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Postavení žen ve vietnamské společnosti
Mrkvičková, Lenka
This bachelor thesis is about position of women in Vietnamese society. The aim of the work is to use quantitative research to find out the differences between the position of Vietnamese women in Vietnam and in the Czech Republic. The work is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part of the thesis has three main chapters, the first deals with the issue of gender, the second is a about position of women in Vietnam and the last chapter is devoted to the Vietnamese minority in the Czech Republic. These chapters of the theoretical part are followed by a practical part, which already specifically compares the position of selected Vietnamese women in Vietnam and selected Vietnamese women in the Czech Republic. In this part of the thesis is presented the research methodology and the subsequent presentation of the results on the basis of which the final evaluation of the results is given.
Economic development in middle income countries: evidence from Vietnam
Pham Hong, Trang
Pham Hong, T. Economic Development in Middle Income Countries: Evidence from Vietnam. Bachelor thesis. Mendel University in Brno, 2020. This bachelor thesis study focuses on economic development in middle-income countries with evidence from Vietnam. This thesis aims to identify the factors which will allow the transition of Vietnam from lower-middle-income country to upper-middle-income country. From the provided structure and background of the Vietnam economy, the methodology using the time-series data in the period be-tween 1995 till 2018 was employed. The chosen method for the study is ordinary least square (OLS) and Gretl (2020a) as the tool to analysis the numerical data from The World bank, World Development Indicators database. The data analysis performed for Vietnam was then compares with partial analysis of three other countries in Asia: Thailand, China and Malaysia, which underwent the transition from lower-middle-income to upper-middle-income in the last thirty years. The results from the research presented two crucial factors that contribute positively to economic development in Vietnam. These crucial factors include government consumption expenditure and technological progress. From there an open discussion on the topic of possibilities for Vietnam to prevent falling into the middle-income trap followed.
Význam víry při adaptaci vietnamské menšiny v Brně
Marečková, Petra
The thesis aims to determine whether religion is a significant factor which influ-ences the migration of Vietnamese Catholics. In order to meet the goal I have set intermediate objective. Individual goal include the creation of interviews with Vietnamese Catholics. The thesis contains a theoretical part, which comprises the history of migration of Vietnamese in CR as well as the basic characteristic of Viet-nam and its traditions. This section also outlines the life, culture and religion in Vietnam. The practical part presents the field research, which was executed through interviews. Interviews are conducted among different age groups of Viet-namese nationals professing Christianity. Data for the practical part was collected during field research conducted from 1. 12. 2015 to 25. 2. 2016, the method used was semi-structured extended-calls with different age groups of Vietnamese na-tionals who profess Christianity.
Volatilita migrací a remitencí mezi Vietnamem a Českou republikou
Pipek, Petr
The thesis is concerned with the volatility of migration from Vietnam to The Czech Republic and remittances sent back to Vietnam from the Czech Republic. The theoretical part describes the history of the Vietnam nation up today and the steps of cooperation with Czech Republic. It also covers the theories of migration and ways of international funding of developing countries. Methodology is leaning on empirical research through analysis and qualitative and quantitative approaches. Final chapters demonstrate the importance of remittances for Vietnam and behavior of Vietnamese immigrants living in the Czech Republic regarding the remittances they sent back to their country of origin.
The process of integration of foreigners to czech society
Nahodilová, Lucie
Nahodilova, L. The process of integration of foreigners to Czech society. Bachelor thesis, Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, 2015. Supervisor of Bachelor Thesis: Ing. Mgr. Jiří Čeněk. Bachelor thesis on the topic "The process of integration of foreigners to Czech society" gives the main attention to the question to integration of Vietnamese immigrants to the Czech culture. The main objective of this work is to provide a view on this issue through the eyes of Vietnamese minority and to determine whether these citizens are able to adapt to the cultural environment of foreign countries and how they go through this process. Specifically, this thesis examines the integration process within the territorial and cultural environment of the Czech Republic. The theoretical part is based on knowledge of intercultural psychology and intercultural communication. The whole research, data and information that were discovered through the research are presented in the empirical part, which attention is focused on how surveyed respondents perceive the local environment, population, what causes them the biggest troubles, and what relationship they have to the Czech Republic.
Vybrané aspekty integrace vietnamské menšiny v České republice (případová studie Brna)
Procházková, Julie
This bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of integration of the Vietnamese minority in the Czech Republic and emphasizes that monitoring the integration process should not only include quantitative aspects, but also qualitative aspects that examine the views of the minority itself on this process and the factors that influence them. The first part describes the development of the Vietnamese minority in the Czech Republic, its specifics and the second part examines the views of this minority on life in the Czech Republic and Czech society. A complementary approach in the form of a semi-structured questionnaire and interviews was used to obtain opinions, which allowed for a comprehensive view.
Demografie Vietnamu
Kohoutková, Pavlína
This bachelor thesis deals with the development of demographic indicators of Vietnam from the war period to the present. The thesis describes the main determinants of the socio-economic development of the country, which influenced the development of the local demographic structure. The analytical part of the work is divided into three parts. The first part is devoted to the historical development of the most important demographic indicators. The second part deals with current demographic trends and aims to assess the interconnectedness of quantitative and qualitative phenomena across regions and provinces. The socio-economic situation between the provinces is also analysed to find out how it relates to demographic results. The end of the work presents the results of the predicted population development until 2050 based on the analysis of current demographic trends.
Exportní a investiční možnosti českých společností ve Vietnamu
Kudrna, Josef
Kudrna J. Bachelor Thesis: "Export and investment opportunities for Czech companies in Vietnam." Brno: Mendel University, 2014. An abstract is in (British) English. This thesis deals with investment and export opportunities for Czech compa-nies in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The first part examines the historical and current development of Vietnam, including its relationship to the Czech Republic. In the second part are contained the predictions of key areas for Czech exporters and investors. It also includes the formulation of recommendations based on the analysis of the obtained data.

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