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Návrh sedacího prvku s důrazem na psychologické působení na uživatele
Smrčková, Petra
Design of a chair with an emphasis on the psychological impact on the people is the content of this thesis. The starting point for the design is theoretical part, where basic informations about ergonomics, psychological aspects of seating and design development are arranged. Before proposing the need was to do survey of current trends and products with a similar nature, according to typology, and according to the material. In the chapter "The design" is described proces of designing, which is supplemented by pictures of sketches, models and visualizations. The final design of the chair is demonstrated by visualizations and photographs of 1:1 model.
Psychologie marketingové komunikace
Kučerová, Anna
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is finding out which psychological factors affect the customer’s shopping behaviour. The aim is evaluation of marketing communication based on the acquired knowledge. The work is divided into chapters. These chapters describe a basic literature review, methodology, analysis of the questionnaire, discussions, quantification of cost, and conclusion. The literature review explains the concepts related to the communication mix, guerrilla marketing and psychological knowledge. The discussion compares the findings of the questionnaire survey with the findings of research by various authors. For evaluate marketing communication from the perspective of customer psychology, three companies were selected, and a cost calculation was created for the best one. In conclusion are recommendations for the correct creation of marketing communication which are proposed based on the acquired knowledge in the field of psychology.
Únava z rozhodovánia a jej dopad v managemente
Brutovský, Filip
The bachelor thesis focuses on decision fatigue and its impact in management. The theoretical part introduces the reader to the terminology, basic divisions of decision-making and problems in decision-making in management. The practical part contains statistical data that were obtained from managers from selected areas of business. Based on these data, the bachelor's thesis tries to figure out what problems the managers face in decision-making, what affects them, how much they feel about decision-making fatigue and what prevention would be ap-propriate.
Psychologie prostředí a její uplatnění v procesu tvorby nábytku a interiéru
Šafaříková, Karolína
The main goal of this master thesis is to introduce environmental psychology and its application in the process of furniture and interior design. Environmental psychology is a significant field of applied psychology, which can provide useful information for designers and their work. The focus is mainly on means of perception of design components and features, such as shapes and colours, and its processing and interpretation. The thesis primarily describes theoretical studies, which can later serve as a philosophical principle for designer's creative proces, leading to creation of not only fully functional, but also psychologically pleasant design.
Začleňování tématu psychohygieny do výuky na vybraných středních školách
The bachelor thesis focuses on the teaching of psychohygiene topics at selected secondary schools. The attention is mainly focused on the topics of lifestyle, stress, self-knowledge, frustration, conflicts, relaxation and burnout syndrome. The practical part consists of qualitative analysis of interviews with three teachers from different secondary schools - a gymnasium, secondary medical school and secondary vocational school. The interviews are focused on the already mentioned topics of psychohygiene, on their teaching, content, goals, but also on the network of mental health support and prevention at schools.
Relation of depression, stress and anxiety levels and current mood state with the size of the complex response during stimulation of reflex turning according to Vojta
Košatková, Zuzana ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Švojgrová, Andrea (referee)
Author: Zuzana Košatková Title: Relation of depression, stress and anxiety levels and current mood state with the size of the complex response during stimulation of reflex turning according to Vojta. Aims: The main aim of the thesis is to clarify whether there is a relationship between the level of depression, anxiety and stress levels and current mood state with the size of the complex response during the stimulation of reflex turning according to Vojta (VRL). Other aim is to find out whether reflexive turning according to Vojta has an effect on current mood state. Methods: The study was conducted on 27 healthy women aged 19-25 years. At the beginning of the research participants completed the DASS-42 and POMS-SF questionnaire. Then, a 10-minute placebo stimulation of reflex turning ("chest zone" between the 2nd and 3rd ribs) was performed. During the 10-minute break, probands again completed the POMS-SF questionnaire. This was followed by 10-minute of reflex turning stimulation by Vojta from thesupine position from the thoracic zone between the 6th and 7th ribs. At the end of the session, participants completed the POMS-SF questionnaire for the last time. Non-parametric repeated measures ANOVA, post-hoc Durbin-Conover test and correlation matrix with Kendall's Tau B correlation coefficient were...
Psychohygiene of a paramedic
This study focuses on the psychohygiene of emergency medical responders, aiming to understand the professional demands on their mental health and well-being. The work analyzed stress factors, burnout syndrome, and mental health, examining the influence of stress on individuals and the importance of mental hygiene and self-care. The main objective was to ascertain the perception of psychological demands among emergency medical responders in prehospital care. The theoretical part of the study addresses issues of mental disorders, the influence of stress, and its effects on emergency medical responders. The practical section sought answers to predetermined hypotheses through research. The research was based on a questionnaire survey distributed among emergency medical responders. Based on the findings, it was observed that many responders experience stressful situations related to their work, which can have a negative impact on their mental health and well-being. We found no significant difference in the perception of psychological demands between genders. There was no difference in the perception of psychological demands based on length of practice. We also identified various activities that emergency medical responders engage in for their mental hygiene. The results indicate that providing support for stress management and mental health care is crucial for emergency medical responders in their professional lives. The conclusions of this study may contribute to a better understanding of responders' needs and the support of their mental health and well-being in the workplace. In the conclusion of the bachelor's thesis, in addition to summarizing the research results and evaluating the fulfillment of objectives, recommendations for current practice among emergency medical responders are provided. These recommendations are derived from the findings and can serve as a practical guide for improving the care of mental health among emergency medical responders in their professional environment.
The influence of travel on the personality of young people
This bachelor thesis deals with two thematic areas - young people's motivation to traveling, especially to long-term travels, and at the same time the role of traveling in shaping their personalities. The author analyzes, among other things, the phenomenon of youth travel, associated with young generation, where young people, after completing their education, prefer traveling combined with seasonal work over building a career, partnerships, and family relationships. In the practical part, she used the method of qualitative research. Through interviews, she aimed to capture not only the motives of individual respondents and the positive influence of the aforementioned way of life on their personalities but also any potential negative impacts. The author reflects on this issue through her own travel experience.

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