Science & Technology Park in Zlín
Kožíšek, Vladimír ; Svoboda, Jiří (referee) ; Zemánková, Helena (advisor)
The subject of this thesis is the project of scientific and technological park in the Tomas Bata University in Zlín. This park is divided into three workplaces: the educational and training center, a workplace for applied research, and business center. This project is situated at the location of a former factory area of Baťa Company; specifically in its eastern part. This dissertation is focused on the analysis of the given location, evaluates it in terms of its potential, and finally sets out the main priorities that should be applied in the draft. The accompanying report then describes and specifies the project, as drawn graphically, in the form of situational patterns, plans, sections, perspectives, and visualizations. Specifically, the project deals with the reconstruction of the former manufacture building No. 24, proposes a construction of a new building no. 25, and provides a solution for space in between of these two buildings. The project primarily seeks to make the entire site more attractive, and bring it to the function which would implement the functions in the assignment of the technology park. The function of the technology park is divided with regard to the investors requirements. From the urban point of view, the project seeks to approach the problem stemming out of the essence of the place. The use of objects remaining on the site preserved, is designed not to disturb the architectural expression and static essence. Architectural expression of new objects is selected not to oppose the overall architectural expression of the site. The project also includes and evaluates the usage of solar energy.
Proposal of Technological Documentation for Small Batch Production
Hůlková, Lenka ; Rompotl, Jaroslav (referee) ; Juřica, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor work describes the design of manufacturing technology for small batch production documentation that relates to the enterprise Bábor Eurodance. The work is divided into two parts. The first passage is a theoretical section which includes two sections - a classic production and craft production part. The practical section deals with the description of the current state of business and the proposal itself technological documentation for this company that is the result of my invention.
Conversion of Bata Production Buildings
Nedbalová, Monika ; Svoboda, Jiří (referee) ; Nový, Alois (advisor) ; Skála, Jiří (advisor)
The subject of bachelor thesis is a conversion of Bata production buildings no. 24 and 25 to leasable units for small and medium business. The building site is located in the Svit area (Bata´s production areal) in city Zlín. This thesis is based on an architectural study prepared in the summer semester of the second year of study. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the usability of buildings intended for demolition. Objects are world-unique structures with very flexible frame structural system, which is usable for many purposes. This conversion to leasable units for business allows financial autonomy of the objects and predisposes them to permanent use. A system of removable partitions in the interior gives flexibility and universality to a units. The project involves the conversion of existing buildings no. 24 and 25 and new building no. 24/2. The building is designed as the main entrance, from which it is possible to access the two neighboring buildings by connecting bridges in the 3rd and 4th floors. Also provides restaurant and a seasonal rooftop terrace. The basic idea was to preserve valuable architectural expression of buildings in line with the modern concept. Valuable semi-public place is created between no. 24 and 25, whose function is to make more attractive central part of the city Zlín. New building is a landmark for employees and visitors, which integrates other services.
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Tomáš and Jan Antonín Baťa: Exemplars of Entrepreneurs as visionaries and agents of a new social system
Annis, Karolína ; Štemberk, Jan (advisor) ; Jakubec, Ivan (referee) ; Dvořák, Jiří (referee)
English abstract This dissertation thesis deals with an entrepreneur as an engaged social agent that wants to shape society, creating not only a successful business venture but also a societal vision. This research focused on the Czech example of Tomáš and Jan Antonín Baťa while utilizing case studies of American entrepreneurs Henry Ford and Milton Hershey. These business owners are examples of social agents that realized their entrepreneurial plans, while their enterprise also allowed them to create a desired societal vision. The goal of the dissertation thesis is to discover how the studied entrepreneurs tried to influence the community of their employees and their company towns. The examination will include the ways they tried to influence wider society, through areas such as politics, philanthropy, and support of education. The goal is to identify and evaluate their motivations, goals, and ideas they used to shape society. The intent of the thesis is to present engaged Czech entrepreneurs through comparison with their American counterparts. This thesis is focused on the first 40 years of the 20th century. It was a time that immediately followed the societal changes connected with industrialization, urbanization, and modernization. The studied entrepreneurs lived in an era of massive social changes,...
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Bata's Legacy to the Contemporary Culture of Education in a Vocational School "COP"
The bachelor thesis will be divided into theoretical part and practical part. In the theoretical part, the author will first familiarize the reader with the problems of Baťa's schools of labour, history and the supportive ideas of Baťa's education. Another theme of the thesis will be the current apprenticeship education, which was created on the basis of the defunct Baťa's school of labour. The author will focus her attention on the former Baťa's school of labour in Sezimovo Ústí, which now works under the name of Higher Vocational School, Secondary School - Center for Vocational Training, Sezimovo Ústí (COP). The aim of the bachelor thesis is to analyze the Baťa's school system and its comparison with the present form of the Vocational School (COP) in Sezimovo Ústí. In the practical part will be compared the original and contemporary forms of basic ideas from the Baťa's schools of labour. At the same time, the author will find the answer to the question: What kind of support did the apprentices have received and now receive from the school after their application to the labour market by the KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. In accordance with the aim of the work, the content analysis of archive documents and the content analysis of school documents of the Secondary School - Center for Vocational Training, Sezimovo Ústí (COP) will be used. At the same time, in-depth interviews with the school management will be carried out, which is a direct follower of the Baťa's school of labour.
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Tomas Bata school's educational system.
Symerská, Ilona ; Pešek, Jiří (advisor) ; Nešpor, Zdeněk (referee)
The thesis titles "The educational system in school of Tomas Bata" that is engaged in business and vocational education since the nineteen twenties by Bata in Zlin. Bata's educational system is described in the economic and social context and analyzes the demographic, economic, business, geographical and technical factors of that time, which has been proved to be crucial for its creation. The thesis also identifies the ideological sources of business education - corporate educational systems in the USA (operated in companies of Henry Ford and Milton Herschey) and focused on reasons for successful transfer of these overseas models into the environment in former Czechoslovakia. It also analyzes the major goals that the introduction of corporate training companies pursue. The thesis also deals with the different kinds of Bata School, describes their genesis and the relationship to the state education system. It describes in detail the development of the experimental schools in Zlin region and its organization, including training programs. The thesis also includes an analysis of the Bata social program that touches all sectors and activities in which Tomas Bata in the course of his life was involved. Keywords: enterprise education, vocational training, educational system, Bata education, experimental...
Bata Company as a Creator of Manufacturing Standards and Social Conditions
Mohyla, Petr ; Rákosník, Jakub (advisor) ; Pullmann, Michal (referee)
The interwar period in the history of Bata's enterprise still provides with a number of subjects for more thorough historiographic research. Even at the end of his shift, the worker was made to operate in the environment which made part of the company's property. In the heyday of Baťa's company, the "average" worker was housed in a facility in corporate ownership, shopped in the shops which made part of the company's property, enjoyed his spare time in the establishments which belonged to the firm, even the holidays were often projected bearing the working collective in mind. As a result, "Baťa's man" came into being as a perfect product of this conditions, possessing exemplary work ethic and social skills. Tomáš Baťa along with his brother Jan Antonín were not only admirable entrepreneurs but also competent social engineers that governed the life of the urban inhabitants.