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History of the Slavonic Monastery during the Hussite and Utraquist Period
Pohunek, Michal ; Kubín, Petr (advisor) ; Just, Jiří (referee) ; Halama, Ota (referee)
Michal POHUNEK, History of the Slavonic Monastery during the Hussite and Utraquist Period. Praha 2022. Doctoral dissertation. Abstract History of the Slavonic Monastery during the Hussite and Utraquist Period is a systematic and critical dissertation on the history of the Slavonic Monastery in the New Town of Prague and its monastic community in the period 1419-1471. For a deeper understanding of the events of the period, the research also considers the context of the events which occurred before and after this period and examines the relationship between the monastic tradition of the Order of Saint Benedict and the reforming spirit of the Hussite movement in fifteenth century Bohemia. The study examines the character of the mass liturgy performed at the monastery at the time and discusses the local monastic community's loyalty to monastic ideals and its relationship to radical movements in the fifteenth century. The community's relationship to the monastery's immediate surroundings is also discussed, and a general historical overview of the period is given, including a chapter on the movements and fate of the famous Reims Gospel.

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