Sexism and objectification of women in Czech and Slovak rap video clips
Mazánek, Aleš ; Vochocová, Lenka (advisor) ; Hroch, Miloš (referee)
This bachelor's thesis examines the attitudes of rappers, female rappers, and rap video producers towards the issues of sexism and objectification of women in Czech and Slovak rap music videos. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether these issues are perceived by rap artists and video producers and subsequently describe how women are portrayed in rap music videos. To achieve these goals, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The theoretical part of the thesis delves into the history and different approaches in researching subcultures, describing the main currents and significant representatives. It also explores the history and evolution of the hip-hop subculture, defining key concepts. The work also addresses the divergent development of the hip-hop subculture in the USA and Europe, highlighting the main differences. Furthermore, the thesis examines the history of rap in the USA, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Another section of this thesis discusses gender and hip-hop, sexism, and the objectification of women, outlining problematic portrayals of women in rap music videos.
Sexist Portrayal of Women in Advertisement in Men's Lifestyle Magazines
Štochlová, Anežka ; Fousek Krobová, Tereza (advisor) ; Rosenfeldová, Jana (referee)
This bachelor thesis is about the sexist portrayal of women in men's lifestyle magazines. The theoretical part discusses the specifics of advertising, its history, legal regulation and self- regulation, and the features of sexist advertising. Furthermore, the concepts of gender, gender stereotypes and sexism are defined. Men's lifestyle magazines Playboy and Esquire are also briefly introduced. In the analytical part, research was conducted using quantitative content analysis. Magazines from the period 2015-2020 were examined. In particular, the research explored which products are most often promoted through sexist advertisements. The results showed that the most frequent are different media contents - websites, online magazines, books, e-shops or online television.
Annotated translation: "Vyhonit ďábla" by Terézia Ferjančeková and Zuzana Kašparová
Giannetti, Alessandra ; Winter, Astrid (advisor) ; Heinz, Christof (referee)
Bachelorarbeit Kommentierte Übersetzung von Auszügen aus dem Buch "Vyhonit ďábla" von Terézia Ferjančiková und Zuzana Kašparová zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) im Studiengang Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Translation Tschechisch-Deutsch vorgelegt von Alessandra Giannetti Matrikelnummer: 3740600 Erstbetreuer (Universität Leipzig): Dr. Christof Heinz Zweitbetreuerin (Univerzita Karlova): Dr. Astrid Winter 31. Januar 2023 2 Selbstständigkeitserklärung Ich erkläre hiermit, dass ich zur Anfertigung der vorliegenden Arbeit keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel und keine nicht genannte fremde Hilfe in Anspruch genommen habe. Alle Zitate aus der Primär- und Sekundärliteratur, einschließlich Zitaten aus Internetquellen und von elektronischen Datenträgern, habe ich an der jeweils betreffenden Textstelle markiert (direkte Zitate in Anführungszeichen) und einschließlich der zugehörigen Seitenangabe belegt. Die verwendete Primär- und Sekundärliteratur habe ich mit vollständigen bibliographischen Daten in der Bibliographie am Ende der Arbeit alphabetisch gelistet. Bei Internetquellen habe ich mein Zugriffsdatum mit angegeben. Die Arbeit wurde nicht für andere Prüfungszwecke verwendet. Mir ist bekannt, dass eine unwahrheitsgemäße Erklärung als Täuschung im Sinne von §...
Sexual harassment in the video game community
Veverková, Veronika ; Pavlík, Petr (advisor) ; Dvořáčková, Jana (referee)
This thesis deals with gender-based harassment in the video game community. The aim is to explore what behaviors women encounter in this sphere, how they deal with this behavior, what its consequences are and what behaviors gamers consider to be problematic. The theoretical part focuses on defining the term sexual and gender-based harassment, the issues of cyberspace and harassing behavior in it. The following, empirical part, deals with the chosen research method and the chosen qualitative method, which was carried out using semi-structured interviews. The interview was given by eight women participants who move around the video game community as casual gamers, professional gamers, streamers or developers. It is a feminist research, whose intention was to give women a voice and try to understand this relatively closed toxic environment through their words and experiences. Eight interviews showed quite a lot of hate and toxicity from other players which is specific to women. Key words : Sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, cyberspace, video games, toxicity
Sexist portrayal of women in marketing communication: differences in the perception of sexist advertising between women and men of generation Z
Brázdilová, Eva ; Rosenfeldová, Jana (advisor) ; Halada, Jan (referee)
This bachelor thesis examines the sexist portrayal of women in marketing communication, focusing on whether sexism in advertising is perceived differently by women and men of Generation Z. Despite the significant influence of advertising on social attitudes towards gender, there is a lack of academic texts on how people perceive and respond to sexist advertising. This thesis consists of three parts - theoretical, methodological and research, which provide an overview of the theory of sexism, the different forms of sexist portrayals of women in advertising, means of fighting against sexism and its regulation, research methodology and analysis of research findings. The research was conducted through semi-structured interviews with Generation Z respondents to obtain qualitative data on their views on sexism in advertising. The discussion of the research findings provides insight into the attitudes and perceptions of Generation Z towards sexist portrayals of women in advertising and offers important implications for the advertising industry and society as a whole. The gathered data shows that both genders view sexist portrayal of women in advertising in a similar way, which is negative. The only significant difference was men's lower ability to recognize sexism.
League of Legends Player Community Toxicity
Wija, Jakub ; Fousek Krobová, Tereza (advisor) ; Houška, Jan (referee)
This thesis describes the toxic behaviour of League of Legends gaming community. It offers definitions of toxic behaviour as a communication-behavioural phenomenon that results from disruptive behaviour. It also describes types of toxic behaviour such as cheating, sabotage, mediocritizing, hostages-holding, and communicative aggression, on which I focused in this thesis. This thesis takes a closer look at hostility towards female and queer gamers and describes phenomena such as toxic geek masculinity or the incel movement. The main aim is to familiarize the reader with the issue and represent the perspective of the victims of this type of behaviour. The perspective is explored in the thesis through qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interviews. The research sample consisted of six respondents. Three respondents who identify as queer players and three respondents who identify as female. The interviews focused on how they perceive the toxic behaviour of the League of Legends community and how they perceive the game title itself. Amongst other, the analytical part includes the male and female respondents' experiences with hate speech or the strategies they use to cope with this type of toxic behaviour.
Analysis of the role of representation of pathological models of intrapersonal relationships in romantic comedies in the formation of cultural perceptions and behavioral standards of modern society
Pekaryk, Polina ; Soukup, Martin (advisor) ; Poliaková, Karolína (referee)
This bachelor's thesis is going to focus on the analysis of the representation of the pathological models of romantic relationships in films of romantic comedy genre and its impact on the formation of cultural perceptions and consequently, of behavioral standarts in modern society. The discouse of the thesis is also examination of the essence of psycological, particularly of cognitive processes, which are the foundation of formation of interaction models of viewers and media content of audiovisual nature. These cognitive processes will be analyzed through the utility of the selective exposure theory, social cognitive theory the cultivation theory of G.Gebner. Subsequently I study the topic of the romantic comedy genre and, on the basis on the selected films, I discribe and analyze pathological social phenomenons, which are propagated overtly or covertly in listed films. The main instances of those pathological phenomenons are sexism, normalization of psychological and sexual abuse, gender representation and stereotypization and others. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to the ilustration of the consequences of disemination of media messages of such character on the grounds of the selected studies.
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Analysis of the role of representation of pathological models of intrapersonal relationships in romantic comedies in the formation of cultural perceptions and behavioral standards of modern society
Pekaryk, Polina ; Soukup, Martin (advisor) ; Poliaková, Karolína (referee)
This bachelor's thesis is going to focus on the analysis of the representation of the pathological models of romantic relationships in films of romantic comedy genre and its impact on the formation of cultural perceptions and consequently, of behavioral standarts in modern society. The discouse of the thesis is also examination of the essence of psycological, particularly of cognitive processes, which are the foundation of formation of interaction models of viewers and media content of audiovisual nature. These cognitive processes will be analyzed through the utility of the selective exposure theory and the cultivation theory of G.Gebner. Subsequently I study the topic of the romantic comedy genre and, on the basis on the selected films, I discribe and analyze pathological social phenomenons, which are propagated overtly or covertly in listed films. The main instances of those pathological phenomenons are sexism, normalization of psychological and sexual abuse, gender representation and stereotypization and others. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to the ilustration of the consequences of disemination of media messages of such character on the grounds of the selected studies.
Sexism in the reality show Your face sounds fimiliar
Vaňková, Alžběta ; Reifová, Irena (advisor) ; Jansa, Petra (referee)
This bachelor 's thesis deals with the presence of sexism in the TV show Your face sounds familiar broadcast by TV Nova. The examined show Your face sounds familiar belongs to the genre of Reality TV, which will be described with its brief history in the thesis. The thesis will also introduce other concepts such as sexism, objectification theory and gender stereotypes. The thesis will provide a brief description of the show Your face sounds familiar. The practical part of the thesis is a qualitative analysis of media content for the study of television news according of E. E. Fields. This analysis will be conducted in seven stages. The aim of the qualitative analysis is to find out if sexism appears in the Czech reality show Your face sounds familiar, if so, what extent it occurs and who is the most frequent initiator.