National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Old Czech legends and their current treatment
Brožková, Lucie ; Brožová, Věra (advisor) ; Hrabáková, Jaroslava (referee)
Resumé The thesis is focused on the processing of old Czech legends in literature for children. The aim is to show how the writers adapted legend the children. The initial treatment the Old Czech Legends by Alois Jirásek. The theoretical part deals with legends, its types, legends in the folk tradition and legends in children's literature. The practical part is interpreted five books of legends from children's literature. Interpretation shows different ways that authors use to approach reputation child readers, or even shift the topic, if any. The conclusion summarizes the findings arising from the interpretation.
Old Czech legends and their current treatment
Brožková, Lucie ; Brožová, Věra (advisor) ; Hrabáková, Jaroslava (referee)
Resumé The thesis is focused on the processing of old Czech legends in literature for children. The aim is to show how the writers adapted legend the children. The initial treatment the Old Czech Legends by Alois Jirásek. The theoretical part deals with legends, its types, legends in the folk tradition and legends in children's literature. The practical part is interpreted five books of legends from children's literature. Interpretation shows different ways that authors use to approach reputation child readers, or even shift the topic, if any. The conclusion summarizes the findings arising from the interpretation.

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