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Vývoj problému podvýživy v landlocked státech subsaharské Afriky
Juráňová, Lenka
This bachelor thesis defines the problem of nutrition as a global problem and characterizes the basic context of the concept of food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. The theoretical part describes the concept of food security from a historical point of view, the alternative concepts and the complex of nutrition are explained. It also analyzes the level and trends of undernourishment in landlocked Sub-Saharan African states and compares this level to other SSA countries. The typical general development challenges of these countries are defined and in this context the specifics of food security fulfillment. Further, it explaines the economic situation in concrete Sub-Saharan landlocked countries and in more detail analyzes the possible causes of the development of undernourishment. The graphs are conceived using FAOSTAT data and consequently they are put to context. In conclusion the acquired knowledge is summarized and the overal conclusions of the thesis are formulated.
Analýza ozbrojeného konfliktu v SAR mezi lety 2004-2015
Peterek, Daniel
The thesis focuses on the issue of armed conflict in the Central African Republic in the period 2004-2015, with an emphasis on its analysis. The thesis explores factors that influence the duration of the conflict in the CAR and the possibilities of its solution on the basis of theories of conflict and actors. The thesis further defines and conceptualizes the conflict, outlines the historical roots and course of the current conflict and describes its actors.
Potravinová bezpečnost v regionu střední Afriky
Staňková, Magdalena
The subject of this thesis is a summary and description of the theoretical approaches in the construction of the composite indicator and food security in selected countries of Central Africa, with a focus on the Central African Republic. Analytical part contains a statistical analysis of the issue of food security, along with graphical and tabular presentation of the results. The last part - the draft, contains recommendations and suggestions for improving the food security of Central African States and proposed measures to improve the food security of returnees and internally displaced persons.
Efektivnost poskytování rozvojové pomoci státy OECD na rozvoj dopravní infrastruktury Středoafrické republiky
Cenková, Jana
The bachelor thesis analyses the impact of providing development assistance by OECD countries on transport infrastructure in the Central African Republic from 2009 to 2013. The theoretical part consists of research which defines basic circuit concepts regarding official development assistance, developing economies, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and evaluation of transport network. The practical part is characterized by current state of the transport infrastructure in the Central African Republic. It also analyses the influence of development aid on the development of transport capacity and quality of the road network through selected appropriate indicators. In the suggestion part the author presents recommendations for further development of the transport sector, which could lead to improvement of its status quo.
UN peacekeeping in the Central African Republic
Slavíková, Hana ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Oberpfalzerová, Hana (referee)
Předkládaná bakalářská práce si klade za cíl zhodnotit úspěšnost peacekeepingových snah OSN a jejích misí ve Středoafrické republice a komparovat je s podobnými případy na území Angoly a Sierry Leone, zeměmi zasaženými občanskou válkou. Úspěšnost mise je definována na základě dvou měřítek: zabránění bezprostřednímu násilí a vyřešení dlouhodobých problémů. Powered by TCPDF (
Wagner Group and Opportunism in Russian Foreign Policy: Case Studies of the Central African Republic (CAR), Libya, and Mozambique
Strong, Christopher ; Riegl, Martin (advisor) ; Doboš, Bohumil (referee)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies Department of Geopolitical Studies Master's Thesis Wagner Group and Opportunism in Russian Foreign Policy: Case Studies of the Central African Republic (CAR), Libya, and Mozambique Abstract This research paper concerns Russian foreign policy and the tools it uses to accomplish its objectives. More specifically, the research is focused on the secretive private military company (PMC) Wagner Group. Wagner Group has been deployed around the globe to further the interests of Russia and is a key tool in Russia's opportunistic foreign policy. This paper seeks to answer the research question: At what point does the risk for Russia become too high to maintain the deployment of Wagner Group in a foreign country? Answering this research question will help academics and policymakers further understand the use of Wagner Group by the Russian government. Wagner Group is meant to be low risk to Russia. Previous research is sparse and often covers many deployments of Wagner Group. In contrast, this paper focuses on three case studies that allow for a more in- depth approach - Wagner Group in the Central African Republic (CAR), Libya, and Mozambique. Using qualitative analysis this paper discerned that in its use of Wagner Group, Russia will...
Comparison of the French interventions in Mali and CAR
Zelenka, Jan ; Doboš, Bohumil (advisor) ; Kofroň, Jan (referee)
Bachelor thesis "Comparation of French military interventions in Mali and Central African Republic" will examine problematics of French military interventions in Africa specifically in countries of the formal French colonial empire. Rational choice theory has been chosen as a theoretical base for explanation of French actions. First of all this thesis will describe deeper historical context and current French involvement in particular region. Later on the theory for explanation of contemporary French actions will be presented and it will include definition of main political, economic, social and security motives that can be universally applicable on French presence in the region. This theory will be tested on two recent cases of military interventions. Mali and Central African Republic will be two cases of comparation. In main part of this thesis French military interventions in these states and their comparation will be described. In each case of intervention their course of conflict, form of French intervention, major motives and international reception will be covered. Main objective of this comparation is an overall collation of specific motives of France for operation in these countries while it will focus on strategic, political and economic motives. Military comparation will be included as...
Motivation of France to launch Operation EUFOR Tchad/RCA from the perspective of neorealism
Pacáková, Kateřina ; Weiss, Tomáš (advisor) ; Emler, David (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an answer to the question what were the driving forces behind French involvement in the EU military mission EUFOR Tchad/RCA. Chad and Central African Republic, where the mission took place, are both former French colonies. Despite the fall of French colonial empire, France managed to remain significantly influential actor towards these countries. One of the instruments France utilized to maintain its influence were among others the military missions. Whilst these missions were mostly of unilateral nature during the Cold War, in the aftermath, international system changed dramatically and the type of missions in which France was involved and official discourse justifying the involvement changed simultaneously. Since 2003, France is increasingly participating within the framework of Common Security and Defence Policy at the expense of its unilateral involvement. French officials dismissed any motivations akin to colonialist legacy of France, on the contrary, they emphasized humanitarian purpose of these missions and common European interest to participate. This paper seeks to examine the driving forces behind French shift to multilateral cooperation through the case study of military mission in Chad and Central African Republic. These driving forces are evaluated...
UN peacekeeping in the Central African Republic
Slavíková, Hana ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Oberpfalzerová, Hana (referee)
Předkládaná bakalářská práce si klade za cíl zhodnotit úspěšnost peacekeepingových snah OSN a jejích misí ve Středoafrické republice a komparovat je s podobnými případy na území Angoly a Sierry Leone, zeměmi zasaženými občanskou válkou. Úspěšnost mise je definována na základě dvou měřítek: zabránění bezprostřednímu násilí a vyřešení dlouhodobých problémů. Powered by TCPDF (

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