National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Way of St. James: Modern Pilgrims and their Relationship to Nature
Hroudová, Jolana ; Mašek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Skripnik, Ondřej (referee)
This master's thesis deals with the phenomenon of pilgrimage, focusing on the Way of Saint James to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Due to its qualitative nature, the thesis seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of people who embark on the now very popular pilgrimage. Using sensitive data collection methods of qualitative observation, informal interviews and two rounds of semi- structured interviews with pilgrims during and one month after completing the Way of Saint James, it explores how modern pilgrims perceive society and nature, what changes the pilgrimage inspires them to make, and what impact it has on their subsequent return to ordinary life. This thesis does not address the phenomenon of pilgrimage as a spiritual activity. It focuses primarily on the relationship between people and nature, which distinguishes it from other theses with similar focus. Furthermore, the thesis offers a multidisciplinary perspective and combines the approaches of sociology, anthropology and environmental aesthetics. Understanding the way pilgrims on their journey think about the landscapes they pass through, how they perceive time, space, themselves, and how they reflect on the journey in hindsight, can contribute to deepening our understanding of the phenomenon of pilgrimage and wandering in...
Translation, Commentary and Analysis of Liber Sancti Jacobi (Book V)
Falátková, Michaela ; Adámková, Iva (advisor) ; Doležalová, Lucie (referee)
This disertation thesis investigates a latin guide for pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela The Guide was written in the first half of 12th century and is a part of the fifth book Liber Sancti Iacobi, also noun as Codex Calixtinus. The Guide is considered as the first middle-age itinerary containig information about pilgrimage to Santigo de Compostela. The autorship of the guide is credited to French pilgrim Aymericus Picaud. The text is divided into eleven chapters and brings information about a four main piglrim roads from France to Santiago. It informs how long and how difficult they are and where are the main hospices for pilgrims located. It includes not only these practictical information but also informs about important places for pilgrims and most known churches, which visitor schould visit. The large part of the Guide describes in detail Santiago de Compostela and St. James cathedrale. The aim of this study is to make a translation of the guide with interpretative commentary, where will be explained in particul special parts of the text, especially topography, pilgrimage churches and historical context. In this thesis the lexicology will be discused and described. The introductury study consists of the three parts and it is a vital part of the translation. In the first part of the...
Translation, Commentary and Analysis of Liber Sancti Jacobi (Book V)
Falátková, Michaela ; Adámková, Iva (advisor) ; Doležalová, Lucie (referee)
This disertation thesis investigates a latin guide for pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela The Guide was written in the first half of 12th century and is a part of the fifth book Liber Sancti Iacobi, also noun as Codex Calixtinus. The Guide is considered as the first middle-age itinerary containig information about pilgrimage to Santigo de Compostela. The autorship of the guide is credited to French pilgrim Aymericus Picaud. The text is divided into eleven chapters and brings information about a four main piglrim roads from France to Santiago. It informs how long and how difficult they are and where are the main hospices for pilgrims located. It includes not only these practictical information but also informs about important places for pilgrims and most known churches, which visitor schould visit. The large part of the Guide describes in detail Santiago de Compostela and St. James cathedrale. The aim of this study is to make a translation of the guide with interpretative commentary, where will be explained in particul special parts of the text, especially topography, pilgrimage churches and historical context. In this thesis the lexicology will be discused and described. The introductury study consists of the three parts and it is a vital part of the translation. In the first part of the...
The Way of St. James in Czech Republic
Machová, Anna ; Netková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Bakos, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis deals with analysis of parts of The Way of St. James which lead through Czech Republic. It analyses the present conditions of this pilgrim routes in our country, how they are used by pilgrims and how they are promoted, and compares discovered facts to the more famous routes of St. James in Europe. It also deals with possible development and future of pilgrim routes in our country and their mutual connection.
Cycling the Camino de Santiago
Perinová, Lucie ; Netková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Bakos, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of this paper is to present the St. James Ways as an important product of modern tourism and focus on the pilgrim routes, specifically on the route Vía de la Plata, which will be analyzed from the cyclist point of view. The first part of this paper deals with the definition of the pilgrimage tourism, describes some of the most interesting pilgrim places, presents the history of the pilgrimage. The following chapter presents the main statistic data about tourism in Spain, information about the St. James Ways, including their history and development and the forms of promotion in general. The next part explains the historic and religion background, presents the practical information, and forms of promotion of the Vía de la Plata, simultaneously analyzes the focus on the cyclist as a specific tourist segment. The last part deals with the official pilgrimage statistic data and confirms the increasing interest in the St. James Ways. Substantial are the results of the survey, representing how the cycling segment is interested in this form of modern tourism.
Proper names in Czech literature about Saint James´ Way.
This thesis deals with the phenomenon of proper names in a specific area of written Czech literature about the Spanish pilgrimage route called Saint James´ Way (Svatojakubská cesta in Czech). The theoretical part first describes definition, different types of classification and correct orthography of proper names in Czech and Spanish. Then it deals with the Galician language as the cooficial language of the Galician autonomous Spanish region where the pilgrimage route ends. The Galician toponymy and basic rules of national Spanish press related to the use of cooficial languages such as Catalan, Galician and Basque in comparison to Spanish are also covered. The last chapter focuses on general problems associated with the translation of proper names into other foreign languages. The main task of the practical part of this thesis is to analyse two specific books written in different genres. Some problems connected to this process are explained in the beginning, and afterwards they are evaluated and contrasted with the results of various classifications that had been made within the proper names in both publications. One chapter is dedicated to Galician proper names and finally comes the discussion of the correctness of orthography employed by the authors. The conclusion sums up the result of the whole analysis.
Route of Santiago de Compostela as a Religious Pilgrimage. Possibilities of the Use of Religious Tourism for the Increase of Tourist Trade. THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF THE ROUTE OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA or FROM THE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN PILGRIMAGE TO AN ALTERANTIVE TOURIST TRACK.
This bachelor thesis describes evolution and changes concerning Spanish pilgrimage way called Saint James´ Way (Svatojakubská cesta in Czech). The main topic is a recent increasing link between this route and tourism, reasons and consequences of this trend and its background. The first chapters introduce the history of St. James´ Way, its symbols and the main routes. The next step is the analysis of different perception of this pilgrimage way nowadays and in the past and the mention of some interesting statistical figures concerning modern pilgrims. Other part talks about the influence of St. James´ Way over economy and tourist trade in Galician region, the system of its support and promotion and the results of a public inquiry evaluating the success of the advertising campaign in abroad. The last chapter is dedicated to the relations between St. James´ Way and Czech Republic.

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