. By means of suitable methods is drafted the measure, how to eliminate barriers, handicaps and reserves and to take advantage of opportunities.
Disciplinary liability of a lawyer
Slabý, Václav ; Adamec, Martin (advisor) ; Rajchl, Jiří (referee)
Disciplinary liability of a lawyer Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the institution of disciplinary liability of an attorney at law. In the nine chapters, including the introduction and conclusion, the individual key institutes and concepts are being examined and the boundaries of the relevant legal regulations are being outlined. The first chapter of this thesis is concluded with a treatise about the Czech Bar Association and following description of its organizational structure. The second chapter presents the reader the issue of the liability as a whole and its specifics in the relation to the topic of this thesis, i.e., the problem of attorney's liability in the public law context, but for the sake of completeness, the due attention is being paid to the liability in the private law context. The legal-philosophical third chapter about ethics, ethical conduct and its concept in the context of advocacy and the practice of legal services of attorneys aims to give a closer look at the reason of ethical norms in professional environment. Furthermore, given the undeniable influence of compensation on the work of legal professionals, it is the compensation that is the subject to quite extensive criticism in this chapter about ethics. In the fourth chapter on the disciplinary misconduct the reader is...
Acquisition and development of professional competencies of attorneys
Maginec, Jan ; Veteška, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kříž, Jaroslav (referee)
Due to the nature of their work, attorneys, as professional legal representatives of natural and legal persons, must possess a variety of professional, digital and soft skills. The aim of the thesis is to analyse and identify the professional competences possessed by attorneys, and to determine how professional competences can be acquired and developed. The theoretical part, based on a literature review, introduced the lawyer as a profession providing legal services. Furthermore, the general concept of competences and competency models were presented. The research methodology used is qualitative. The research (empirical) part is based on the technique of semi-structured in-depth interviews with attorneys, which allowed a more detailed evaluation of the relationship of attorneys to individual professional competences, including the way they are acquired and developed in their working life. Based on the qualitative analysis of the research findings, which was conducted using an inductive method, it was found that attorneys generalise professional competences into 4 groups. Attorneys identified professional practice as the primary way to acquire and develop professional competences. Based on the further elaboration of these data, a competency model of a lawyer was created. These conclusions, including...
Attorney's confidentiality
Řípa, Jan ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Střeleček, Tomáš (referee)
1 Abstract (eng) This thesis deals with attorney confidentiality which is the main standard of independent advocacy. First chapter of this thesis discuss the role of attorney in the society and consist of three subchapters about the fundamental right to legal aid, advocacy as freelance profession and about the role and status of advocacy in the law system. The second chapter introduces three main pillars of modern advocacy such as independency, autonomy and confidentiality. Each subchapter of this chapter contains one of the main pillars. The third chapter is exclusively devoted to attorney confindetiality. This part is divided into three subchapters, of which the first focus on historical developement of attorney confidentiality since the beginnings of advocacy to the modern age. The main theme of second subchapter is the explanation of the range of confidentiality, such as personal, factual and chronological scope. Third subchapter analyses main legal fields which touches and regulates legal confidentiality in advocacy. Specifically about advocacy, civil, crime, administrative and financial law. The fourth chapter of this thesis describes in detail very specific cases in which breach of attorney confidentiality is necessary and is expressly assumed, such as confidentiality waiver, cases of granting of...
Professional ethic of advocates in the Czech Republic
Batalová, Pavlína ; Friedel, Tomáš (advisor) ; Chmel, Jan (referee)
Professional ethic of advocates in the Czech Republic Abstract This diploma thesis talks about professional ethic of the advocates in the Czech Republic. The paper consists of five chapters varying in the degree of abstractness, the further the chapter the more concrete. First chapter gives general introduction describing basic terms related to the chosen topic, here the aim is to understand not only these terms but also relations among them. General terms such as morals, ethic and law which are all defined and shown in their interconnection are the essential mainstays for this thesis. There follows the introduction of the professional ethic and ethical code. The second chapter deals with the history of advocacy starting from the very beginnings and ending with recent history since the fundamental milestones in the history of advocacy still influence the way we perceive advocacy nowadays, including its regulations and ethical rules. This trip to history shows development of advocacy beginning with the Roman speakers to today' s work of an advocate. The goal of this chapter is also to record historic relationship between ethic and advocacy. In the chapter that follows I write about today' s advocacy and origins of its legal regulations. I am interested not only in in the law about advocacy and ethic code but...
Professional Ethics of Attorneys in the Czech Republic
Bína, Felix ; Friedel, Tomáš (advisor) ; Chmel, Jan (referee)
Professional Ethics of Attorneys in the Czech Republic with a Focus on the Promotion of Attorneys In this Master's degree thesis, the author deals with the professional ethics of attorneys with a focus on possibilities of their personal promotion. This area of legal practice is somewhat neglected, despite the fact that attorneys, like other entrepreneurs, depend on sufficient number of clients in order to sustain their business activities. However, in the context of acquiring clients or offering their services, attorneys are forced to observe specific professional and ethical rules that to a certain extent limit their options compared to an ordinary entrepreneurs. This thesis is divided into three major parts. In the first one, the author briefly discuss ethics in general and his aim is to introduce to a reader this filosophical concept together with selected directions of normative ethics offering solutions of what is right. The author concurrently reflects on the fact whether ethical rules exist universally across societies and cultures or not, using selected knowledge from psychology. The second part focuses on interpretation of professional ethics both in general and in specific areas of professional ethics of attorneys. This section also contains in brief the basic information about legal...
Obligations of an attorney in his professional practice
Boukalová, Kateřina ; Sedláček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
Obligations of an attorney in his professional practice Abstract This thesis deals with the obligations of an attorney in his professional practice, which derive from legal and professional regulations. The goal is to comprehensively describe and interpret the individual obligations and thus create a comprehensive overview of them. At the same time, the work aims to critically evaluate the problematic aspects of the selected obligations and possibly propose a solution de lege ferenda. The methods of description and analysis are mainly used to achieve the set goals; other methods are interpretation and deduction. The work is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter of the thesis, basic concepts were defined, i.e., the concept of advocacy and the provision of legal services. The current legislation was also presented, and attention was also paid to the legal prerequisites for the practice of advocacy, the possible forms of the practice of advocacy and the independence of the advocate as a basic pillar of advocacy. Part of this chapter was also a description of some attorney's rights. The lawyer's right to remuneration was critically evaluated. The second and, at the same time, pivotal chapter focused on an attorney's individual obligations, which result from legal and professional regulations during...
Judiciary, Advocacy and Notary in Strakonice 1850-1938
Supposed work on the theme Judicary, Advocacy and Notary in Strakonice 1850-1938 deal with development of legal rules and state administration since the days of birth of district courts` system until period of end of the first republic. Forementioned time period was selected intentionally on the basis of extant archive materials, which were necessary for elaboration of the subject. Concretely the work applies itself to description of workload of juridical profession, personal life of their representatives operating in Strakonice and eventually to their function in community. Law and order deputies played a important role not only in political but also in cultural and public life. Very often they acted in municipal government, in some cultural club and of course they performed their professions at the same time. So called provincial practice run at small town did not offer big or revolutionary cases, still it was interesting. Spectrum of adjudications and legal and notarial agenda provide insight to people{\crq}s manners and behaviour in a given period. Purpose of the work is to bring closer juridical history of the region I come from.
Economic and legal aspect of money laundering
Dongres, Miroslav ; Hraba, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Bažantová, Ilona (referee)
v anglickém jazyce Economic and legal aspect of money laundering Miroslav Dongres The UN defines it as "Money laundering is a process which disguises illegal profits without compromising the criminals who wish to benefit from the proceeds". Money laundering is a dangerous activity. Funds that pass through this process become a source for a various criminal activities, such as terrrorism, corruption, etc. The thesis is composed of three main parts. First part deal with methods and stages of money laundering. Money laundering is a sophisticated activity, with a high degree of complexity, which requires a certain level of planning. entertain various features and steps which are necessary to clear the funds. Stages are named as placement, layering and integration. The first part is given to a few real examples of ways of money laundering. Money laundering is an international issue. In today's world where there is almost no borders is neccesary develop an appropriate international cooperation, both at global and regional which is one of the characters of fighting against money laundering. The Second part of thesis show some of international organization engaged in this illicit activity, such as UN, EU, FATF, etc. It also introduce their rules and programs to fight to money laundering. There is a large...
Legal professions involved in the justice system focusing on the attorney -client relationship
Suchánková, Hana ; Macková, Alena (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
Legal professions involved in the justice system focusing on the attorney - client relationship. Abstract The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the attorney - client relationship, especially some of the essential elements of this relationship. The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One is introductory and defines the attorney as a one of the legal professions involved in the justice system, looks at the reasons of formation and existence of these professions and gives a brief insight in the attorney - client relationship's history. Chapter Two deals with the ways the attorney - client relationship is created. It can be both contractually and non-contractually (appointing by court and determination by Czech Bar Chamber). Chapter Three is the largest chapter of the thesis and is subdivided into two parts. The first part concentrates on the attorney's rights and duties, such as for example duty to protect and promote client's interests, duty to follow client's instructions, duty of confidentiality, duty to be insured, right to remuneration and others. The second part focuses on the client's rights and duties and explains them as a counterpart of the attorney's rights and duties, because of the synallagmatic character of the attorney - client's relationship. Chapter four is engaged in the ways the...