Vývojové trendy v oblasti vinařských obalů
Vajdíková, Lucie
The topic of this bachelor thesis is The development trends in the field of wine packaging. The theoretical part is devoted to the assortment of packaging means used in the storage and distribution of wines in the Czech Republic and around the world. Attention is focused mainly on the material design, size (volume), method of production and application in relation to the overall preservation of wines. The analytical part compares selected properties of packaging means with an emphasis on keeping, the selected type at the end, price relations and the possibility of recycling. Market research maps the area of wine sales – wine shops, supermarkets. Finally, the representation of individual groups of packaging means is evaluated by preferences among end consumers in a questionnaire survey.
Smart Kitchen - Aktuální trendy vývoje kuchyní, návrh kuchyně pro moravského výrobce
Koukolová, Jiřina
This thesis deals with the issue of Smart technologies and their application in the kitchen space. The aim of the thesis is to formulate the principles of Smart technologies, to specify current trends in the field of kitchen production and to verify the possibility of applying these findings in the design of a Smart Kitchen for the Moravian furniture manufacturer NADOP. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part the thesis deals with the basic terminology and issues of Smart technologies. The review is based on publicly available sources and information is also drawn from domestic and foreign trade fairs. Then follows the market mapping and on the basis of the obtained information the possibilities of applying the acquired knowledge in the context of a specific kitchen design are evaluated. In the practical part, the design is prepared in the form of visualizations of a modern kitchen with Smart elements including schemes of the solution. The kitchen is designed for a specific showroom in Ořechov near Brno.
The impact of social media microtrends on sustainability within the fashion industry
Janoušková, Barbora ; Schneiderová, Soňa (advisor) ; Zavadilová, Tereza (referee)
This bachelor thesis examines the impact of social media microtrends on sustainability within the fashion industry. It begins with a description of the current state of the fashion industry in the digital environment and an analysis of how social media trends work. It then focuses on the issue of sustainability in the fashion industry and examines how the popularity of microtrends may be related to the negative environmental impacts of fast fashion. Through quantitative research, the aim of this thesis is to identify the impact of these microtrends on the purchasing behaviour of Generation Z and to deduce from the data how this behaviour affects sustainability within the fashion industry. The research was conducted through a questionnaire survey. In the discussion, the research results are analysed, then placed in a theoretical context and used to answer the research question. Based on the results, it was found that fashion inspired by microtrends often carries the characteristics of fast fashion, which has a negative impact on sustainability within the fashion industry. This was complemented by the finding that members of Generation Z show a desire for sustainable practices when dealing with microtrend-inspired fashion.
Internet aesthetics
Mihely, Valentina ; Moravcová, Hana (advisor) ; Ježková, Tereza (referee)
This thesis focuses on the social media trend of #aesthetics, represented by an all- encompassing collection of lifestyle products and values. TikTok - the platform where this style of content came to be, has certain functions, through which it shapes the behaviour of its users, specifically the suppression of one-on-one communication and self expression through personal profiles and preferring the replication of viral content as a form of socialisation. Because of this, it has been speculated that internet aesthetics are used as templates for identity formation in the real world. This has sparked a discourse between social media users which links internet aesthetics, consumerism and postmodern social theory. Therefore, this paper aims to find out whether the popularity of aesthetic content is a result of a postmodern nature of the current society, or it is a mere trend in social media content. The results of this research do not find that aesthetic content serves primarily as an aid for identity formation in individuals showing a postmodern mindset, they did however show that aesthetic content is more popular and more likely to be adapted into the real life by individuals showing a greater degree of postmodern thinking and users of those social media platforms which favour content imitation as a...
Comparison of T-Mobile, Vodafone and O2 brand strategies: effectiveness of communication and adaptation of trends addressing Gen Z
Sedláčková, Barbora ; Rosenfeldová, Jana (advisor) ; Houdek, Petr (referee)
Telecommunications technology surrounds us every day. Generation Z, along with Millennials, are the so-called digital natives and currently represent the strongest direct and indirect buying power. Companies have thus shifted their communications in a big way to the digital space in an effort to effectively target and reach this age group. This bachelor thesis compares the communication strategies of telecommunication brands T-Mobile, O2 and Vodafone on social media platforms, specifically Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. It focuses primarily on the effectiveness of communication and the ability to adapt trends that appeal to Generation Z. The theoretical part of this thesis introduces and explains basic terms such as Generation Z, trends, social networks and influencer marketing, which are key to this thesis. In the methodological part, the author presents four set research questions, which are answered in the conclusion of this thesis. The research part of this thesis is divided into two parts - an analysis of telecommunication brands' communication on selected social media platforms, which focused on the time period from August 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024, and a quantitative questionnaire survey. The research part of this bachelor thesis shows that the T-Mobile brand performed best not only in...
Foreigners in the Czech Republic: history, trends and patterns
Stejskal, Jan ; Rychtaříková, Jitka (advisor) ; Fialová, Ludmila (referee)
Foreigners in the Czech Republic: history, trends and patterns Abstract This bachelor thesis focuses on foreigners legally residing in the Czech Republic from the demographic perspective. It is based primarily on data on foreigners that are available from public sources. It presents fundamental legal regulations that affect the residence of foreigners in Czechia, it also discusses the statistical registration of foreigners and the main sources of data about them. Attention is paid to the history of international migration in Czechia, to the development of the number of foreigners in Czechia, acquisition of Czech citizenship by foreigners and international protection in the Czech Republic. Space is also devoted to the demographic events and processes of foreigners, to their demographic patterns and the spatial distribution of foreigners in the Czech Republic. This thesis offers international comparisons of the number of foreigners with the member countries of the European Union. It also focuses on the Ukrainian refugee crisis that started in 2022. A new contribution of this thesis is analysis of mortality of foreigners and the structure of live births of foreigners in 2021 and 2022 including a comparison with the population of Czech citizens. It can serve as a basis for more more in-depth analysis in the...
Hydrological extremes and the change in water quality of the upper Úpa river
Kavalír, Václav ; Matoušková, Milada (advisor) ; Havlíková, Petra (referee)
The presented master's thesis addresses the alteration of the rainfall-runoff regime in the upper reaches of the Úpa River and the behavior of water quality parameters during selected hydrological events. The literature review section of this thesis elaborates on fundamental knowledge about factors influencing water quality in watercourses, sources of pollution, the impact of hydrological extremes on water quality conditions, along with the behavior of individual parameters in these situations. Basic statistical methods, time series analysis, Mann- Kendall test, correlation coefficients and field survey were used for the evaluation. The results suggest there is a warming trend in the area, associated with, for example, a shift in spring melt, peak flows and a general reduction in the duration of snow cover. The overall water quality status of the river has improved significantly following several factors such as the construction of new WWTPs, reduced acidification, etc. Hydrological extremes have an impact on selected water quality assessment parameters such as basic ions, some metals, electrical conductivity, amount of organic matter in the stream (except for the parameter BOD5), etc. On the other hand, no effect was found for phosphorus, sulphate or nitrate. In the case of organic matter, aluminium or...
Design and Simulation of Strategies for Market Trading
Horázný, František ; Perešíni, Martin (referee) ; Homoliak, Ivan (advisor)
Cíl této práce je prostudovat svět obchodování. Analyzovat jak se trhy chovají, kdo nebo co se na nich nachází a jaké existují přístupy k obchodování. Strategie obchodování nejen probádat, ale také analyzovat a simulovat jejich chování. Výsledkem by měl být nástroj schopný srovnání naimplementovaných metod a vlastního návrhu autora. Pro řešení byla využita implementace simulačního nástroje v Pythonu, který pracuje s daty staženými z Binance rozhraní. Strategie, které jsou analyzovány a simulovány jsou Lump Sum (LS), Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) a Rebalancing. Práce představuje také vlastní strategii pojmenovanou Momentum and Overheating Strategy (MOS), která využívá indikátoru relativní síly (RSI) a sezóního chování trhu. Srdcem této metody je skládání několika ohodnocených funkcí tak, aby vznikla synergie. Využívá se nejen RSI, ale také klouzavého průměru, sezónního rozložení a derivace. Výsledkem je empirické a statistické porovnání všech metod a zjištění která z metod je jak moc vhodná a za jakých podmínek. MOS a Rebalancing se ukázaly být přibližně stejně výnosné a ze zkoumaných metod nejlepší. Na závěr jsou uvedeny hypotézy proč je MOS lukrativní a jaké vhodné vylepšení do budoucna by mělo smysl implementovat.
Design and Simulation of Strategies for Market Trading
Horázný, František ; Košťál,, Kristián (referee) ; Homoliak, Ivan (advisor)
Cíl této práce je prostudovat svět obchodování. Analyzovat jak se trhy chovají, kdo nebo co se na nich nachází a jaké existují přístupy k obchodování. Strategie obchodování nejen probádat, ale také analyzovat a simulovat jejich chování. Výsledkem by měl být nástroj schopný srovnání naimplementovaných metod a vlastního návrhu autora. Pro řešení byla využita implementace simulačního nástroje v Pythonu, který pracuje s daty staženými z Binance rozhraní. Strategie, které jsou analyzovány a simulovány jsou Lump Sum (LS), Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) a Rebalancing. Práce představuje také vlastní strategii pojmenovanou \textit{Momentum and Overheating Strategy} (MOS), která využívá indikátoru relativní síly (RSI). Srdcem této metody je skládání několika ohodnocených funkcí tak, aby vznikla synergie. Využívá se nejen RSI, ale také klouzavého průměru a derivace. Výsledkem je empirické porovnání všech metod a zjištění která z metod je jak moc vhodná a za jakých podmínek. MOS a Rebalancing se ukázaly být přibližně stejně výnosné a ze zkoumaných metod nejlepší
New trends in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and their possible benefits for the treatment of patients in pre-hospital care
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a set of interrelated logical procedures that is essential for the survival of patients with sudden circulatory arrest. In recent decades, there have been significant advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation methods and techniques, which have led to the development of new trends to potentially improve the outcomes of resuscitation efforts. The first aim of the bachelor thesis was to map new trends in cardiopulmonary resuscitation from the perspective of paramedics and the benefits of the trends for patients in pre-hospital emergency care. The second aim was to evaluate the differences between new and old trends in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The practical part was developed using two qualitative investigations. The first research investigation was carried out by means of semi-structured interviews with paramedics working at the South Bohemian Region Ambulance Service. The second research investigation was conducted using document analysis, which focused on the Guidelines documents from 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. In these documents, we focused on the development of trends and practices within cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The results of the first survey show that paramedics are sufficiently familiar with new trends in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A negative finding was that the general public does not use an automated external defibrillator in emergency resuscitation. Another negative finding was that although paramedics are professionally educated and trained, they have to consult a physician for administration of drugs during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The second research investigation shows that trends and practices in cardiopulmonary resuscitation now focus on early defibrillation and well-performed cardiac massage. Based on the results, the bachelor thesis can provide the differences between new and old trends and the perspective of paramedics on current trends.