Modernization of LV switchboards in meshed network in Brno
Kalina, Šimon ; Nedoma, Jakub (referee) ; Vrtal, Matěj (advisor)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to conduct a research on the topic of LV grid, its application and specifics of its operation and design in the first part. This part also describes the indicators of the quality of power supply, their impact on the distributor and the influence of the grid network on their form. In the practical part, for a specific investment action consisting in the renewal of LV switchboards in the grid node stations in Brno, a technical report is prepared, which will serve as a basis for the implementation of the renewal itself. Furthermore, the current development of the switchboards is evaluated and a solution is proposed for the reconstruction of the stations, including atypical ones.
Reliability indices in conditions of different types of MV distribution networks
Adámek, Ondřej ; Skala, Petr (referee) ; Blažek, Vladimír (advisor)
The aim of my thesis was to clarify the basic concepts and calculations in the area of reliability of power distribution, as an important element for increase the quality of supplied electric power, this issue we examined in Chapter 3. In the previous chapter, we explained the fundamental solution of MV networks in the Czech Republic and Germany. In Chapter 4 we explained the difficulties in evaluating their values and comparisons between distributional companies, which follows that there should be a uniform procedure for the storage and collection of data for power outages. And the individual distribution companies should follow this standard.
Analysis of the impacts of DS element failures on reliability indicators
Vachutka, Ondřej ; Hanuš, Radek (referee) ; Ptáček, Michal (advisor)
Bachelor's thesis deals with the impacts of distribution network element failures on reliability indicators. Therefore it makes basic description of the reliability, the reliability indicators or the regulation of continuity in distribution of electric power. It also presents main results of the identification and evaluation of individual 22 kV elements failures in distribution network of PREdistribuce, a. s. between 2011 to 2016.
SAIDI and SAIFI Calculation for a Low Voltage Distribution Networks in Mesh Configuration
Dohnal, Josef ; Souček, Jan (referee) ; Paar, Martin (advisor)
This diploma thesis aims to briefly interpret problems relating to continuity of distribution of electrical energy in a distribution network of low voltage. It also mentions methods of calculation of a distribution system´s reliability which are the most used in practice. Next, there is a chapter dedicated to how distribution networks are projected and operated in the Czech Republic and in the United Kingdom. Based on experiences with meshed networks operation this thesis designs protection of meshed distribution network of low voltage. In the end, a non-sequential method of Monte Carlo is used to calculate System Average Interruption Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency index (SAIFI).
Reliability of Power Distribution Network
Polák, Jiří ; Belatka, Martin (referee) ; Špaček, Jaroslav (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to inform about ways of evaluation of distribution network reliabilities in the states of the European Union and in the Czech Republic and evaluation of reliability of particular distribution network and results of used methods. Therefore, there is at first an introduction to the reliability theory, basic terms and quantities from this field. After the introduction follows the explanation of using and calculating of the reliabilities in the electro-energetics and detailed description of methods used for their calculations. There is also a detailed explanation of the basis of reliability schemes and simulative methods. This part includes the evaluation of the reliability in the Czech Republic from the position of guaranteed standards of the continuousness electric energy delivery and the individual standards are introduced and explained here. The present situation in European Union is being shown in the summary of system and customer standards of electric power supply continuousness used in the specific countries. Distribution network reliability is evaluated with the use of so called box graphs and methods for evaluation of reliabilities by giving the expenditures of probable undelivered energy and expenditures of crossing limit of the total time of interruption penalization. The box graphs method shows evaluation of the whole network and individual areas of the network from the view of number of year interruptions and the total amount of the time of all interruptions. The evaluation of the remaining two expenditure methods includes not only comparison of the whole network, but also comparison of the individual outputs of the network and their arrangement according to the height of expenditures. The comparison of the used method results is made in the thesis conclusion.
Analysis of the impacts of DS element failures on reliability indicators
Vachutka, Ondřej ; Hanuš, Radek (referee) ; Ptáček, Michal (advisor)
Bachelor's thesis deals with the impacts of distribution network element failures on reliability indicators. Therefore it makes basic description of the reliability, the reliability indicators or the regulation of continuity in distribution of electric power. It also presents main results of the identification and evaluation of individual 22 kV elements failures in distribution network of PREdistribuce, a. s. between 2011 to 2016.
Reliability of Power Distribution Network
Polák, Jiří ; Belatka, Martin (referee) ; Špaček, Jaroslav (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to inform about ways of evaluation of distribution network reliabilities in the states of the European Union and in the Czech Republic and evaluation of reliability of particular distribution network and results of used methods. Therefore, there is at first an introduction to the reliability theory, basic terms and quantities from this field. After the introduction follows the explanation of using and calculating of the reliabilities in the electro-energetics and detailed description of methods used for their calculations. There is also a detailed explanation of the basis of reliability schemes and simulative methods. This part includes the evaluation of the reliability in the Czech Republic from the position of guaranteed standards of the continuousness electric energy delivery and the individual standards are introduced and explained here. The present situation in European Union is being shown in the summary of system and customer standards of electric power supply continuousness used in the specific countries. Distribution network reliability is evaluated with the use of so called box graphs and methods for evaluation of reliabilities by giving the expenditures of probable undelivered energy and expenditures of crossing limit of the total time of interruption penalization. The box graphs method shows evaluation of the whole network and individual areas of the network from the view of number of year interruptions and the total amount of the time of all interruptions. The evaluation of the remaining two expenditure methods includes not only comparison of the whole network, but also comparison of the individual outputs of the network and their arrangement according to the height of expenditures. The comparison of the used method results is made in the thesis conclusion.
SAIDI and SAIFI Calculation for a Low Voltage Distribution Networks in Mesh Configuration
Dohnal, Josef ; Souček, Jan (referee) ; Paar, Martin (advisor)
This diploma thesis aims to briefly interpret problems relating to continuity of distribution of electrical energy in a distribution network of low voltage. It also mentions methods of calculation of a distribution system´s reliability which are the most used in practice. Next, there is a chapter dedicated to how distribution networks are projected and operated in the Czech Republic and in the United Kingdom. Based on experiences with meshed networks operation this thesis designs protection of meshed distribution network of low voltage. In the end, a non-sequential method of Monte Carlo is used to calculate System Average Interruption Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency index (SAIFI).
Reliability indices in conditions of different types of MV distribution networks
Adámek, Ondřej ; Skala, Petr (referee) ; Blažek, Vladimír (advisor)
The aim of my thesis was to clarify the basic concepts and calculations in the area of reliability of power distribution, as an important element for increase the quality of supplied electric power, this issue we examined in Chapter 3. In the previous chapter, we explained the fundamental solution of MV networks in the Czech Republic and Germany. In Chapter 4 we explained the difficulties in evaluating their values and comparisons between distributional companies, which follows that there should be a uniform procedure for the storage and collection of data for power outages. And the individual distribution companies should follow this standard.