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Komparace hypotečních úvěrů v České republice a na Slovensku
Iurchenko, Alina
Iurchenko A., Comparison of Mortgage Loans in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel university in Brno, 2021. This bachelor thesis examines mortgage loans in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The theoretical framework describes essential distinctive features of mortgage loans as well as related basic concepts. In the practical part, a comparison of macroeconomic indicators in the states concerned is undertaken and model examples are calculated. A comparison of mortgage loans in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is conducted based on the processed data. Recommendations for prospective clients are formulated in the conclusion of this thesis.
Auction Portal with Non-banking Loans in The Czech Republic
Hadač, Marek ; Pochyla, Martin (referee) ; Heralecký, Tomáš (advisor)
This thesis delas with the business plan of the internet auction portal with non banking loans. The main aim of the thesis is on the base of financial plan and financial alalysis design functional system which would be realizable in practise. In theoretical part I deal with internet auctions and also legislation of consumers contracts and loans. In practical part comparing the loan market and proposal of business solution.
Possibilities Lending to Company by Choosen Bank and Non-bank Entities
Šprta, František ; Čučka, Milan (referee) ; Rejnuš, Oldřich (advisor)
The Bachelor thesis is focused on the comparison of commercial banks and non-banking credit companies in term of the supply of business loans to businessman. The comparison is performed based on an analysis of the supply of business loans provided by subjects selected out of the Czech financial market. Selected loans will be compared by selected criteria. The result is a selection of the most favorable loan for specific company.
The Creditworthiness of the Client in the Non-banking Entity
Kindl, Tomáš ; MBA, Přemysl Kučera, (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
The topic of the bachelor thesis is lending to individuals with non-banks in the current situation of the Czech Republic. It focuses primarily on the assessment system of individuals nonbank companies and determining the creditworthiness of individuals and conditions of cash loans for existing and new clients. The comparison is made on the basis of analysis of the client's choice nonbank companies.
Proposal of Funding Private Housing with Regard to the Rate of APR
Vognar, Ondřej ; Čulenová, Jana (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
This thesis examines different possibilities of housing financing. The theoretical part describes basic terms and types of housing financing, especially mortages and credits given by the building savings bank. The analytical part focused on compering concrete products from chosen finance institutions and define risks related with them. The focus is mainly on the rate APR. In practical part are displayed specific situations and choosing the optimal method of financing.
Lending to Individuals by Chosen Bank and non-bank Entities
Sádlík, Petr ; SEIDLOVÁ, Monika (referee) ; Rejnuš, Oldřich (advisor)
The Bachelor thesis focuses on the comparison of commercial banks, credit unions and non-banking credit companies in term of the supply of consumer loans to individuals. The comparison is performed based on an analysis of the supply of consumer loans provided by subjects selected out of the Czech market. The comparison brings a partial view of actual loans and highlights their main features, that are crucial in selecting.

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