Nanotechnology in construction of sensors for detection of hydrogen
Macháčková, Marina ; Hrdý, Radim (referee) ; Hubálek, Jaromír (advisor)
Aligned arrays of nanostructures has recently attracted great interest because of their unique properties and potential use in a broad range of technological applications. The nanostructures can be employed when it is essential to create large surface on a small area in electronic device as sensor technology or energetics e.g. solar panels. One of the simplest and low-cost methods of fabricating nanostructures is template-assisted electrochemical deposition. This method also enables good control over the nanostructure dimensions and can be used to deposit a wide range of materials. The proposed method consists of two steps. At first, a non-conductive nanoporous template has to be created and then nanostructures are formed by electrodeposition into the template which is coated with a metal on one of its sides or placed on a metal surface.
Fabrication of dental glass-ceramics
Hasalíková, Tereza ; Dlabajová, Lucie (referee) ; Bartoníčková, Eva (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis deals with the study of glass-ceramic materials and their use in dentistry. Nowadays, studies are placed on health harmless of the material, the biological ability to adapt to the host tissue, mechanical properties, affordability, easy and fast production, aesthetics and quick recovery of the patient. The theoretical part of the work deals with various materials from various input materials used for dental substitutes. Special attention is paid to glass-ceramic and ceramic biomaterials, their preparation, heat treatment and health testing. The experimental part deals with the preparation of powder materials by the sol-gel method. Of the larger number of samples, those were selected for gelation and showed good XRD and heat microscopy results. The selected samples were subsequently subjected to heat treatment to form a glass ceramic material. The products were characterized by XRD phase composition in terms of phase temperature behavior by TG-DTA analysis, heat microscopy and SEM morphology analysis of prepared particle.
Thin Film Electrodes for Electrochromic Devices
Macalík, Michal ; Kadlec, Jaromír (referee) ; Nováková,, Sabina (referee) ; Sedlaříková, Marie (advisor)
The work deals with the deposition of layers for electrochromic device with different methods. Transparent electrically conductive layer of SnO2 was deposited by pyrolytic decomposition of peroxostannate solution. Hydrogen peroxide in starting solution contributes to the oxidation process of growth layers and to increase the electrical conductivity. Active electrochromic layer of WO3 was electrolytic deposited from the peroxotungstic acid solution. Optimal deposition time and the optimal annealing temperature of deposited layers were found. Passive electrochromic layer of V2O5 was deposited using dip-coating method from peroxovanadate solution. A contribution of solution diluted with distilled water was investigated. Found results were used to construct complete electrochromic device with polymer gel electrolyte.
Fabrication of titania mesoporous layers by material printing
Schovancová, Petra ; Drbohlavová, Jana (referee) ; Dzik, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis was focused on the preparation of mesoporous titanium dioxide layers. Mesoporous layers were prepared from titanium tetraisopropoxide as a precursor with addition diethanolamine and polyethylene glycol. These layers were deposited by material printing. This work was also focused on the characterisation of prepared layers. Hydrophilicity of titanium dioxide layers were studied. The photocatalytic activity of the printed titanium layers was tested by the photocatalytic degradation of stearic acid. Bang-gap studies were performed. Quality of prepared layers was inspected by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy.
Sol-gel synthesis of a LAS glass ceramics and influence of additives on a phase transformation and crystallization.
Kalinová, Helena ; Opravil, Tomáš (referee) ; Ptáček, Petr (advisor)
Course of synthesis of Li2O – Al2O3 – SiO2 (LAS) ceramic via sol – gel process made precursor was investigated. Powder precursor containing LAS components in molar ratio 1:1:4 were prepared by polycondensation technique in aqueous medium using lithium chloride (LiCl), hydrated aluminium nitrate (Al(NO3)39H2O) and silica sol (tosil), respectively. Heated sol was transformed into gel. The resulting gel was dried at temperature 105 °C and xerogel was next calcinated at 750°C. Further was evaluated influence of sintering additives (MgO, ZnO, Ca5(PO4)3OH) on the length of sintering interval. All of them have been stabilized spodumene in the solid solution. The properties of ceramic body prepared by sintering of precursor and grinded Li2CO2, Al2O3 a SiO2 powders were compared. Simultaneous thermogravimety and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), X-ray diffractions and heating microscopy were used to study sintering process of LAS ceramic.
Combined aluminium-silicon based sol-gel binding system for refractory
Taraba, Vojtěch ; Koplík, Jan (referee) ; Švec, Jiří (advisor)
The following piece of work deals with the use of a combined aluminium-silicon based sol-gel binding system for refractory. The effect of different gelling agents on the gelation process was observed and rheometric measurements were performed for MgO. After optimizating the drying process, the resulting gel was characterized by thermal analyses, based on which the firing temperatures were selected. Qualitative analysis of the gels fired to the selected temperatures was performed using FTIR. Using XRD, the semi-quantitative phase composition of the samples was monitored as a function of firing temperature. The topography of the test bodies prepared based on results of the previous analyses was later observed using a scanning electron microscope.
Sol-gel synthesis of a LAS glass ceramics and influence of additives on a phase transformation and crystallization.
Kramerová, Nina ; Opravil, Tomáš (referee) ; Ptáček, Petr (advisor)
This work is focused on Li ceramics and glass-ceramics with low thermal expansion. Composition of these material is based on mineralogical composition of ?-spodumene – Li2O•Al2O3•4SiO2. Sol-gel route of preparation was used for preparation of the material. Sol-gel route is profitable because of production of high purity and controlled grain size powder. Lower sintering temperature, higher degree of homogeneity and shorter time of heat treatment in comparison with traditional approach belong among other advantages of sol-gel route of preparation. Influence of Li+ substitution for K+, which has similar atomic radius, is assessed in this work. These ions are localized in the interstitial position of spodumene structure and are able to maintain the charge balance. Li+ ions were substituted with K+ in the amount of 0; 0,5; 1; 2; 5 and 10 wt. % in view of Li+ weight. In the next step influence of adding mineralizer was specified in the material modified this way. The effect of adding mineralizer on phase transformation and heat treatment tendency was considered. K+ were added to the mixture in the form of potash. Due to this addition forming of orthoclase phase next to spodumene, eucryptit and SiO2 (ss) was detected. Decrease in melting temperature and ability of melt to crystallize were consequence of orthoclase forming. No crystallization appears, when more than 1 wt.% of K+ was added.
Ceramic porous materials - preparation, structure and properties
Šenk, Vít ; Bartoníčková, Eva (referee) ; Cihlář, Jaroslav (advisor)
The thesis targets to preparation a foam ceramics suitable for supporting, catalytic and biological applications. Theoretical part deals with methods of preparation, properties and applications of foam ceramics. Experimental part of work is focused on preparation foams by template method using polymer foam. Properties of ceramic slurry were evaluated according to discharge time of Ford cup. Foam structure is assessed using images and mechanical properties are judged by compressive tests.
Synthesis and photocatalytic applications of titanium dioxide
Solný, Tomáš ; Drbohlavová, Jana (referee) ; Vlček,, Jozef (referee) ; Ptáček, Petr (advisor)
V práci je zkoumán vliv podmínek na průběh hydrolýzy alkoxidů titanu a vlastností připravovaných nanočástic oxidu titaničitého s důrazem na teplotu a množství vody přítomné v systému. Připravované hydrolyzáty alkoxidů titanu a nanočástice oxidu titaničitého připravené z hydrolyzátů jsou studovány metodami XRD, DTA – TGA, SEM – EDS, BET a PCCS. Nanočástice magnetitu byly syntetizovány pomocí precipitační reakce z roztoku Mohrovy soli a jejich krystalová struktura, velikost a povrchové vlastnosti byly sledovány s vyhodnocením vlivu teploty a při modifikaci povrchu polykarboxyletherovým superplastifikátorem. Pro upevnění TiO2 na povrch magnetitu byla použita kombinovaná metoda aplikace vybraných nanočástic TiO2 s hydrolýzou TiO2 pomocí alkoxidů titanu za účelem přípravy fotokatalyticky aktivního core-shell práškového katalyzátoru s vylepšenými vlastnostmi adsorpce na povrchu. Studovány byly možnosti aplikace TiO2 na povrch Mn-Zn feritu, kdy byl studován vliv depozice tenkých vrstev C a Au na morfologii povrchu. Fotokatalytická aktivita vybraných připravených materiálů byla studována pomocí dekompozice methylenové modři v roztoku a par isopropanolu a ethanolu rozkládaných pomocí Mn-Zn feritu v experimentálním chemickém reaktoru s magnetickým polem stabilizovaným ložem nosiče katalyzátoru.
Processing of aerogel coatings on bulk materials substrates
Torres Rodríguez, Jorge Alberto ; Torre, Sebastián Díaz de la (referee) ; Pinkas, Jiří (referee) ; Kaiser, Jozef (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá systematickou studií syntézy a zpracováním pokročilých tepelně stabilních aerogelů pro potenciální vysokoteplotní aplikace. V první části dizertační práce jsou podrobně popsány syntetické implikace pro přípravu aerogelů a jejich aplikace spolu s popisem depozičních metod povlaků vytvořených pomocí sol-gel procesu. Experimentální postup je rozdělen do tří částí. První z nich představuje syntetické protokoly k přípravě ZrO2, YSZ, Ln2Zr2O7 (Ln = La3+, Nd3+, Gd3+, and Dy3+) aerogelů, Ln2Zr2O7 prášků a xerogelů. Dále je popsána depoziční metoda, která byla použita pro přípravu povlaků z aerogelů na kovových substrátech. Poté jsou následně specifikovány techniky, jež byly použity pro charakterizaci. Bylo zjištěno, že množství vody a kyseliny dusičné hraje rozhodující roli v přípravě gelů vhodných pro transformaci na aerogely. Po kalcinaci při 500 °C mají ZrO2 a YSZ aerogely velký povrch, a to až do 114 m2 g-1, avšak při 1000 °C dochází k úplnému zhuštění a ztrácí se tak veškerá jejich porézní struktura. Naopak ve srovnání s ZrO2 and YSZ jsou aerogely Ln2Zr2O7 tepelně stabilnější, protože si zachovávají svou porozitu při vyšší kalcinační teplotě (1000 °C), při které dosahují hodnot > 160 m2 g-1. Experimentálně bylo dále zjištěno, že ve studovaném teplotním rozsahu ZrO2 aerogel tvoří tetragonální komplex monoklinický fázový přechod řízený velikostí krystalitů, zatímco YSZ je tvořena jedinou tetragonální fází. Fázové složení zirkoničitanů vzácných zemin je vysoce závislé na způsobu syntézy; všechny Ln2Zr2O7 materiály jsou pyrochlorické nebo fluoritové krystalické fáze. Přímým odléváním aerogelu na kovový substrát dochází k úplnému rozpraskání povlaku z důvodu smršťování, zatímco máčením kovového substrátu v suspenzi je možné vyrobit homogenní, silné a hrubé povlaky z aerogelu. Tyto povlaky neobsahují fázové změny a zůstávají vysoce porézní i po různých tepelných úpravách.