Demographic situation in Russia - political declarations and reality.
Ryšavá, Anna ; Romancov, Michael (advisor) ; Mlejnek, Josef (referee)
This work focuses on the demographic situation in Russia in connection with political declarations and subsequently their comparison with reality. The aim is therefore to describe and analyze the history and current state of the demographic situation in Russia. Next this work focuses on analysis of factors that have had an impact on the demographic situation over the years and that have led to today's situation. In most of the chapters, the policies that were declared or applied to solve the crisis are mentioned. The final chapters then evaluate them and compare the declarations with reality. To determine set goals, an analysis of academic sources, government documents and statistics were used primarily. In final chapters that focus on current situation, outside of mentioned, articles from relevant media were used. Based on these methods, the results were then evaluated. These point to an ever-worsening demographic situation, which we are monitoring mainly through depopulation, which has been going on since the collapse of the Soviet Union. That is mainly caused by low birth rates and high mortality rates, especially in the male category. The problems that Russia is currently facing are also the imbalance of age categories or the long-term low life expectancy for men. As far as political measures...
Srovnání zemědělské produkce v Ruské federaci před a po zavedení hospodářských sankcí v roce 2014
Konopkin, Nikita
Konopkin, N. The comparison of the agricultural production in the Russian Federation before and after imposing the economic sanctions in 2014. Bachelor's thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2021. This work assesses the impact of the economic sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation in 2014 on the development of the agricultural production. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The first part aims to introduce the problems related to the economic sanctions and after that provides the definition of the agricultural sector. The second part is dedicated to analyzing the impact of the economic sanctions on the development of the agricultural production in the Russian Federation. The conclusion part summarizes the impact of the sanctions on the development of the agricultural production in the Russian Federation.
Porovnání požadavků na produkci masných výrobků v České republice a Ruské federaci
Chepaykin, Yaroslav
In this work I deal with the similarities and differences between the laws of the Czech Republic and Russia in the field of food production, safety and labelling. The aim is also to find out the priorities of states in the food industry, especially the production of canned meat. The technology of canned meat production and related processes is described. The relevance of research into extending the shelf life of food is growing due to factors such as population growth, declining economic activity in countries, as well as the more efficient use of food raw materials. World economic and political instability forces states to accumulate and maintain available resources. Analysis of the methods of different countries and nations allows us to determine the most optimal vector of development.
Vnější ekonomické vztahy Venezuely s vybranými zeměmi
Stříbrná, Veronika
This bachelor thesis deals with the political and economic relations between Venezuela and the three great powers, which include Russia, China and the USA. They are trying to expand their power and influence in the region through Venezuela. At the same time, it examines Venezuela's relationship with the European Union, which has been imposing sanctions on the country since 2017. The first part deals with the definition of sanctions and the historical development of Venezuela's foreign relations. The second part is devoted to the analysis of specific economic and political measures that have been applied to Venezuela. The aim was to assess the degree of dependence of Venezuela on economic partners. Another goal was to assess the impact of the imposed sanctions on the country's foreign policy. This work was processed in the form of a literature search.
Role Ruska na západním Balkáně: případová studie Srbska a BiH
Tengler, Tomáš
This thesis focuses on the Russian presence in the Western Balkans, specifically in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russia has been consistently employing its soft power in these states, influencing the internal and external policies of the analyzed countries through narratives. This thesis analyses the objectives, methods and sources of Russian foreign policy in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main part of the thesis is already focused on the specific narratives that resonate in the Serbian nation or ethnic group, as well as in the policies of both states, which it names and discusses in detail. The thesis is a disciplined interpretive case study type.
Analýza faktorů migrace mladé generace z Ruska do ČR
Babich, Denis
Bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of factors in relation to migration of young russian generation (students) to the Czech Republic. In the first part, I mention the-oretic approaches in relation to the problematic of migration. In accordance to the data collected by a questionnaire, I analyzed the factors of migration to the Czech republic. Analytical part consists of the analysis of selected factors in relation to specific categories and the evaluation of results of the questionnaire.
Ruské vnímání Číny a jejich obyvatel v 21. století
Boiarshinova, Marina
The thesis describes the perception of China and the Chinese in the Russian media. The theoretical part of the work presents the development of the relations between Russia and China after the Cold War, examines them from an economic point of view and monitors the limits that occur. The methodology introduces the critical discursive analysis approach, which will be used in the practical part to find out the results. The final part summarizes the results that were gained during the research and open space for discussion.
Surveillance and authoritarianism: the case study of Russia
Mammadov, Mammad
The Diploma Thesis focuses on the exploration of how authoritarianism regime uses and misuses various surveillance mechanisms for the purposes of social control in Russian Federation. The materials for the were collected from the conduction of qualitative case study which used both research data, secondary and primary. The way the data collected was collected was legal and it was gathered from the various reports of civil society ad international organizations. The results of the study showed that by using qualitative data by primary and secondary sources has revealed that Russia’s approach of mass surveillance has affected its country in a negative way towards the public. The use of the Federal Security Service has created an information stream that’s collected from every individual that lives in Russia. Methods such as introducing Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to monitoring the internet in all aspects of the Russian data network has created strong protests from the public as years have passed. In addition, facial recognition technology has modernized surveillance to a point where all information of a citizen is stored and ultimately made into predictive models. Thus, making Russia one of the most heavily invested countries in artificial intelligence. Results suggested can show that the Russian government has used surveillance functions to observe and track their public as well as emergency situations such as COVID-19 and dissuade any fake information that is circulated around its network if it was given by the government. By testing how strong its surveillance is in all factors of its society, can Russia truly have authoritarian absolution in every aspect.
Rozvoj venkovského cestovního ruchu v Ruské federaci
Troitskaya, Anastasia
The aim of this work is to outline the current state of rural tourism in the Russian Federation. The introduction captures the description of the country and individual regions focused on the development of agrotourism and analyzes the problems it faces nowadays. The thesis also considers the strengths and weaknesses of rural tourism in Russia, compares the agritourism of this country with European countries, especially the Czech Republic, and presents an example of one of the Russian companies working in the field of agritourism and its SWOT analysis. For clarity, the thesis includes photographs, tables, and graphs.
Analýza výkonnosti anglického plnokrevníka v rovinových dostizích v Ruské federaci.
Firsova, Svetlana
The diploma thesis "Analysis of the performance of the English Thoroughbred in flat races in the Russian Federation" deals with the history of racing, the origins of racehorses and also the performance tests of the English Thoroughbred, which is performed on the Russian racetracks. The thesis also contains a description of the division of races and their names; the description includes the current race situation and system in the Russian Federation. The experimental part of the work evaluates the development of racing in the Russian Federation and statistical evaluation of the effect of suffix, gender, statistic year and age of horses on their racing performance, which is determined by the money achieved. The data were used from the Russian database Ippodrom.ru. Horses of all ages running flat races in the years 2012 to 2021 were selected for our analysis. The data were processed and statistically evaluated in the STATISTICA 2012 program. A statistically significant effect on performance was found for all tested factors. Using multifactor analysis, it was statistically highly convincing that based on the assessed suffix factor, the group of horses with the American suffix had the highest winnings. Testing by country of origin has shown in all years that horses from Russia (29 892 CZK) are statistically significantly worse than horses from the USA (74 216 CZK) or France (66 757 CZK). During sex testing, it was found that mares (CZK 23 993) are statistically significantly worse than geldings (30 541 CZK) and stallions (50 378 CZK). When testing the effect of age, it turned out that a third of the total number of horses starting in races in Russia consists of two-year-old horses. There is a growing trend of winnings from 2 to 8 years, but from 8 years it decreases sharply. However, horses in the age group of 8 years (mostly stallions) achieved the largest gain, of which there were 57 and the average gain is 139 973 CZK. The average profit of two-year-old horses in Russia for the period 2012-2021 is 15 755 CZK, with 3 555 horses. When tested according to the statistical year, it was achieved that the performance of horses running flat races in Russia is improving every year towards the present.