Návrh a implementace lokalizace kolového robotu
Čížek, Robert
The thesis describes various solutions for localisation of mobile robotic systems and comments on their properties. It contains implementations of simulation and working example of chosen algorithm. Practical exhibition of the chosen algorithm was prepared for outdoor robotic platform with Ackerman type of chassis and with sensoric apparatus containing relative encoders in rear axle, electronic compass and GNSS module.
Konstrukční řešení tenzometrické měřicí hlavy
Kukla, Jan
The main objective of my thesis is to design the constuction of strain gauge mea-surring head. This constrction allows testing float in the pool and facilitate the job of a human operator. By measuring we determined the physical properties of the float. The construction is mounted on the robot KUKA. I chose suitable sensor single-point for measuring buoyacy and tensile strength float on the surface. Strain sensor has an cover IP67. Material of the supportng structure is made of aluminium alloy from company MayTec. The sensors are located in the axis of the center of gravity of the float, which i experimentally calculated. From my experience, character of the float in work on the surface and under load be expected change center of gravity. Construction is adapted for this situation. Final product is light and durable construction with precise sensors and low price.
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Návrh komunikačního protokolu pro řízení vybraných robotických platforem
Čížek, Robert
The thesis is focused on the design and implementation of elementary routines and communication protocols of selected robots. Main procedures of this design are under discussion as well. Part of the thesis is dedicated to the assembly of appropriate communication protocols intended for information transfer. The communication is set up between low-level computational unit and main control unit. Several tests are performed to evaluate suitability and correctness of the whole souliton.
Vliv dojicích strojů na traumatizaci mléčné žlázy dojnic
Neužil, Filip
This presented diploma thesis deals with changes in surface temperature on teats during the whole milking process. This thesis is divided into several parts, which describe basic types of conventional and robotic milking parlors. Basic information is given on selected milking parlors, especially of technical nature. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the comparison and evaluation of two different methods of milking – conventional and automated. Comparison of both milking methods was done by traumatization of teats, thus surface temperature difference of teats during the whole process of milking. The measurement was performed in two agriculture establishments: in University Farm Estate in Zabčice and Farm Estate owned by Zemax Šitbořice, a. s. based in Šitbořice. The measurements occurred in the period from February 6 to August 5 in the year 2020. On both farms, the differences in the surface temperature of the teats during the whole milking process acquired positive values only. There was a lower rise in temperature on the farm in Šitbořice. In conclusion of the thesis, both methods of milking are compared in connection with the measured values.
Moderní trendy v technologii kovoobrábění
Dostál, Jiří
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of metal cutting and automation of manu-facturing processes. The first part is a presentation of some of the theories and methods of cutting and non-cutting operations. The basis and principles are described. Following part focuses on cutting materials, its basic division and expected progress. Next part describes distribution of machining centres and the market presence. The attention is also focused on robotization and its use in engineering industry. The most perspective and modern technology appears to be the non-cutting operation, which is described in this thesis.
Návrh a implementace řídicího software mobilního robotu
Ostřížek, František
The main aim of this diploma thesis is the design and implementation of the control unit of the autonomous wheeled robot. The designed control software consists of several layers and various modules which deals with the problem of localization in the known map of the environment and path planning. Problem of localization is solved using mathematical model of movements of the robot and the GPS sensor. The problem of the roads detection is solved using image analysis. The designed solution is able to ensure autonomous movements of the robot along the roads of selected city parks.
Automation of production lines: an ethical point of view
Ježek, Jan ; Sousedík, Prokop (advisor) ; Šolcová, Kateřina (referee)
Through automation and robotization, factories are trying to eliminate the participation of human labour in their production, with goal to have efficient production and higher profits. The thesis focuses mainly on the consequences of automation. The first part of the thesis characterizes the process of automation itself and its historical development. It shows the advantages and problems of automation. The second part focuses on the process from a sociological point of view, i.e., the implications for the lives of workers. The main part is an examination of the process from an ethical point of view. I focus primarily on the dignity of work, the meaning of work, business ethics, corporate codes of ethics and ethical values.