System Management Model of a Professional Service Firm
Hubík, Tomáš ; Křivánek, Mirko (advisor) ; Majerech, Vladan (referee)
In the presented work I devote to creating a computer model of a professional service firm using the theory of business modeling. The whole model was programmed using the application Vensim. Another part of this work was to use this model to answer some key questions about the professional service firms. I dealt with the issue of optimal volume and optimal size of potential orders. I have also studied the influence of marketing and employee productivity on business performance. Another part of the work was to find patterns in employees career growth and to monitor sales and quality of projects delivery. I also determined the size and characteristics of critical mass. Such a model could then be used to better understand patterns of companies in the professional services industry and we can use it to manage the company more effectively in this environment.
Models Supporting Decision Making of a Tourism Destination Management
This diploma thesis focuses on the application of system thinking and its methods to the issues of decision making within destination management and its organizations. The main aim of the thesis was to create a model to support decision making of destination management organization and to plan sustainable and responsible tourism development in the destination. A partial aim was to create a simplified model in which a simulation of the given system was performed. This aim has been applied to the destination of Cesky Krumlov. The contribution of the work is to find optimal decisions, policies and individual processes in order to assess the subsequent impacts and manage the development of tourism destination towards sustainability.
Models Supporting Decision Making of a Tourism Destination Management
The topic of the diploma thesis is the models for decision support of the management of tourism destination. This is an important topic in tourism all over the world, as tourism destination management is a complex, multidisciplinary and often inflated question. The complexity of the structure and the number of stakeholders is also the reason for being important in today's modern times. Because of the complexity of the whole topic, it is often difficult to grasp the theme as a whole and to consistently explain all the existing variables. At the same time, a number of inaccuracies and errors are generated in connection with the management of the tourist destination. The work uncovers the basic structure of relationships in the destination of tourism and attempts to outline the functioning of the tourism destination management as a whole. The benefit of the thesis is to update the model created by Ing. Petrem Štumpfem Ph.D. in his dissertation work. Another benefit of this work is the generation of scenarios of the likely and anticipated development of the tourist destination of Southern Bohemia.
Application of system dynamics in project management
Baláž, Ján ; Křivánek, Mirko (advisor) ; Babka, Martin (referee)
The thesis deals with possibilities of an application of system dynamics methodics for an understanding and teaching the project management. A dynamic simulation model has been created for this purpose by using Vensim. A web simulator for the project management, which is based on the simulation model, has been created in the next part of the thesis. The benefit of the simulator over the model is its user- friendliness and its self-explanatory graphic interface, which makes it possible to use the simulation model for purposes of teaching and further reaserch in the field of project management. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
System Management Model of a Professional Service Firm
Hubík, Tomáš ; Křivánek, Mirko (advisor) ; Majerech, Vladan (referee)
In the presented work I devote to creating a computer model of a professional service firm using the theory of business modeling. The whole model was programmed using the application Vensim. Another part of this work was to use this model to answer some key questions about the professional service firms. I dealt with the issue of optimal volume and optimal size of potential orders. I have also studied the influence of marketing and employee productivity on business performance. Another part of the work was to find patterns in employees career growth and to monitor sales and quality of projects delivery. I also determined the size and characteristics of critical mass. Such a model could then be used to better understand patterns of companies in the professional services industry and we can use it to manage the company more effectively in this environment.
Mathematical models of effects of selected factors on photosnythesis for highschools
Cinibulková, Renata ; Albrechtová, Jana (advisor) ; Tichá, Ingrid (referee)
The goal of this Master thesis was development of teaching materials that are focusing on mastering the fundamentals of mathematical modelling on the examples of photosynthetic processes and influence of selected environmental factors on these processes. Developed models of photosynthetic response to select environmental factors, worksheets, methodical manuals and other supporting materials belong to the teaching materials for secondary schools and serve as a basis of work with models. This teaching materials are aimed to introduce modelling and its significance not only in science but also in education. The present thesis was accomplished on the basis of participation of the Department of Experimental Plant Biology of Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague in international project NSF within programme GLOBE - The Carbon Cycle. The present thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part includes a literary review and an introduction to the mathematical modelling (in software Stella) that are elaborated considering the teaching purposes and serve as a theoretical background for practical part of present thesis. The chapters that deal with increasing interest in mplementing of modelling in education and with philosophical background of software...
Dynamic model of human resources in project management
Hančar, Michal ; Mildeová, Stanislava (advisor) ; Šviráková, Eva (referee)
This thesis is focused on dynamics of soft factors influencing workers during projects. These factors include motivation, workplace atmosphere, team synergy of workers and their emotions, and attribute of project manager who manages the project. Identification of soft factors and their relationships was achieved by examination of scientific literature in psychology and system dynamics. Description of managing project matters was achieved by examination of scientific literature dealing with project management. The main objective of this thesis is to create a dynamic model which simulates behavior of these soft factors influencing the project staff. The primary metric of the model is efficiency of workers participating on the project based on input parameters. Validation of the model was achieved by verification of historic behavior of key elements. Results of validation experiments correspond with historic behavior with roughly 95 % accuracy. At the end of this thesis is presented an ICT project case study. Based on the results of simulation experiments is performed a scenario analysis which tries to bring possible suggestions for project management.
Customer orientation in connection to system dynamics in Vodafone CZ, a.s.
Sedláček, David ; Malinová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Sigmund, Tomáš (referee)
The content of this diploma thesis is the analysis of Vodafone CZ, Inc. as the company, which is customer-oriented in close connection to the scientific field, system dynamics. Work contains definitions of basic theoretical concepts in the field of system dynamics, and the area of customer, especially his satisfaction and loyalty. In following description of the selected company, its basic characteristics and selection processes within the organization. Separate chapter describes methodology for measuring customer satisfaction, the Net Promoter Score. Either theoretical definition, either its practical use in society. One process is processed and selected within an proces analysis. Specifically, the inspection process, which is essential and necessary for the processing of customer interaction. The final part is the elaboration and validation of hypotheses, set out to verify the connection or relationship between the studied areas and subsequent benefit to selected society.
Add-in in MS Excel for creating models of system dynamics
Vlach, Michal ; Mildeová, Stanislava (advisor) ; Dalihod, Martin (referee)
This work deals with system dynamics. Its main task is to create and description of the add-in to Excel that allows users to model the stock and flow model directly in Excel. Furthermore, there is discussed about the general theory of system dynamics, systems and models. There is also described the history of programming languages and their development to C #, in which the supplement was created. The thesis also presents competition created add-in.
Application of System Dynamics in Documents Digitization
Rataj, Jan ; Mildeová, Stanislava (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with system dynamics and its applications in the field of digitization of documents. This is an area whose importance is increasing. The need for the transfer and storage of digital documents at the present time there is a significant increase in the volume of data continues to grow. One of the appropriate tools of analysis digitization of documents is the system dynamics, which in the Czech Republic in the area of document digitization has not yet been used. The objective of this thesis is to create a system dynamics models for the area of document digitization, through the application of methods of system dynamics and then verify their applicability to specific data digitization projects acquired from practice. These models are universally applicable to virtually all types of projects to digitize documents. The main contribution of the thesis is the development of system dynamics models, which are universally applicable to a wide variety of projects to digitize documents and can be used to simulate the progress of digitization of documents. In practice, these models for companies dealing with digitization show the benefits of documents digitization to potential customers.