Environmentální výchova v Latinské Americe: případová studia Nicaragua a Chile
Šušlíková, Adéla
This diploma thesis deals with environmental education in Latin America. The author has sought to analyze the level of environmental education and education systems in the Latin American countries, focusing on two selected territories that represent Nicaragua and Chile. The author analyzed the professional articles of foreign authors, the results of surveys of multinational organizations, as well as the results of the questionnaire survey. Based on the findings, we have compared the level of environmental education systems in Nicaragua and Chile. An integral part of the research is the author's own questionnaire survey. 63 respondents from Nicaraguan Elementary School Escuela Primaria Pedro Dávila Carpio and Chilean Primary School Colegio María Reina provided answers to questions about the environment. Thanks to this survey, it was confirmed that the environmental education system at Latin American schools is of poor quality. Finally, recommendations for improving the current situation, supported by a logical framework matrix and SWOT analysis, were proposed.
Management plán Velkokarlovicka na Valašsku
Mikula, Adam
The dissertation takes an interest in a creation of a management plan for Velkokarlovicko in Wallachien region. The reason of the creation was the forming of instrument for planning, protection usage and sustainable development of Velke Karlovice as a national significant territory. The landscape analysis of model area was made considering its history, wider landscape bonds, value and problems of the area. Consequently it was evaluated contemporary landscape use, users demands, actual management and the territory projection and possibilities of subsidies. After discovery of actual state of affairs it was defined key problems of territory management regarding owners relationships and management area, economics interests and tourism. The result is proposal aims and developement strategy of the area by forming of management plan.
Formy a možnosti rekreačního využití příměstských lesů
Ježková, Petra
This work summarises the issues of suburban forests, recreation, sustainable development and economic shape of forest through literature review. The model area is described in terms of natural, cultural and landscape characteristics of the countryside. The work introduces the main problems connected with the use of the suburban forest in the model area, as well as the case between vacationers and the forest owner concerning the conversion of the forest into a low one. Based on the description of the problems a recommendation has been made on how to improve the present state and the care of the area and also a suggestion of how to use the suburban forest for recreation in a better way.
Analýza podmínek pro vynětí půdy ze zemědělského půdního fondu
Koudelka, Martin
Landscape cultivation and the Agricultural Land Fund management are important fundaments of sustainable development. Therefore I have dealt with the issue of the analysis of conditions of the exemption of land from the Agricultural Land Fund. I tried to create a complex view on this problematic. I dealt with the common introduction, analysis of the contemporary legislation and also practical analysis of specific examples in comparison with the preceding legislation. I suggested some possible adjustments and changes to improve the contemporary situation. I pointed out the bad condition of the environment and legal changes. I suggested changes to protect the nature and preserve the natural values.
Indikátory udržitelného rozvoje - teorie a možnosti aplikace
Rybnikárová, Martina
This bachelor thesis discusses about sustainable development and its indicators. Firstly, the reasearch analyzes the problems and process of sustainable develop-ment at the global level including all relevant documents recieved. Then proceeds to analyze monitoring indicators and their development on global, european and national levles. Part of this work compares the national indicators of the Czech Republic to Slovakia. Furthermore, the work focuse on the selection of relevant indicators of sustainable develpment and their applications to Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Lastly looking at the comparison of the Czech Republic and Slovakia in terms of approaching the principles of sustainable development.
Možnosti rozvoje venkovského mikroregionu: případová studie Roketnice
Koudelka, Martin
This work is focused on rural regions, their definitions, functions, transformations and time development. The emphases is put on relationship of countryside and agriculture. The cooperation of rural municipalities with regards to drawing the grands is also mentioned. The suburbanization consequences toward rural regions is being discussed. The main scope of this test suggests that the countryside has got own trends and it is not possible to apply city trends for. The rural development is important in sense of permanently continuing development principles. Theoretical findings are converted into practice by analyzing area of Brno´s voluntary near by municipality union and also by area evaluation through SWOT analyses and then by suggesting a self-development strategy.
Strategická analýza vybrané municipality - spolková země Dolní Rakousko
Vyletělová, Pavla
Thesis on Strategic Analysis of selected municipality is engaged in processing strategic analysis of the selected region in Austria by the Federal State of Lower Austria. At the beginning, the literature search, which theoretically defines the processing work. The practical part is characterized by selected area and an analysis of the region which maps the basic information and current developments. Based on the information compiled SWOT analysis, followed by the proposed strategic plan including an action plan for development of the area. In conclusion, it is an assessment and recommendations on the possible development of territorial development.
Uplatnění konceptu společenské odpovědnosti ve firmě OHL ŽS, a.s.
Dufek, Kryštof
This thesis disserts on the application of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in chosen construction company. The first part of the thesis starts with the evaluation of current trends and attitudes to social responsibility; it characterizes the CSR concept, its historical evolution, supporting organizations, standards in this field, its advantages and criticism and basics of reporting. Following the use of theoretical knowledge is performed an analysis of existing social responsible activities, of which is company is engaged. It evaluates the actual status and formulating recommendations for top management of company. On the basis of activities performed, there is defined potential gain for the regions sustainable development.
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Udržitelný cestovní ruch v území Vývěrů Punkvy CHKO Moravský kras
Volfová, Gabriela
This thesis deals with the issue of sustainability of tourism in the bubble out area of river Punkva, which is part of the important Protected Landscape Area of the Moravian Karst. Generally there are defined concepts as tourism, environmental impacts, sustainable development. There was created an analysis of the own and foreign data. Visit of the area of interest was managed and interviews with the people connected to the locality were made. The work reveals the activities and tourism trends, which are implicated in the three pillars of sustainability. In form of the matrix of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, there was created summation of the investigated issues. The thesis concludes recommendations to correct the deficiencies that were identified by reconnaissance.