To Dvur Kralove by train - Transfer Terminal in Dvur Kralove nad Labem
Hudečková, Kristína ; Růžička, Tomáš (referee) ; Ponešová, Barbora (advisor)
The terminal represents joining two things – an internal and an external – a city and a surroundings. The intetion of my bachelor thesis is to connect fluently a main hiking trail from a center of city with a bus service and train transport. To make this connection as natural as possible, the proposal of terminal is based on a mass concentration in a point of joint and gradual diffusion towards the the city and the surroundings. The terminal is designed as a longitudinal structure with a one communication in the middle of the layout. The space of terminal is defined by twenty steel frames arranged one behind the other in the direction of the axis of connection between train track and hiking trail from the center of the city. The steel frame becomes the dominant element of the terminal. Different closing of sections between particular frames creates spaces of different characters and a different rate of permeability.
Emotional Cartography
Rygálová, Monika ; Pfeiffer, Jan (referee) ; Sterec, Pavel (advisor)
The work aims to artistically compile perception of maps as a fact, what let us think about The world - how we know it from the map. I work with data, which I gain by displaying technology – eye tracking, which helps me to record track of moving eyes during watching any kind of picture. The observations will be people from different places such a place of stay etc. Gained data I am going to use as a study, which I will componate to maps and different vizualizations of world, countries etc. "Where i have not ever been before, it does not exist" – is idea of percepting world, wich I also work with on that project. Study will contain all aspect of perceiving maps and systematicly shown world related to the person, his memories to that place, fyzical contact and his impact in his scale person versus a the world.
I Live Tarot
Oplatková, Hana ; Vondřejcová, Silvie (referee) ; Klímová, Barbora (advisor)
Private deck of cards created during six-month survey and documentation of daily experiences. The package contains 49 cards and it is inspired by a set of 78 tarot cards. Text content - reverse side of the card was created using diary notes. Face side of the card was chosen as a representation of processes taking place usually in days when the card was read.
Computer Network Design for Customs Branch Office in Martin
Mihálik, Andrej ; Jordán, Vilém (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The aim of my bachelor thesis is to introduce a plan of network infrastructure for customs branch office in Martin. I take into consideration the building plan, current situation, user´s requirements and also investor´s affordability. The thesis has analytical, theoretical and proposal part. In the first part I focus on detailed analysis of the current situation, in the second I am describing theoretical basis and the last part is dedicated to the draft of new network infrastructure.
Measurement of elektrical and nonelectrical quantities of motor drive for switchgear
Pěček, Dominik ; Dostál, Lukáš (referee) ; Valenta, Jiří (advisor)
Bachelor’s thesis deals with measurement of electrical and non-electrical quantities on motor drive MP-BD-X230. As an introduction the classification of drives for switchgear is analysed and circuit breaker BD250 is described. Thesis continues by explaining application, basic nature and design solution of motor drive MP-BD-X230. Another step is description of workplace and devices which will be used for measurement. Measurement procedure of electrical and non-electrical quantities is also carried out accompanied by evaluation of measurement. Final part of the work deals with calculation of uncertainty of measurements with a reference to each individual measurement calculation and also deals with determination of measurement errors.
Present-Day English Equivalents of the Czech Concept of ´cesta´ and Their Collocational Restrictions.
HAJNÁ, Jitka
This diploma thesis consists of two parts: the theoretical part focuses on linguistic terms as synonymy, synonymic group, synonymic dominant, collocation, context etc. The exact specification of these terms serves as a background for practical analysis of extracted examples. The purpose of the practical part is a detailed analysis of the most frequented synonyms of the notion of ´cesta´ in present-day English and their collocational restrictions. The research is based on information acquired both from theorethical sources and from various authentic English texts written in the past 50 years.
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Martin Heidegger: Man, World and Space
Kocman, Vojtěch ; Čapek, Jakub (advisor) ; Ritter, Martin (referee)
5 Abstract This essay presents an attempt to interpret the key moments of Heidegger's conception of spaciousness. Considering the fact, that Heidegger didn't publish his understanding of spaciousness in any systematic form, it is necessary to work with a great amount of primary texts often available only in a fragmentary shape. Another difficulty is given by the author's use of language, which requires very demanding translations; we always translate the source texts in this paper. Within his conception termed as the topology of being Heidegger attempts to think about the space not as a measurable quantity, but in correlation with the Greek concept of τόπος, i.e. the qualitatively determined place. This essay concentrates on Heidegger's early work as well as on his late period, during which the topological thinking plays a central role; it also tries to identify the connection between them. The understanding of thinking as a way is essential, as well as the connection of thinking and poetry and the relation between space and time, which are considered of equal value in Heidegger's late work. Merely outlined remain other directions, which may be taken by further research within Heidegger's concept of spaciousness: the critique of the contemporary way of the uncovering of the world, the deepened relation with...
Scripture in the Works and Life of Gregory S. Skovoroda
Holomková, Teťana ; Bartoň, Josef (advisor) ; Větrovec, Pavel (referee)
The thesis is focused on the personality of Ukranian thinker Hryhorij S. Skovoroda, renowned philosopher, poet, pedagogue and composer of liturgical music. His life journey and important influences which formed his way of thinking (for exmple historical background, culture, education, travelling and crucial moments of his life). Above all, however, thinker's point of view on Holy scripture is investigated. How relationship he had with Holy scripture, how he treated it and how he wrote about it. The thesis presents contents of four Skovoroda's writings in which he deals with the Bible. Subsequently, statements directly related to Scripture or Scripture commentary are excluded from these writings. These represent the original scale of thinker's perception and interpretation of Scripture. Afrerwards, the found statements are compiled into a system that corresponds to Skovoroda's philosophy. The thesis attempts to outline the viewpoint on the Bible through the eyes of Hryhorij S. Skovoroda.
Emotional Cartography
Rygálová, Monika ; Pfeiffer, Jan (referee) ; Sterec, Pavel (advisor)
The work aims to artistically compile perception of maps as a fact, what let us think about The world - how we know it from the map. I work with data, which I gain by displaying technology – eye tracking, which helps me to record track of moving eyes during watching any kind of picture. The observations will be people from different places such a place of stay etc. Gained data I am going to use as a study, which I will componate to maps and different vizualizations of world, countries etc. "Where i have not ever been before, it does not exist" – is idea of percepting world, wich I also work with on that project. Study will contain all aspect of perceiving maps and systematicly shown world related to the person, his memories to that place, fyzical contact and his impact in his scale person versus a the world.