Valuation of a company: Amaprint Kerndl s.r.o.
Mašová, Milada ; Kerndl, Lubomír (referee) ; Mašterová, Lucie (advisor)
The master’s thesis aims at valuation of a selected company. Valuation is based on the yield methods of appraisal. The first part defines the theoretical background used in the second part. The second part is practical and works with real data of existing company. Strategic and financial analyses were used to evaluate selected financial indicators. The pessimistic and optimistic variants of the financial plan are part of the thesis. The financial plans are based on percentage proportion of takings. These plans establish a starting point for valuation of the company based on discounted cash flow. The aim of the thesis is to determine the value of the company at the time of appraisal.
Business Valuation
Salavová, Monika ; Karas, Michal (referee) ; Režňáková, Mária (advisor)
The thesis is focused on determining the value of the ABC, s.r.o. company by using income-based methods at 1.3.2015. The first part is dedicated to theoretical basis. The second part deals with the analysis of the current state of the company, which includes strategic and financial analysis, formulating of financial plan and established valuation of the company. At the close of this thesis are summarized the results and there are suggested recommendations for future decisions of management, too.
Valuation of the Selected Company
Peloušek, Jiří ; Janáč, František (referee) ; Hanušová, Helena (advisor)
This diploma work focuses on the issue of valuation of a company and implementing the theoretical findings obtained through various methods into the specific situation of CS Expres joint-stock company which transports individual packages. The practical part of the work provides financial and strategical analysis of the company. The valuation of the company suggestion is carried out with the help of theoretical methods, but also by establishment of specific criteria which can be used to estimate the real price of the company.
Valuation of the Firm by Using Income Capitalization Approach
Šichová, Kateřina ; Bartoš, Vojtěch (referee) ; Karas, Michal (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the estimation of the value of the company by using the method of discounted cash flow and economic added value. The thesis is divided into several parts the theoretical part, strategic and financial analysis, the prognosis of value drivers, proposal of the financial plan, the weighted cost of capital, and proposal of the resulting valuation. In conclusion, the company’s objectified value is estimated to 1.1.2019.
Valuation of the Firm by Using Income Capitalization Approach
Konečná, Petra ; Svobodová, Denisa (referee) ; Karas, Michal (advisor)
The master's thesis is focused on the estimation of the value of the company ABC s.r.o. to the date 1.1.2018 using income based methods. Specifically using methods discounted cash flow and economic added value in variant entity. The first part is devoted to the theoretical resources used for the valuation of the company. In the following part is already performed strategic and financial analysis, further prognosis of value generators and finally is assembled financial plan. In conclusion, objectified value is estimated for pursued company.
Valuation of a company
Kudličková, Barbora ; Kubíková, Šárka (referee) ; Mašterová, Lucie (advisor)
This theisis deals with the valuation of a selected company. The main instrument used for achieving the valuation is the income method of valuation. In the first part of the thesis is defined theoretical background that are needed for developing the practical part. The practial part of the thesis contains the characteristics of the selected company. For the purposes of valuation was performed strategic snalysis and were analyzed key financial indicators of valuated company. The part of the work is allso predicting the value of individual generators, financial plan and the achal valuation based on dicounted cash-flow and prfit method based on the capitalized net income. The aim is to determine the value of the company to selected date of valuation.
Company´s Value Estimation
Malásková, Dominika ; Kuba,, Karel (referee) ; Kocmanová, Alena (advisor)
The master’s thesis deals with company’s value estimation of INTEKA Brno spol. s r.o. The theoretical part of the thesis contains literary research, which focused on theory associated with the valuation of the company. The analytical part consists of company presentation, strategic and financial analysis. In the third part, based on the previous results of the analysis, the valuation method has been selected and further developed for INTEKA Brno spol. s r.o.
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Valuation of the Firm by Using Income Capitalization Approach
Konečná, Petra ; Svobodová, Denisa (referee) ; Karas, Michal (advisor)
The master's thesis is focused on the estimation of the value of the company ABC s.r.o. to the date 1.1.2018 using income based methods. Specifically using methods discounted cash flow and economic added value in variant entity. The first part is devoted to the theoretical resources used for the valuation of the company. In the following part is already performed strategic and financial analysis, further prognosis of value generators and finally is assembled financial plan. In conclusion, objectified value is estimated for pursued company.