National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
User interface for asset management system
Benko, Dávid ; Orsák, Michal (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the development of a web user interface for an asset management system called Amfora. Amfora gathers data regarding IP addresses, services and vulnerabilities from 9 other systems. The user interface is based on three tier architecture utilizing REST API. Frontend implementation uses the Vue.js framework (TypeScript/JavaScript language) and backend implementation uses the FastAPI framework (Python language). The system has been deployed into production use in the CESNET network and presented to the security operations center team in CESNET. Amfora has significantly simplified work in solving security incidents and network monitoring.
Lab tasks on compiled language vulnerabilities
Kluka, Peter Milan ; Štůsek, Martin (referee) ; Sysel, Petr (advisor)
This graduation thesis is devoted to a detailed analysis of vulnerabilities in freely distributed open-source programs. The thesis includes a description of different types of vulnerabilities that are often associated with software attacks. Static and dynamic code testing are examined in detail, as well as the tools used to detect vulnerabilities in source code. The thesis includes the development of three lab exercises, including detailed tutorials that demonstrate the consequences of incorrect implementations. The lab tasks focus on buffer overflow, path/directory traversal, and buffer over-read vulnerabilities. Every lab task includes a demonstration of the flawed code that was responsible for the vulnerability, as well as demonstration of the patched code that was used to fix the vulnerability. These tasks provide practical examples that illustrate the risks associated with inappropriate software design and implementation and demonstrate the importance of effective security techniques in software development.
Security verification tool for industrial and energy equipments
Sagindykova, Anel ; Kuchař, Karel (referee) ; Blažek, Petr (advisor)
Cílem této práce je analyzovat různé vyhledávače a vybrat ty nejvhodnější pro vytvoření nástroje k testování průmyslových a energetických zařízení z pohledu bezpečnosti. Bylo provedeno porovnání mezi Shodan, ZoomEye, Nexpose, Censys a BinaryEdge. Tyto vyhledávače byly porovnávány podle různých kritérií, například výkonnosti a jejich dalších veřejně dostupných informací. Jako nejvhodnější byly vybrány Shodan a ZoomEye a pomocí těchto vyhledavačů byla vytvořena webová aplikace. Tato aplikace je schopna načítat výsledky vyhledávání ze serverů pomocí jejich rozhraní API a je schopna je ukládat do databáze. Součástí práce je popis průmyslových a energetických protokolů, sítí a jejich bezpečnostních prvků. V rámci práce byl také popis několika nejznámějších útoků na tyto sítě. Posledním cílem práce je provést testování a evaluaci realizovaného nástroje na minimálně dvou zařízeních.
Gathering information about industrial equipment using a search engine
Danko, Krištof ; Fujdiak, Radek (referee) ; Pospíšil, Ondřej (advisor)
The work is focused on operating technologies, specificaly on the security of PLC (programmable logic controller), and obtaining information using device search engines. The types and parts of industrial networks, which are the main segment of operational technologies, and the search engines such as Shodan, Censy, BinaryEdge, and Zoomeye are described. These search engines are compared based on available information and industry protocols Siemens S7, Modbus, Ethernet / IP, and DNP3. In addition to comparing search engines, this work aims to create an application that can download results from the Shodan search engine via the Shodan API and store them in a database. Another point of work is the connection of own PLC, to determine the time of PLC appearing in search engines.
Dataset for Classification of Network Devices Using Machine Learning
Eis, Pavel ; Tisovčík, Peter (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
Automatic classification of devices in computer network can be used for detection of anomalies in a network and also it enables application of security policies per device type. The key to creating a device classifier is a quality data set, the public availability of which is low and the creation of a new data set is difficult. The aim of this work is to create a tool, that will enable automated annotation of the data set of network devices and to create a classifier of network devices that uses only basic data from network flows. The result of this work is a modular tool providing automated annotation of network devices using system ADiCT of Cesnet's association, search engines Shodan and Censys, information from PassiveDNS, TOR, WhoIs, geolocation database and information from blacklists. Based on the annotated data set are created several classifiers that classify network devices according to the services they use. The results of the work not only significantly simplify the process of creating new data sets of network devices, but also show a non-invasive approach to the classification of network devices.
Security verification tool for industrial and energy equipments
Sagindykova, Anel ; Kuchař, Karel (referee) ; Blažek, Petr (advisor)
Cílem této práce je analyzovat různé vyhledávače a vybrat ty nejvhodnější pro vytvoření nástroje k testování průmyslových a energetických zařízení z pohledu bezpečnosti. Bylo provedeno porovnání mezi Shodan, ZoomEye, Nexpose, Censys a BinaryEdge. Tyto vyhledávače byly porovnávány podle různých kritérií, například výkonnosti a jejich dalších veřejně dostupných informací. Jako nejvhodnější byly vybrány Shodan a ZoomEye a pomocí těchto vyhledavačů byla vytvořena webová aplikace. Tato aplikace je schopna načítat výsledky vyhledávání ze serverů pomocí jejich rozhraní API a je schopna je ukládat do databáze. Součástí práce je popis průmyslových a energetických protokolů, sítí a jejich bezpečnostních prvků. V rámci práce byl také popis několika nejznámějších útoků na tyto sítě. Posledním cílem práce je provést testování a evaluaci realizovaného nástroje na minimálně dvou zařízeních.
A tool for obtaining contextual information from open sources
Šťovíček, Petr ; Šeda, Pavel (referee) ; Martinásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a tool that can retrieve and present contextual information from several open sources such as Shodan or VirusTotal for a given input (e.g. IP address or domain name). The tool allows for the addition of other sources and can be integrated into other tools through the created clients or API. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the term indicator of compromise, describes some open sources of information and compares similar information aggregation tools.
Dataset for Classification of Network Devices Using Machine Learning
Eis, Pavel ; Tisovčík, Peter (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
Automatic classification of devices in computer network can be used for detection of anomalies in a network and also it enables application of security policies per device type. The key to creating a device classifier is a quality data set, the public availability of which is low and the creation of a new data set is difficult. The aim of this work is to create a tool, that will enable automated annotation of the data set of network devices and to create a classifier of network devices that uses only basic data from network flows. The result of this work is a modular tool providing automated annotation of network devices using system ADiCT of Cesnet's association, search engines Shodan and Censys, information from PassiveDNS, TOR, WhoIs, geolocation database and information from blacklists. Based on the annotated data set are created several classifiers that classify network devices according to the services they use. The results of the work not only significantly simplify the process of creating new data sets of network devices, but also show a non-invasive approach to the classification of network devices.
Gathering information about industrial equipment using a search engine
Danko, Krištof ; Fujdiak, Radek (referee) ; Pospíšil, Ondřej (advisor)
The work is focused on operating technologies, specificaly on the security of PLC (programmable logic controller), and obtaining information using device search engines. The types and parts of industrial networks, which are the main segment of operational technologies, and the search engines such as Shodan, Censy, BinaryEdge, and Zoomeye are described. These search engines are compared based on available information and industry protocols Siemens S7, Modbus, Ethernet / IP, and DNP3. In addition to comparing search engines, this work aims to create an application that can download results from the Shodan search engine via the Shodan API and store them in a database. Another point of work is the connection of own PLC, to determine the time of PLC appearing in search engines.

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