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Zhodnotenie dopadu programu Chile Solidario na socioekonomickú situáciu v Chile
Lovíšková, Martina
This thesis analyzes the history of Latin America in general and the history and present situation in Chile in particular. The main objective of this analysis is to point out the cause of creation and introduction of conditional cash transfer program Chile Solidario in Chile. The program aims to reduce the number of people living in conditions of extreme poverty and there is also an effort to achieve social inclusion of the families living in such conditions. This thesis is focused on evaluating and analyzing this program to determine its impact on socio-economic situation in the country.
Aspekty novodobého otroctví se zaměřením na Blízký východ
Holzerová, Valentýna
The Bachelor thesis "Aspects of Modern Slavery with a Focus on the Middle East" deals with the definition of expressions of modern slavery with a view to the Middle East. The issue of modern slavery resonates in today's society, but for some it remains hidden and unnoticed. In my work I will present how modern slavery evolved from antiquity through the colonial period to the present day. Historical developments have influenced the essence of today's form of slavery. It will also set out the forms in which modern slavery occurs today and the reasons why it works. The historical and current evolution of slavery in the Middle East region will also be presented, identifying the categories of persons who have been and are particularly vulnerable. Part of the thesis is a case study that will deepen information and knowledge about the state of development of modern slavery in the countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Lebanon. At the end thesis sets out ways in which forms of modern slavery are eliminated, and at the same time whether the countries of the Middle East are actively engaged in the solution or not.
Adaptační opatření ke zmírnění dopadu klimatické změny – studie na k.ú. Křelov-Břuchotín
Prushankin, Eliška
The topic of this thesis is climate change and climate adaptation. The theoretical part focuses on the impacts of climate change in the Czech Republic and abroad, sectoral vulnerabilities, and the adaptation of different sectors to climate change. The case study focuses on a municipality in a suburban area close to the regional capital of the fertile agricultural region of Hana. The analysis of the area together with the climate predictions for the 21st century is analysed. Subsequently, specific measures for climate adaptation are designed with the goal of increasing the resilience of the area against the impacts of climate change.
Generating Synthetic Web Traffic
Koprda, Peter ; Žádník, Martin (referee) ; Hranický, Radek (advisor)
Web crawlers, známi aj ako webové pavúky alebo roboty, zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu pri vyhľadávaní informácií, optimalizácii pre vyhľadávače a indexovaní webových stránok. Weboví roboti sa však môžu používať aj pri penetračnom testovaní webových aplikácií. Automatizácia procesu odhaľovania zraniteľností, identifikácia skrytých koncových bodov a efektívne mapovanie štruktúry webovej aplikácie môžu zvýšiť účinnosť penetračného testovania. Táto práca sa zameriava na vytvorenie nástroja určeného na generovanie neľudskej (syntetickej) webovej prevádzky. Tento nástroj bude určený aj na automatizované penetračné testovanie webových aplikácií pomocou webových robotov s využitím syntetickej webovej prevádzky na rozšírenie možností testovania. Okrem toho sa tento nástroj bude používať na hodnotenie účinosti bezpečnostných systémov, ako sú IDS, IPS a webové aplikačné firewally (WAF).
Nginx Web Server Security Weakness Detection Tool
Wagner, Michal ; Perešíni, Martin (referee) ; Křena, Bohuslav (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the security of the Nginx web server and its configuration options, with an emphasis on the reverse proxy server feature. It explores available alternatives to Nginx and security threats to reverse proxy servers. The thesis also delves into methods of detecting these security threats through penetration testing and conducts research on existing tools for detecting security vulnerabilities in reverse proxies. In the practical part, a tool is developed to demonstrate security attacks and detect vulnerabilities on the Nginx server. The functionality of the tool is validated in a suitable testing environment, and based on the gained experience, a technical specification is formulated for configuring the Nginx reverse proxy server to limit its susceptibility to attacks.
Security Analysis of Selected Android TV Box
Švenk, Adam ; Veigend, Petr (referee) ; Tamaškovič, Marek (advisor)
Popularita TV boxov so systémom Android v poslednom čase výrazne vzrástla. Okrem toho, že ponúkajú širokú škálu funkcií, je čoraz aktuálnejšia otázka, či sú dostatočne zabezpečené a chránené. Táto práca popisuje komplexnú bezpečnostnú analýzu vybraného Android TV boxu, ktorá zahŕňa hardvérové aj softvérové komponenty. Skúmaním zraniteľností prítomných v zariadení sa táto práca zameriava na identifikáciu potenciálnych rizík pre súkromie a bezpečnosť používateľov. Okrem toho navrhuje odporúčania na zmiernenie týchto zraniteľností.
Cybersecurity of IoT Devices Using the MQTT Protocol
Hanák, Petr ; Holasová, Eva (referee) ; Fujdiak, Radek (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the possibilities of securing communication using the MQTT protocol, which is widely used in industry and for IoT device communication. The thesis discusses the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the MQTT protocol and subsequently the measures that can be applied for secure communication in networks containing such devices. Secured communication is demonstrated in a secure experimental workplace containing an ESCON-C device that communicates using the MQTT protocol. The security strategy used primarily involves secure communication across networks through a secure communication channel, where the MQTT client is on one side and the MQTT broker, simulating the deployment of the ESCON-C device in an industrial environment, is on the other. This approach mitigates most of the weaknesses inherent in the MQTT protocol.
Cybersecurity analysis of hybrid photovoltaic systems for single-family homes
Svoboda, Vojtěch ; Kohout, David (referee) ; Mikulášek, Michal (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with analysis of the cybersecurity of photovoltaic systems for single-family houses. The aim of the thesis was to introduce hybrid photovoltaic systems, possible cyber attacks on these systems and to perform a sample attack on a PV system. The thesis consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The bachelor thesis contains four chapters. The first and second chapters describe the concepts related to cyber attacks and PV systems. Chapter three deals with the Solax X3-Hybrid inverter, its characteristics, vulnerabilities and the communication protocols used. The fourth chapter includes testing of the LAN and Wi-Fi dongles through which the inverter communicates.
Lab tasks on compiled language vulnerabilities
Kluka, Peter Milan ; Štůsek, Martin (referee) ; Sysel, Petr (advisor)
This graduation thesis is devoted to a detailed analysis of vulnerabilities in freely distributed open-source programs. The thesis includes a description of different types of vulnerabilities that are often associated with software attacks. Static and dynamic code testing are examined in detail, as well as the tools used to detect vulnerabilities in source code. The thesis includes the development of three lab exercises, including detailed tutorials that demonstrate the consequences of incorrect implementations. The lab tasks focus on buffer overflow, path/directory traversal, and buffer over-read vulnerabilities. Every lab task includes a demonstration of the flawed code that was responsible for the vulnerability, as well as demonstration of the patched code that was used to fix the vulnerability. These tasks provide practical examples that illustrate the risks associated with inappropriate software design and implementation and demonstrate the importance of effective security techniques in software development.
The Tool for Penetration Tests of Web Applications
Dobeš, Michal ; Malinka, Kamil (referee) ; Barabas, Maroš (advisor)
The thesis discusses the issues of penetration testing of web applications, focusing on the Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection (SQLI) vulnerabilities. The technology behind web applications is described and motivation for penetration testing is given. The thesis then presents the most common vulnerabilities according to OWASP Top 10. It lists the principles, impact and remediation recommendations for the Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection vulnerabilities. A penetration testing tool has been developed as a part of this thesis. The tool is extendable via modules. Modules for detection of Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection vulnerabilities have been developed. The tool has been compared to existing tools, including the commercial tool Burp Suite.

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